5/1/2023 Toronto @ Boston


SoSH Member
May 28, 2007
Nobody Cares
Big 4-game set. If Boston sweeps, they'll overtake Toronto in the standings. Corey Kluber toes the slab for Boston, trying to build on his 6-inning 1 run gem against the mighty Orioles. The Sox finished April with a winning record, and would love to start May on a good note. Jose Berrios can be rattled. Let's leave the Torontonians feeling helpless.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2z7LXpAX3Q


a real Homer for the Sox
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Oviedo, FL
Game 30
We got “water” in a wet Fenway Park.
It’s brighter today but feels a bit dark.
Hockey results have us all out of sorts.
“The biggest upset in all of team sports?”
(Should we mix up some good luck elixers
to drink while watching the Celts and Sixers?)
Tonight at Fenway, the Blue Jays fly in.
Can we clip their wings and find ways to win?
Despite the fact that our schedule’s been hard,
we’re currently tied for 4th Wild Card.
We had 2 tough series: Pirates and Rays.
(The winningest teams in baseball these days),
We’re 15 and 7 vs other squads.
I am no gambler, but I like our odds.
April was average. We’ve done okay,
Tonight we begin a magical May.


SoSH Member
Jun 4, 2011
My condolences to the bruins fans in here. Hopefully the mid 80’s heat of Corey Kluber can help ease your pain


SoSH Member
Sep 22, 2021
Jesus. Kluber is going to get absolutely hammered I feel


SoSH Member
Apr 11, 2012
How many houdinis like that does Corey have in him tonight? Feels like we're going to need them all.