Mayo is the New Coach

Sille Skrub

SoSH Member
Mar 3, 2004
Not a fan of this move. If we were going to go this route, I would have preferred Vrabel because he has proven he can do it. Replacing BB is a tall task for anyone, asking a first time HC to do it is a really tall order. Let's now go get a dynamic offensive mind in here to work with him as OC.

Hope I'm wrong.

We're on to the GM search...


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Portland, OR
I like the hire. Seems to be extremely high thought of within the organization and the players. Kraft coming through on his word it appears. Now, get a GM and let the rest of the staff fall into place.

Refreshing to see a plan laid out unlike the organization on Van Ness St. Mayo has some short sleeves to fill.

Ed Hillel

Wants to be startin somethin
SoSH Member
Dec 12, 2007
I have no real opinion, other than extensive relief it is not Jim Harbaugh.


SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
South Dartmouth, MA
Not a fan of this move. If we were going to go this route, I would have preferred Vrabel because he has proven he can do it. Replacing BB is a tall task for anyone, asking a first time HC to do it is a really tall order. Let's now go get a dynamic offensive mind in here to work with him as OC.

Hope I'm wrong.

We're on to the GM search...
Just thinking out loud here, but could you make argument that because Vravel has done it the expectations would be higher and there's a little less pressure on Mayo/honeymoon period might last a little bit longer? Which isnt necessarily a bad thing imo.


Less observant than others
SoSH Member
Apr 23, 2010
from the wilds of western ma
I’m suspecting Groh will just be promoted/given the GM title officially. Saw some reporting about that on NBC sports Boston yesterday. Not going outside the organization in a search for either job is surprising and honestly a little uninspiring to me. Obviously, hope I’m wrong, and this an approach that leads to good results.

joe dokes

SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
One advantage Mayo has is that he probably has some insight into the other coaches on the staff.

There are other similar ones floating around as well.

I think the "offensive minded" HC is way overrated, as compared to who is the OC in '24. Somehow "offensive minded" head coaches around the league manage to field teams with good defenses. As for inexperience, I suppose that's a real thing. But in recent - and not so recent -- years, the likes of McVay and Tomlin have done pretty well.
And in the NFL, "experience" is often a proxy for "mediocre re-tread." Not always. Just like HC experience is Not always determinative.

joe dokes

SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Won’t this kind of eliminate a lot of potentially good GM candidates because they are stuck with a head coach, like with the Red Sox GM search?
Maybe, but it's also a buffer for a new GM. If the team stinks, the new GM gets a renewed "Mayo wasn't *my* guy" honeymoon.


New Member
Sep 12, 2022
Re: Mayo as a defensive guy - wasn't that BB's reputation? I got the sense in the latter part of the dynasty that Brady and Josh were more or less running the offense with some input from BB, rather than the other way around. I am all in favor of Mayo getting a young and hungry OC and letting him figure out the offense.
And there are plenty of offensive guys as HC who didn't fix the offenses. Kingsbury, McDaniels (hey, both people with Pats ties!), Smith...
I realize this makes me sound like MAYO IS THE GUY AND WILL BE THE BEST EVER!! which, no. I just want to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Jed Zeppelin

SoSH Member
Aug 23, 2008
I’m suspecting Groh will just be promoted/given the GM title officially. Saw some reporting about that on NBC sports Boston yesterday. Not going outside the organization in a search for either job is surprising and honestly a little uninspiring to me. Obviously, hope I’m wrong, and this an approach that leads to good results.
Seems pretty likely the other dominoes will include several internal moves, including GM. Hiring a HC then an outside GM is a recipe for disaster if things don’t start great.

Sille Skrub

SoSH Member
Mar 3, 2004
Just thinking out loud here, but could you make argument that because Vravel has done it the expectations would be higher and there's a little less pressure on Mayo/honeymoon period might last a little bit longer? Which isnt necessarily a bad thing imo.
You could. I think the expectations are going to be high either way. If we're being honest, a vast majority of the fanbase is spoiled, whiny and entitled. We are a victim of our own success. I am definitely not complaining about this, as the alternative doesn't bring 20+ years of amazing memories.

The defense is pretty much ready to go and with JM's knowledge of the system, people are going to expect big things out of the defense next year. I am not sure how much of a honeymoon period is going to be allowed. I can hear it already, "This was RKK's hand-picked successor and he was hired literally as BB was walking out of Patriot Place!"


SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
South Dartmouth, MA
You could. I think the expectations are going to be high either way. If we're being honest, a vast majority of the fanbase is spoiled whiny and entitled. We are a victim of our own success. I am definitely not complaining about this, as the alternative doesn't bring 20+ years of amazing memories.

The defense is pretty much ready to go and with JM's knowledge of the system, people are going to expect big things out of the defense next year. I am not sure how much of a honeymoon period is going to be allowed. I can hear it already, "This was RKK's hand-picked successor and he was hired literally as BB was walking out of Patriot Place.
Yeah. This is all very valid...I think I was trying to be optimistic about the fanbase. Kind of foolish, thanks for putting me in my place haha!

Smiling Joe Hesketh

Throw Momma From the Train
SoSH Member
May 20, 2003
Deep inside Muppet Labs
You could. I think the expectations are going to be high either way. If we're being honest, a vast majority of the fanbase is spoiled, whiny and entitled. We are a victim of our own success. I am definitely not complaining about this, as the alternative doesn't bring 20+ years of amazing memories.

The defense is pretty much ready to go and with JM's knowledge of the system, people are going to expect big things out of the defense next year. I am not sure how much of a honeymoon period is going to be allowed. I can hear it already, "This was RKK's hand-picked successor and he was hired literally as BB was walking out of Patriot Place.
If the last couple of years culls a bunch of crybabies from the fanbase, then they will have been well worth it.


SoSH Member
Nov 15, 2006
306, row 14
Isn't the existence of a plan the exact opposite of "forced and rushed"?
I think part of the consternation is that the "plan" was probably built on the assumption that Bill would be handing over an 11-6/10-7 at minimum playoff team to Mayo and not a 4-13 clusterfuck. They maybe should've re-evaluated given the changing circumstance.

Not saying Mayo is the wrong guy but I can see why there's some hesitation.

Smiling Joe Hesketh

Throw Momma From the Train
SoSH Member
May 20, 2003
Deep inside Muppet Labs
I think part of the consternation is that the "plan" was probably built on the assumption that Bill would be handing over an 11-6/10-7 at minimum playoff team to Mayo and not a 4-13 clusterfuck. They maybe should've re-evaluated given the changing circumstance.

Not saying Mayo is the wrong guy but I can see why there's some hesitation.
I'm also assuming they hire a real GM as well.

The players absolutely love playing for Mayo, he commands a lot of respect from them. That itself is a great start.


wants you to hate boston teams like him
SoSH Member
Jan 13, 2004
295 corridor
Can you expand? The succession plan indicates that they've done all the background on Mayo. What's being rushed from your POV?
Not a fan of this move at all. You go from greatest coach of all time to a guy with zero experience, and this all happens in less than 24 hours. Could care less if they had a succession plan. Having a plan in place doesn’t always mean that plan has to be executed. It’s just starting to feel more like we moved away from Bill to prevent Mayo from leaving. Hoping for the best, but bracing for early 90s Pats redux, assuming of course we aren’t already there.


SoSH Member
Nov 21, 2005
Somerville, MA
I like this in a vacuum. If they go with Groh as GM, I’m not sure that really represents a meaningful change from the status quo. But I also want to see what happens with the rest of the staff, because there just needs to be some new blood in there from outside the organization bringing in new ideas. Give me external replacements for OC and STC and someone high up in the front office from outside the organization and I’m ready to roll. And yeah, get Hightower in here as LB coach and let’s go sack some fuckers.


SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
South Dartmouth, MA
Not at all!

I could be dead wrong here and JM could go out and knock it out of the park.
yeah but sadly I dont think you're wrong whatsoever about the spoiled fanbase...although the optimist in me hopes this is somewhat true:
If the last couple of years culls a bunch of crybabies from the fanbase, then they will have been well worth it.

joe dokes

SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
You could. I think the expectations are going to be high either way. If we're being honest, a vast majority of the fanbase is spoiled, whiny and entitled. We are a victim of our own success. I am definitely not complaining about this, as the alternative doesn't bring 20+ years of amazing memories.

The defense is pretty much ready to go and with JM's knowledge of the system, people are going to expect big things out of the defense next year. I am not sure how much of a honeymoon period is going to be allowed. I can hear it already, "This was RKK's hand-picked successor and he was hired literally as BB was walking out of Patriot Place!"
I am at peace with the idea that there are no "honeymoons" in Boston sports. Whether its a spoiled bunch of fans ("why *cant* we win the Super Bowl EVERY year"?), a stupid bunch of fans ("any idiot can do this job. just look at my fantasy team!!"); or the toxic and corrosive-to-intelligent-thought that is local media, the noise starts after a 1st and 10 running play on opening day gets stuffed for no gain. Fuck the noise.


SoSH Member
Dec 21, 2001
It wouldn't surprise me if Steve stays. I think the least likely move is for Steve to follow BB, actually.

Was (Not Wasdin)

family crest has godzilla
SoSH Member
Jul 26, 2007
The Short Bus
I really hope they get an experienced GM. I threw out Reggie McKenzie in another thread, I'd be happy with a veteran guy preferably from another organization. Not going to be happy if it is Eliot Wolf or Zeigler.

I've never heard BB talk about a player (other than Brady) the way he talked about Mayo, even when Mayo was injured and not playing (which usually prompted the "the player is injured and not playing so we don't talk about him" type of comments.) How he never missed a meeting, watched extra film, involved in game planning, like having an extra coach, etc. I'm pretty sure he passes the "loves football" test.


Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Right Here
Not a fan of this move at all. You go from greatest coach of all time to a guy with zero experience, and this all happens in less than 24 hours. Could care less if they had a succession plan. Having a plan in place doesn’t always mean that plan has to be executed. It’s just starting to feel more like we moved away from Bill to prevent Mayo from leaving. Hoping for the best, but bracing for early 90s Pats redux, assuming of course we aren’t already there.
Ironically enough, the best coach available is Belichick. They could have tried to get Harbaugh from Michigan, but I'm fairly certain that the Mass Public Works had enough manpower to clean up the river of vomit that would have been released along the 495 gateway.

This is a clean break from Belichick without having a clean break from the Belichick system.


wants you to hate boston teams like him
SoSH Member
Jan 13, 2004
295 corridor
And Good luck to the next GM, assuming they bring one in. Should things go from bad to worse, who’s the one to go - the GM or the owner’s hand-picked coach?
That’s a tough situation for anyone to step into.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Both James White and Jason McCourty are ecstatic over the Mayo hire on Twitter, FWIW.
Speaks to a continuation of the Belichick culture with Mayo, which is IMO 100% a good thing. Mixed in with a bit more modern day approach makes me very optimistic.


Yukon Cornelius
SoSH Member
Mar 19, 2004
Missoula, MT
Not a fan of this move at all. You go from greatest coach of all time to a guy with zero experience, and this all happens in less than 24 hours. Could care less if they had a succession plan. Having a plan in place doesn’t always mean that plan has to be executed. It’s just starting to feel more like we moved away from Bill to prevent Mayo from leaving. Hoping for the best, but bracing for early 90s Pats redux, assuming of course we aren’t already there.
So, it isn't about "being rushed" but it is about personal feelings about not liking the move. Ok. I'm guessing you would like the plan and wouldn't say it was "rushed" if you liked the move.


SoSH Member
Jul 20, 2005
Isle of Plum
Well supposedly the Mayo succession plan was put into place last year. So presumably Belichick was part of the process to put this plan in place.
I just can’t imagine this being the case. Bill willingly participated in planning his exit? Seems like a recipe for disfunction, maybe it was.


SoSH Member
Jun 6, 2012
Seems pretty likely the other dominoes will include several internal moves, including GM. Hiring a HC then an outside GM is a recipe for disaster if things don’t start great.
The only exception to this in my mind would be Vrabel as GM. He wanted the role in TN, so he's got the ambition for an executive position. He didn't 'dispel' the rumors (shock! horror!) about wanting to work in NE and he has obvious links to Mayo which may make him amenable to having him as the HC. Plus he's unemployed. Plus Kraft loves him.

joe dokes

SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
I just can’t imagine this being the case. Bill willingly participated in planning his exit? Seems like a recipe for disfunction, maybe it was.
I'm not sure it's planning his exit. Maybe it's more like buying a burial plot. Gonna need it eventually.


wants you to hate boston teams like him
SoSH Member
Jan 13, 2004
295 corridor
So, it isn't about "being rushed" but it is about personal feelings about not liking the move. Ok. I'm guessing you would like the plan and wouldn't say it was "rushed" if you liked the move.
I don’t like the move. I have no idea how I’d be if I liked the move - mostly because I don’t like the move.


Less observant than others
SoSH Member
Apr 23, 2010
from the wilds of western ma
Speaks to a continuation of the Belichick culture with Mayo, which is IMO 100% a good thing. Mixed in with a bit more modern day approach makes me very optimistic.
Not singling you out, but I don’t get this need a more modern approach thing in regards to Bill. 2018 wasn’t a hundred years ago. They fell off because the greatest player in the history of the sport left, and for a variety of reasons, their overall talent level, particularly on offense, degraded. I don’t think the game left Bill behind, or he no longer knows how to manage and lead players.


New Member
Apr 1, 2023
Mayo’s tenure as Patriots HC solely relies on the Patriots selecting a QB. If they draft one that busts, he’s probably gone in three years or less.


SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
Waiting for the player's to wake up and tweet

If they want to recruit him appropriately, I think a tray of cupcakes should be prominently displayed at the meeting. BUT, he only gets one if he agrees.

Love Mayo, and can't wait to see how he does, but this makes me think the GM will be internal. I am not a big fan of that. It will be really interesting to see what type of staff he builds underneath him.


SoSH Member
Oct 1, 2015
One thing this definitely (as far as we know) was not was "rushed". This plan has been in place for a long time and they're obviously very, very comfortable with Mayo as the HC. And that gives me confidence. They've done well hiring front office people.