Everybody Hates Draymond


SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2006
San Francisco
for a professional athlete Draymond sure does have really bad proprioception and it seems to strike at the unluckiest times. someone's face or nuts always seem in the way. it's really weird


Certain Class of Poster
SoSH Member
Nov 28, 2005

Did you get the part about the face redecoration?

But on the other hand, just searching for that clip reminded me how violent that period was. So you're probably right.
I would like to point out that Lamebeer elbowed Parish in the face on that rebound — for likely the 1,000th time, and certainly, on purpose. Not Guilty.

Side note, I had to physically restrain my (at the time) ~65-year old Dad from dumping a drink on Laimbeer when we saw him at the Four Seasons in Boston when he was coaching the WNBA team like 10-15 years ago. He was in a full jump suit, sitting by himself, and my Dad was FURIOUS that he thought he could have a leisurely, enjoyable dinner in Boston. My Dad wanted to faux trip / stumble and dump his drink on him (I saw him do this once to a random asshole) and I stepped in to prevent it, shuffling my Dad to the other side of the bar as my Mom and sister yelled at him to “grow up”.

Not the first time I failed as a son.


Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Mar 5, 2004
Saskatoon Canada
Draymond to me is an undersized 80s guy who stepped out of the time machine. The things he does were common place then, and from time to time a real heavyweight would flatten him with hard foul or hip toss him during s scrum, but ultimately he would earn some respect becasue he would keep coming back. But in the bygone era most of the most physical play was without the ball. As a coach, historian of hoops I do think players today have lost some of the ability to play a physical game, but I refer to ability to use their body to get position and finish around the rim. The dirtier stuff is thankfully mostly gone. I also think the NBA has gotten to a place where they allow too little contact away from the ball and too much on the ball. A classic example is how in the low post, today defenders "chest up" and resist/push the guy with the ball and the offensive player can move a weaker defender closer to the hoop with force. Players "wall up" in the air leading to shooter/defender contact that is very hard to ref. But if a physically strong guy, like Jayeln Brown was to push the defender under the hoop and in the vernacular of the past "bury him" or "put him in jail" he probably gets called for a a foul.


SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
That's a classic Draymond. Pretend like it's accidental, incidental contact; meanwhile, he's keeping his muscles taught so that he can do damage. This guy apparently has no ability to consciously relax his muscles (when an opponent is near him).

joe dokes

SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
That's a classic Draymond. Pretend like it's accidental, incidental contact; meanwhile, he's keeping his muscles taught so that he can do damage. This guy apparently has no ability to consciously relax his muscles (when an opponent is near him).
Obviously, referee no. 58 is screened by those guys standing behind him. :mad:


SoSH Member
Sep 30, 2010
Seems like the spiraling has restarted in earnest. He had the play shown above last night, and today he got tossed 4 minutes into the 1st after screaming at the refs. Silver may elect to let it go since we're so close to the end of the season, but the chance that he hurts someone in these last 11 games is non-zero.


SoSH Member
Nov 25, 2002
West Hartford, CT
Why the hell can’t/won’t Silver be the adult in the room and shut Draymond down for the season? And have had the foresight to make that sort of punishment an unappealable precondition of his return after the last suspension?


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Apr 17, 2003
Why the hell can’t/won’t Silver be the adult in the room and shut Draymond down for the season? And have had the foresight to make that sort of punishment an unappealable precondition of his return after the last suspension?
Because he hired Draymond's best buddy as the referee/discipline czar and that guy will give Draymond 1001 chances?

The fact Silver has let Dumars rule on Draymond is a complete joke....but if you want to know why Dray gets away wtih it, that is the biggest reason


SoSH Member
Nov 25, 2002
West Hartford, CT
Because he hired Draymond's best buddy as the referee/discipline czar and that guy will give Draymond 1001 chances?

The fact Silver has let Dumars rule on Draymond is a complete joke....but if you want to know why Dray gets away wtih it, that is the biggest reason
Right! I keep spacing on that. For an image-conscious league (“don’t say shit about China!”), though, it’s baffling. It’s a horrible look.

Kenny F'ing Powers

posts way less than 18% useful shit
SoSH Member
Nov 17, 2010
Seems like the spiraling has restarted in earnest. He had the play shown above last night, and today he got tossed 4 minutes into the 1st after screaming at the refs. Silver may elect to let it go since we're so close to the end of the season, but the chance that he hurts someone in these last 11 games is non-zero.
Wasn't just screaming. He made contact sigh the refs, which earned him the first whistle.


bet squelcher
SoSH Member
Jan 15, 2004
Because he hired Draymond's best buddy as the referee/discipline czar and that guy will give Draymond 1001 chances?

The fact Silver has let Dumars rule on Draymond is a complete joke....but if you want to know why Dray gets away wtih it, that is the biggest reason
While the Dumars relationship is a thing there is about zero chance the Players Union would allow for a rest of season suspension for a play that nobody is being suspended a single game for.


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Apr 17, 2003
Yeah, I wasn't saying this specific thing would get him an indefinite suspension--more that, with a neutral arbiter, the aggregate offenses may well have already ended his year.

But that isn't what we have in this case, and so he will continue to get low or zero repercussions....

PC Drunken Friar

SoSH Member
Sep 12, 2003
South Boston
What bothers me is how much leeway he gets with the refs. ANYONE else in the league gets the 2nd T in about 3 seconds if they yell at the ref like he was. But then again, I am not sure there are any other players in the kleague who would act like that.

joe dokes

SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
I’m always hoping for a little hockey style “justice” where someone beats his ass since the referees enable his shenanigans. It never comes, sadly.
Or someone getting in his face and screaming nonsense inches from his mug like an insane person. "I'm going to shave your armpits and feed the hair to my armadillos!!" Some comedian in the 80s -- Goldthwaite, Lewis Black, I just cant recall -- said that the only thing subway crazies fear is someone crazier than they are. So that was the best way to avoid getting attacked in the subway. I think Kornet could do it without cracking up.

Just a bit outside

SoSH Member
Apr 6, 2011
Monument, CO
Or someone getting in his face and screaming nonsense inches from his mug like an insane person. "I'm going to shave your armpits and feed the hair to my armadillos!!" Some comedian in the 80s -- Goldthwaite, Lewis Black, I just cant recall -- said that the only thing subway crazies fear is someone crazier than they are. So that was the best way to avoid getting attacked in the subway. I think Kornet could do it without cracking up.
You mean like this.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smX6J6QUJ4U


Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Apr 17, 2003
I’m always hoping for a little hockey style “justice” where someone beats his ass since the referees enable his shenanigans. It never comes, sadly.
I agree. If he repeated the goonery of the 2022 finals against this year's Celtics, my hope is that Tillman would just give him a forearm shiver to the head on a pick and see what happened next.


SoSH Member
Mar 31, 2013
The funniest thing is that Draymond got tossed out, with the Magic not even having to do anything to antagonize him. All that happened was Wiggins was called for a foul, and Draymond just completely lost his shit and got tossed out. It would be one thing if it was another guy instigating things and pushing him over the edge, but this was a perfectly normal basketball play that caused Green to just lose his mind.

I also don't really think Curry was "crying" as much as he was just frustrated and annoyed that Draymond lost his cool again. Curry is obviously very frustrated at the moment since he knows his team is probably fucked this year and the future is uncertain.


SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2006
San Francisco
The funniest thing is that Draymond got tossed out, with the Magic not even having to do anything to antagonize him. All that happened was Wiggins was called for a foul, and Draymond just completely lost his shit and got tossed out. It would be one thing if it was another guy instigating things and pushing him over the edge, but this was a perfectly normal basketball play that caused Green to just lose his mind.

I also don't really think Curry was "crying" as much as he was just frustrated and annoyed that Draymond lost his cool again. Curry is obviously very frustrated at the moment since he knows his team is probably fucked this year and the future is uncertain.
by the way, it was an obvious foul. what can you possibly be that upset about four minutes in


SoSH Member
Mar 31, 2013
by the way, it was an obvious foul. what can you possibly be that upset about four minutes in
Yeah. You compare things like the Sabonis kick or the incident the other night with Mills, and at least in those instances, it's him being upset with a physical action by the opponent and completely overreacting. It should never happen, but at least you can see how someone with anger management issues would be set off. This was just full-blown, unstable behavior. He can literally go off at any time. I can't recall a player ever getting deservedly ejected for something so minor as a foul call early in the game against a teammate.


SoSH Member
Aug 3, 2004
Yeah. You compare things like the Sabonis kick or the incident the other night with Mills, and at least in those instances, it's him being upset with a physical action by the opponent and completely overreacting. It should never happen, but at least you can see how someone with anger management issues would be set off. This was just full-blown, unstable behavior. He can literally go off at any time. I can't recall a player ever getting deservedly ejected for something so minor as a foul call early in the game against a teammate.
Not against a teammate, but I remember this (and this was a really terrible call on Gobert).

View: https://twitter.com/BleacherReport/status/1070888104188293120?s=20


SoSH Member
Dec 11, 2006
I saw a graphic last night, and Draymond only has two more career ejections than Demarcus Cousins. That’s insane.
It’s one thing to think that players shouldn’t be ejected for yelling at refs, but they do, and Draymond gets an incredibly long runway compared to anyone else in the league.

Kenny F'ing Powers

posts way less than 18% useful shit
SoSH Member
Nov 17, 2010
It’s one thing to think that players shouldn’t be ejected for yelling at refs, but they do, and Draymond gets an incredibly long runway compared to anyone else in the league.
The Warriors announcers were pissed at the refs after he was ejected. They said the first T was justified, but everyone was walking away and separated for the 2nd T. I mean, you can see Draymond still yelling shit towards the ref the whole time, but according to the announcers, the refs had no reason to eject him there.


SoSH Member
Dec 11, 2006
The Warriors announcers were pissed at the refs after he was ejected. They said the first T was justified, but everyone was walking away and separated for the 2nd T. I mean, you can see Draymond still yelling shit towards the ref the whole time, but according to the announcers, the refs had no reason to eject him there.
Ha! I thought that as well. Even Tommy would’ve given them a side eye for that level of homerism.


ask me about My Pillow
SoSH Member
Jun 14, 2013
Nashua, NH
The funny thing is if Draymond bumped the official he should have been tossed on the first and not even given the opportunity to get the second.

Tony C

SoSH Member
Apr 13, 2000
Ha! I thought that as well. Even Tommy would’ve given them a side eye for that level of homerism.
Hah, good point...the GS announcers really do rival even ol' Tommy in their unabashed homerism. Kind of funny that both Kerr after the game and Green today were very open about it being a deserved ejection, but you still have Warriors fans all over the net talking about how Dray is unfairly singled out. That is truly the most out-of-touch with reality fanbase in the NBA.


SoSH Member
Sep 30, 2010
I know this is a hyperbolic way to say it, but the blood will be on Silver's hands when he hurts someone.

Ed Hillel

Wants to be startin somethin
SoSH Member
Dec 12, 2007
Say what you will, but Draymond and Grant Williams manning each other up is great comedy.


SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2007
I know this is a hyperbolic way to say it, but the blood will be on Silver's hands when he hurts someone.
Do you mean again? Or seriously hurts someone? Because he’s already done physical harm to a number of players.

what pisses me off is Draymond saying he’s trying to change.. because he pretty clearly isn’t. I forget what commercial he’s in now during the NCAA tourney.. but he has a whole spiel that basically makes light of all of his past ‘indiscretions’ and then looks into the camera and says now it’s time to grow or change or whatever.. it’s not only that he obviously isn’t, but that corporations are now sponsoring this supposed redemption arc thatjust doesn’t exist.


SoSH Member
Feb 21, 2001
Boston, MA
I can't embed the clip, but Seth Greenberg on "Get Up" on ESPN basically called out Steve Kerr, Steph Curry and the entire Warrior organization for continuing to enable Draymond. His basic point was that they keep expressing their disappointment in DG and then put him right back into games. Zero organizational accountability from a team that Greenberg is going nowhere this year and thus should just sit Draymond or get rid of him.


PN23's replacement
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Hingham, MA
I can't embed the clip, but Seth Greenberg on "Get Up" on ESPN basically called out Steve Kerr, Steph Curry and the entire Warrior organization for continuing to enable Draymond. His basic point was that they keep expressing their disappointment in DG and then put him right back into games. Zero organizational accountability from a team that Greenberg is going nowhere this year and thus should just sit Draymond or get rid of him.
View: https://twitter.com/awfulannouncing/status/1773685547485032704?s=46


SoSH Member
Aug 3, 2004
While the Warriors management and Kerr (I'm not placing the blame on one player for not reigning in a teammate, Curry barely factors in the blame pie for me) are absolutely at fault for enabling Draymond for his entire career, I can't kill them for what has happened this season. He is 100% necessary for them to compete in 2024 - they are 28-20 with him (48 win pace) and 11-14 without him (36 win pace). They are doing all they can to keep it together for as long as Curry is an all-NBA player, and Draymond is still the 2nd or 3rd best player on the roster. It'd be easier if Klay and CP3 were more than ok role players, or if Podziemski and Kuminga were 2-3 years further along in their development. There's no way that they could have gotten rid of him this year (or last offseason) and been in a place to compete in the next couple of seasons, which is probably all that Curry has left as an elite player.

I'm fine with Kerr and company taking criticism on this (especially considering his holier than thou BS when talking about other players), but at the end of the day this is Green's fault for being a giant asshole, and the league's fault for not being a neutral arbiter and handling him accordingly.

Tony C

SoSH Member
Apr 13, 2000
I have sympathy with Kerr (and Curry, who some try to blame for Dray acting out, although that's just lame) as, hey, his/their job is to win games. That said, while you're right that the culprit here is Green, I think Seth Greenberg is partly right, too. I'm not a Warriors fan, but I'm 100% a fan of Curry and of Kerr and how they created one of the most beautiful offensive machines ever. Just a joy to watch. And, of course, Green is part of that; just so perfect a complement offensively and awesome defensively. Greenberg is right, though, that Draymond has turned the Warriors into a circus, much as Warriors homers still try to point the finger of blame elsewhere. The Warriors want to get off their huge luxury taxes, and shouldn't there be an up and coming team (with cap space) that would take on Draymond? An obvious destination doesn't pop to mind (OKC?), but it seems to me that -- whatever the blame pie for past actions -- it's past due for the Warriors to wash their hands of Green. Not just because he's an ass, but because they do need a franchise re-start. There's still Curry and some very good young players, but I don't see how with the current cast they can up their game to being a true contender. And just keeping Green is to continue to internally poison the Warriors.


educated, civility-loving ass
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Mar 13, 2006
South Boston
I would like to point out that Lamebeer elbowed Parish in the face on that rebound — for likely the 1,000th time, and certainly, on purpose. Not Guilty.

Side note, I had to physically restrain my (at the time) ~65-year old Dad from dumping a drink on Laimbeer when we saw him at the Four Seasons in Boston when he was coaching the WNBA team like 10-15 years ago. He was in a full jump suit, sitting by himself, and my Dad was FURIOUS that he thought he could have a leisurely, enjoyable dinner in Boston. My Dad wanted to faux trip / stumble and dump his drink on him (I saw him do this once to a random asshole) and I stepped in to prevent it, shuffling my Dad to the other side of the bar as my Mom and sister yelled at him to “grow up”.

Not the first time I failed as a son.
If your dad is still kicking, I’d be happy to dress up as Lambier while tucking into a steak at Grill 23. I feel like he shouldn’t be denied this moment of Id.


Certain Class of Poster
SoSH Member
Nov 28, 2005
If your dad is still kicking, I’d be happy to dress up as Lambier while tucking into a steak at Grill 23. I feel like he shouldn’t be denied this moment of Id.
Based on his vision and overall cognitive abilities at this point, you wouldn’t even have to dress up. I could just point in your general vicinity and say “Laimbeer” and a 77-year old would be coming off the top rope, rather slowly and awkwardly and with great self-peril, but he’d probably still do it.


SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2007
Get him to Foxboro as a tight end to help the O-Line. A pancake and then a cut- pretty impressive work.
The fact that that second ‘pick’ wasn’t called a foul is kinda insane. At least on the first it looked like the Cs player fell on his own before Draymond fell on him.


SoSH Member
Aug 3, 2004
The fact that that second ‘pick’ wasn’t called a foul is kinda insane. At least on the first it looked like the Cs player fell on his own before Draymond fell on him.
He throws a full on football block. Illegal screens were as much a part of the Warriors dynasty as Steph and Durant.

the moops

SoSH Member
Jan 19, 2016
Saint Paul, MN
8 years ago today. Just normal basketball plays right?

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgKvnOS1jH4
yes, moving picks are normal basketball plays. They should be called fouls, but it is something we see dozens of times a game. And in last second plays, there are moving screens like the one above all the damn time.

Draymond has a million worse plays than this one. You could find clips of just about every guy in the league doing something like this


SoSH Member
Jan 31, 2006
around the way
yes, moving picks are normal basketball plays. They should be called fouls, but it is something we see dozens of times a game. And in last second plays, there are moving screens like the one above all the damn time.

Draymond has a million worse plays than this one. You could find clips of just about every guy in the league doing something like this
The second one looked more like prime Bobby Orr hipchecking a guy into the boards. That's a moving screen like pneumonia is a chest cold.


Drive Carefully
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2005
yes, moving picks are normal basketball plays. They should be called fouls, but it is something we see dozens of times a game. And in last second plays, there are moving screens like the one above all the damn time.

Draymond has a million worse plays than this one. You could find clips of just about every guy in the league doing something like this
Say what?

I watch a fuckton of basketball, and yes, there are about 50 moving picks a game.

I do not remember a moving pick in which the defender got up, led his shoulder into the defender's midsection, and then stood up flipping the defender over his back. That play has no relationship to a moving screen in any sense of the word. The only reason it wasn't a hip check is because it was a shoulder check instead.