Search results

  1. tbrown_01923

    Kali linux help

    I am stupid - I know this going into it, but I purchased an entry level book on the different tools Kali. I wanted to go through them to understand what kind of threat someone slightly smarter than me would pose to the different systems I am a stakeholder of. Download VMWare Player - CHECK...
  2. tbrown_01923

    Looking for hifi audio help... plunge into vinyl

    I am a long time musician (actually - a lifelong hack) that wants to explore the world of vinyl, particularly as I age out of the concert scene. I am starting from scratch (essentially), well I have a super old (perhaps 1995 - )...
  3. tbrown_01923

    Software Engineering Job Openings - Please help me hire!

    I am not sure if this is the right forum for this - apologies if it isn't.  I run software and it at a small (yet profitable) shop just off the orange line in Medford.  I have had a very difficult time bringing in talent (I can't even get resumes from recruiters) in this market.  Yet I am...
  4. tbrown_01923

    HBR Daily Stat: What Baseball Fans Really Love: Doubt About the Outcome

    HBR Daily Stat today talks about the increase in attendance attributed to league parity.  We have discussed in many forms already - but I hadn't seen this study shared (which looks to be a slightly dated) so I am sharing now:       Traces their source to this abstract, from the paper:    ...