Red Sox sign David Price


Don't touch his dog food
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 10, 2003
More questions for the people not named David Price on the panel. We need to hear more from the suits. Please. More Henry questions.


news aggravator
SoSH Member
Dec 4, 2009
“@alexspeier: Dombrowski: Sox have ‘already fielded numerous phone calls’ from other teams about starting depth.”

Laser Show

SoSH Member
Nov 7, 2008
Price talked to Evans about wearing #24.............Dwight told him to "Go win a World Series with it"
Alright, can I change my mind on this guy? I did not like him before he signed here but man it's hard not to love him after that presser.

Buzzkill Pauley

SoSH Member
Jun 30, 2006
Coyle is younger, has more options remaining, and can play up the middle. I can see where he might be viewed as someone to hang on to a bit longer.
With Marco Hernandez and Deven Marrero on the 40-man, plus Rutledge remaining in Pawtucket, I suppose it just surprises me. There doesn't seem like too much opportunity to play up the middle. At least Cecchini had already transitioned to outfield play.

That being said, both these guys are the poster boys for why you trade Guerra for Kimbrel.

Al Zarilla

SoSH Member
Dec 8, 2005
San Andreas Fault
Got a kick out of Price's family that was there being introduced (parents, girl friend, etc.) but there was no camera to show them. I watched on NESN, maybe some other local network was there too? Other than that, first class. David sounds like the man.


PN23's replacement
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Hingham, MA
This contract may or may not prove to be a disaster but compared to the reported Greinke deal it is a frickin bargain


SoSH Member
May 26, 2006
This contract may or may not prove to be a disaster but compared to the reported Greinke deal it is a frickin bargain
Can you guys stop trying to mind fuck yourselves into this line of thinking, please? It's $217MM for a pitcher. That's not a goddamn bargain.


SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2012
1) Price killed the presser and further affirmed IMHO he was the right guy to back the money truck up for. Especially after seeing what Greinke cashed in for( plus the pick) from the D Backs.

2) I was rereading the beginning of this thread and thought there was an answer to this thought in one of Price's answers
It's hard to evaluate this deal without knowing what the club's long-term payroll plans are. If we're going to try to get under the CBT threshold in 2017, it's a terrible deal. If we're going to spend like the Yankees and Dodgers going forward, I guess it's OK.
Price said it was very attractive that the Sox, in their pitch, told him they'd always be in a position to add and mentioned the trade deadline and next year specifically. The Sox have Ortiz, Koji, and the Buch option all potentially being up after this year, and Price certainly made it seem like Henry/Ownership and FO fully intend to keep spending. Additionally, considering how much conscious/restrictive you have to be with staying/getting under the Lux tax seems like Sox are comfortable they have enough high upside close youth to pay the tax in the short term and keep adding where necessary with the possibility of cheaper talent all around in say 2018/2019.


bubble burster
SoSH Member
Oct 19, 2008
I don't think there is any disputing the argument that the opt out benefits the player. But some of the cost of that benefit is borne... not by the original signing team but rather by the team that signs him after the opt out.
Why are people continuing to assume that John Henry got taken to the cleaners by David Price's agent in option pricing? John Henry has made a fortune trading options. The negotiation probably was about 7-$217 with an opt out, or 8-$250 without an opt out.

Again, this whole discussion of whether the option benefits the team or the player misses that fundamental point. It benefits the player a ton. John Henry knows that. The value of the opt out is reflected in a) Price signed here rather than elsewhere and b) Without the opt out, Price would have gotten more guaranteed years/money


SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2012
I usually avoid Tomase's writing like the plague but there is some really decent anecdotes in this piece :

The men met for dinner in a private room off the main restaurant. Price sported jeans and a backwards baseball cap. The Red Sox contingent – owner John Henry, CEO Tom Werner, presidents Dave Dombrowski and Sam Kennedy, general manager Mike Hazen, VP Frank Wren, and managerJohn Farrell – wore suits. Kennedy, a former Trinity College standout who's very much a jeans and backwards hat kind of guy, immediately tore off his tie.

Hazen presented a gift: an official program with Price on the cover in a Red Sox uniform. Price smiled politely. Hazen told him to turn it over.
On the back was a preening picture of Astro, Price's beloved six-year-old French bulldog. This wasn't just cheesy, it was a gallon of queso. And it was perfect.
"David gets this huge smile," McKinnis said, "and it set the tone for the rest of the evening."

"I didn't think we were ever really strident," Henry told after the press conference. "The media made a big deal out of that one comment. But I would say this: wasn't there a famous New Englander who said, 'Consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds?'"
That would be noted transcendentalist Ralph Waldo Emerson, who argued for the coexistence of science and spirituality 150 years before scouting and analytics began battling for baseball's soul. Emerson's point was straightforward – we should never stagnate in our thinking.


SoSH Member
Oct 20, 2015
There's also this Herald article:

Said Kennedy, “I asked him at one point, I said, ‘Look, you’re going to get a huge contract no matter what, but is there anything we can do as an organization to stand out?’ And he said, ‘Show me that you have an opportunity to win. I will not be happy if we’re not winning.’

“So he asked us to go through position by position.”

Hazen gave Price a rundown, going through the 25-man roster, then the 40-man roster. Price even wanted to know about last year’s first-round pick, Andrew Benintendi.

“I want to win,” Price said.

Yo La Tengo

SoSH Member
Nov 21, 2005
Does anyone here wish the Sox had signed Greinke for that deal (6/206 and a draft pick)?
I'm not ready to call Price a bargain, but, the Greinke deal provides some support that the Sox properly gauged the market.


Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Aug 12, 2003
At home
Does anyone here wish the Sox had signed Greinke for that deal (6/206 and a draft pick)?
I'm not ready to call Price a bargain, but, the Greinke deal provides some support that the Sox properly gauged the market.
Or set the market...

Average Reds

SoSH Member
Sep 24, 2007
Southwestern CT
Why are people continuing to assume that John Henry got taken to the cleaners by David Price's agent in option pricing? John Henry has made a fortune trading options. The negotiation probably was about 7-$217 with an opt out, or 8-$250 without an opt out.

Again, this whole discussion of whether the option benefits the team or the player misses that fundamental point. It benefits the player a ton. John Henry knows that. The value of the opt out is reflected in a) Price signed here rather than elsewhere and b) Without the opt out, Price would have gotten more guaranteed years/money
The inane but entirely predictable discussion on the option was driven by folks who were celebrating the existence of the option as tremendous boon to the Red Sox. It's a harmless assertion (I guess) but so counter-factual as to invite angry takedowns.

At the risk of Roethlisbergering the thread, your analysis here is exactly right and I hope we can declare the issue resolved and move on.

Granite Sox

SoSH Member
Feb 6, 2003
The Granite State
From behind the wheel of a smashed Mercedes, Sean McDonough smiles at this development.
Or is it, "From behind the wheel of a Mercedes, a smashed Sean McDonough smiles at this development."

Not surprised DD stayed out in front of the market. Glad to have Price.

Dodgers in scramble mode now, as the leftovers don't look nearly as enticing. Mike Leake? Scott Kazmir? Blech. Somewhere, Johnny Cueto grins...

Nice job by Theo reuniting the Lester and Lackey. I think John F. Lackey is the perfect #3 for the Cubs.


SoSH Member
Nov 29, 2001
Dodgers in scramble mode now, as the leftovers don't look nearly as enticing. Mike Leake? Scott Kazmir? Blech. Somewhere, Johnny Cueto grins...
Words cannot describe how happy I am that the Red Sox have avoided the situation the Dodgers now find themselves in. Not only is that a pretty big drop from Price and Greinke to the rest of the FA starting pitching pool, but it gives DDski the luxury of going to Nashville and playing the Godfather role as teams come to him looking for something.

Savin Hillbilly

loves the secret sauce
SoSH Member
Jul 10, 2007
The wrong side of the bridge....
Words cannot describe how happy I am that the Red Sox have avoided the situation the Dodgers now find themselves in.
Big difference: the Dodgers already had their ace. They were looking for a #2, which is easier. Cueto or Iwakuma would fit in nicely there, though obviously they'd rather have had the devastating one-two punch of Kershaw/Greinke again. And they have no fewer than three pitching prospects in the top 60, so their long-term picture looks fine. I don't think their situation looks terribly dire.


heart is two sizes two small
SoSH Member
Sep 20, 2005
Does anyone here wish the Sox had signed Greinke for that deal (6/206 and a draft pick)?
I'm not ready to call Price a bargain, but, the Greinke deal provides some support that the Sox properly gauged the market.

Well, Greinke is getting a lot of deferred money, estimates are that it's more like 6/190.


SoSH Member
May 26, 2006
Please explain:

1) Why $217MM for a pitcher can't possibly be a goddamn bargain;
2) What it is about the phrase "compared to" that you have difficulty understanding.
1) What the fuck? You don't give a guy a record setting deal and then call it a bargain unless that dude turns around and racks up 6-7 fWAR seasons. So until he does that you can't really pat yourself on the back over it.

2) What about the Greinke deal makes the Price deal look more appealing? Is it the 7th year of what will probably be a broken down starter or that you held on to a draft pick?

Both deals are terrible and once the high of signing an ace clears you'll all see that. I gotta say it's been weird as hell reading through this sploogefest considering our bread and butter is LOLing at the Yankees every time they dole out their ridiculous 7 year deals.