Looking back, it was amazing he managed to walk as much as he did. But the look on his face when he saw those stairs was priceless! And, of course, the trek to our nosebleed seats at the stadium elicited another round of cussing.
Thank you all again for your stories and kind words. They have...
Thank you all so much for sharing your memories of Bob and for your condolences. My sons and I have taken great comfort in your warm compliments and had much-needed laughs at many of the posts. We are blessed to have you all in our lives.
Donations can be made to VNA Hospice & Palliative Care, Fund Development, 199 Rosewood Drive, Suite 180, Danvers, MA 01923 or via www.vnacare.org. They took such wonderful care of Bob and me. Thanks, Jose.
I am sorry to have to tell you that Redsoxstiff/Stiffy/Bob Doucette has died. He has been in poor health for the past couple of years but declined rapidly over the past two weeks.
Bob loved the Red Sox, and up until he couldn't type any more, he spent untold hours letting you all know what he...
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