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  1. J

    Duran homophobic slur fallout thread; suspended 2 games

    You know, one of the peculiarities of being both a member of the trans community and a lifelong sports fan is that it's often necessary to compartmentalize the notion that some, quite possibly many/most, of the male athletes I'm paying to cheer for are actively disgusted by me. Incidents like...
  2. J

    Brogdon to Boston for Theis/Nesmith/2023 1st

    Because he started like 70 games, would be my guess.
  3. J

    Caleb Hannan and the question of ethical journalism

      Personally I am a bit at a loss as to why Dr. V claimed to have the exact credentials that she did, though if I had to hazard a guess it would be that she figured "secret government" stuff would be harder for an average investor, colleague, reporter, or whoever to successfully vet.  It seemed...
  4. J

    Caleb Hannan and the question of ethical journalism

      I wouldn't presume to speak for all trans women, but just speaking as one, under the right circumstances being outed is more than enough to lead suicide.  I'm sure the statistics on transgender suicide rates have been making the rounds, and I won't bore you with all of them, but just be aware...
  5. J

    Caleb Hannan and the question of ethical journalism

      I'm a little late to this but I just have to respond.   Maybe I can make this less abstract for you.  I am a real life trans woman.  So whatever it is that you and the "mainstream" don't understand about transgender identity I would be happy to clarify.   The bottom line on this is that trans...