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  1. Rick Burlesons Yam Bag

    Evaluating the Front Office

    I can't hold this particular foible against him. She is insanely sexy. Would cut off a finger to bang.
  2. Rick Burlesons Yam Bag

    Evaluating the Front Office

    I love Jason Kelce. He got a little overexposed over the last 2 seasons, but I would rather that than the fate that awaited the amazing Dan Koppen (who should have taken a huge shit on the podium at the Brady roast and just said "I'm like 9/ should never forget me" or something...
  3. Rick Burlesons Yam Bag

    Evaluating the Front Office

    Dov Kleinman - and I say this with all due respect - might be the dumbest reporter in the history of the NFL. But your point about Florio is still valid.
  4. Rick Burlesons Yam Bag

    2023 Jets: Hello Darkness Retreat, My Old Friend

    Whoever came up with the name for this thread is one of the few great posters in this forum. Kudos, sir. It takes a lot for me to laugh out loud any more.
  5. Rick Burlesons Yam Bag

    Week 11

    I am the least insecure guy you know. But I - and a number of others who have messaged me - think your reactions are phenomenal entertainment. So from that perspective it is something for which I am very grateful. And do your grandma a favor and make something for Thanksgiving. You live in...
  6. Rick Burlesons Yam Bag

    Week 11

    There is such easier ways to find the full dataset but I am glad to see your time being wasted.
  7. Rick Burlesons Yam Bag

    Week 11

    Thoughts on the Italian flag on the visor? It drives my dad bananas when the Eagles are playing badly, which is beyond hilarious.
  8. Rick Burlesons Yam Bag

    Week 11

    Man, this one really hurts.
  9. Rick Burlesons Yam Bag

    Week 11

    It also doesn’t incorporate the driving factor of the upward seasonality - inexperienced QBs who improve over the seasons, guys getting used to nee receivers/offenses, etc which most of these guys never really had to deal with.
  10. Rick Burlesons Yam Bag

    Week 11

    The data defines whether it is nonsense or not, and it isn’t. I have led forecasting for major business units at Fortune 50 companies. I’m sorry you can’t accept being wrong.
  11. Rick Burlesons Yam Bag

    Week 11

    I honestly thought you were a lurker. I can’t remember a single thing you have said on any topic. This post just shows you to be a clown who doesn’t understand data.
  12. Rick Burlesons Yam Bag

    Week 11

    True statement: I love his passion Also true statement: This and the Frank Reich stuff last season is embarrassing. It’s too much. Also, also true statement: Had he done this against the Cowboys I probably would have loved it Also, also, also true statement: He is a very good football coach...
  13. Rick Burlesons Yam Bag

    Week 11

    Your second paragraph shows the flaw in your first. The end of season rating is almost always higher - in aggregate - than the mid-season. Again though, a few Sundays of blizzard can outweigh that seasonality.
  14. Rick Burlesons Yam Bag

    Week 11

    No one claimed there was a cyclical effect in the last decade, but yes, most of the large increases in the metric over the last 30 years seem to have been driven by rule changes (which have impaxt both ways, catches are now reviewed far more than in the past, almost to a silly degree). I was...
  15. Rick Burlesons Yam Bag

    Week 11

    And now at the HS level and higher, everyone is in the wedge.
  16. Rick Burlesons Yam Bag

    Week 11

    Ooh. How is lined up parallel to the line defined? I have been discussing this with players for about a decade Is it shoulders square or feet? I have always assumed it was shoulders. But yeah, Tackles haven’t been parallel to the line or even close to past the waistline of the center for 90...
  17. Rick Burlesons Yam Bag

    Week 11

    Yes, but when I look at it I am analyzing it as someone who is just alot smarter than you guys. It’s kind of canon at this point. If you don’t believe me, go through the draft threads for the last 5 seasons and see how excited you all were about this shit salad. There are many other proof...
  18. Rick Burlesons Yam Bag

    Week 11

    QB rating for the last ten years. There was an increase until 10 years ago. There was a one year spike. You guys have to get smart.
  19. Rick Burlesons Yam Bag

    Week 11

    You are just completely wrong in this statement. Man, you suck at data. Do people take advantage of you regularly? There was a spike in 2020. That's the story. The rest is normal variance and you being unable to realize that your hypothesis is idiotic. I expect to hear more clinging to this...