I am literally weeping with happiness. The calendar may have already turned, but January 8th marks the perfect exclamation point to the Jets 2012 obituary. Tangentially, if I ever was in a position to be able to choose between Kate Upton and Olivia Munn, I'm sure I'd mentally break down so completely that I'd find a way to ruin it with both. I kind of hate you, Yaz, but thank you, thank you kindly for that.As if Kate Uption wasn't perfect already! That was a really well done slam.
You know, until you responded, I honestly wasn't 100% sure it was a joke. I sort of thought it was odd for a moment that he would think that Rex throwing her under the bus was even possibly on the table, and then I just moved on. Does that say more about me or the Jets?Nice.
Edit: added unnecessary snide jab at Yaz.