I come at this from a hoops perspective, obviously, as I watch basketball tape as obsessively as SuperNomario or SMU watch football tape (my brother will tell you I've been known to watch the same jumpshot 20 times to analyze every bit of the shooting motion), but level of competition matters. The technicals/skills are important, as is the useful athleticism (you're in the Port Cellar enough to have read me lecture on that before).
But being able to perform against the best competition is also important. I will say it's a bigger red flag if a player can't excel against better competition than a green flag if he does. This goes to something I observed about Cam Reddish, in high school he just destroyed the competition in a way that he couldn't at Duke, which turned me skeptical about him. Jalen Johnson would be the 2021 version.
With Jones I look mostly at the lack of tight window throws and his averagish performance on such throws and get worried. When you look at how few of those throws he had to make you start to wonder what happens at the next level when his receivers won't be that open. But then, as I said, I'm an amateur at football scouting whereas I'm more of a semipro in terms of hoops scouting.