Tua seems to be a lightning rod that’s led to a tribalism I haven’t really seen in other fan bases.Is this unique to Tua and the Dolphins or is it true of the Reddit communities for any team that hasn't had any real success in decades?
Because of fantasy/gambling, I find myself perusing through most team communities, and I’ve found them all to generally be more informed and enjoyable. For instance, there’s a fatalism and subsequent humor amongst the Lions community that’s endearing. (From my brief experience)
I have theorized something similar though, that when you lose for decades the more discerning fans start to slip by the wayside and move on with their lives…the part that is unique to the Dolphins though; is the starting point for the fan base is Florida Males. I don’t want to make broad generalizations, but after watching the reactions and prevalent sentiment to something like Flores’ tenure, it’s hard not to.
Edit* - I’m sure I’m also oversensitive at the moment. The lack of civil discourse, acceptance of facts and expertise, informed arguments, etc. in this country makes my head want to explode on any given day…so I found myself wishing I didn’t have to deal with it so overtly when I just wanted to read/talk football.
As for something actually on field…
Checking out the schedule…
Buffalo to TNF in Cincinnati is brutal.
After that though they better roll if this season is going to be a success.
Very happy to get NE week 1.
Not sure if it’s fact, or it’s been spoken into a truth, but it certainly seems like the NE gets better as the season goes on. So getting them week 1, in the heat, with Bill not even knowing for sure what the offense will look like, seems to be a best case situation there.
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