This news breaks my heart. Thanks for posting. I met Jim by chance at a Red Sox game in Anaheim vs the Angels in July 2015. I have been a coach in Special Olympics for decades and that year was blessed to be a Team USA coach at the World Games in LA that year. I and another RI coach flew out a day earlier then most of the team to catch a Red Sox game vs the Angels. Through one of the PR folks back then (Jon Shestakofsky) we arranged to have Dustin do a cameo with us to address Team USA that would be played at our first team meeting the next day.
It was raining, which is rare, so we waited inside within the area by the door leading to the field. There were a few chairs and in one of them was Buster Olney who I think was part of the tv crew covering the game (ESPN Sunday Night?) Anyway, I struck up a conversation with him and he invited us to sit with him while we wait to go on the field. After a minute or two, Jim Caple came over to Buster who invited him to join us. He did, with a huge order of fries.
We talked about Special Olympics, Red Sox and baseball and somehow Seattle came up. I told him I went to college in WA state and would spend weekends in Seattle to see local bands back in 87-90 timeline Jim lit up. It turns out we may have met back then as we both frequented a Pioneer Square bar that was a grundge venue -the J&M Cafe and checking out the talent walking around Green Lake.
He was really a regular dude and shared his fries. When Jon came and got us to go on the field to meet Dustin, Jim came with us and used my cell to video us with Dustin and his 15 second hype speech <hint, it wasn't>
The game would go on to be the first rainout in a decade or more, but I am grateful for the time with Jim. To be honest I didn't even know he was going thru things medically.
Rest easy Jim and thanks for the fries.