I write creatively from time to time, sometimes opinion based, sometimes flash fiction and short stories. I will say, I find it much more fun/interesting to write colorfully about something in a negative light, than in a positive one. I wonder if there is something to that with guys like CHB. It's fun to come up with a new an creative way to call something a dumpster fire. To be over-the-top harsh. But to be colorful about something positive? It's tough to pull off without sounding like a sycophant if you're writing on real world events. Writers might even be tempted to make a positive line about a team into one that is dually negative about other teams, i.e. "The 2018 Boston Red Sox trampled the rest of the league, like a raging pack of soccer moms over an unsuspecting group of abandoned, napping toddlers at WalMart on Black Friday."