Dan Shaughnessy: Taking a dump in your mouth one column at a time


SoSH Member
Mar 5, 2004
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After reading this thread I decided to give his current column a look.

Sorry, not going to lose any sleep wondering if Jaylen Brown’s feelings are hurt for not being on the US Olympic team.
Um, Dan, I don't give a shit if you lose any sleep over anything. How about an opinion on why he shouldn't be on the team? Or why he should be? Unless you are saying you don't care about Olympic basketball entirely? Which I don't. Which is why I don't talk about it.

A little racist dog whistle thrown at JD Martinez and Adrian Gonzalez that was, sadly, expected.

I guess I didn't know Shelley Duvall used a Yaz bat in The Shining. So I got that going for me now. Which is nice.

Back to ignoring him.

Van Everyman

SoSH Member
Apr 30, 2009
A little racist dog whistle thrown at JD Martinez and Adrian Gonzalez that was, sadly, expected.
Shank has seemed to target Dominican players before but I don’t see that here. Adrian Gonzalez famously complained in 2011 about playing too many Sunday night games. Now we have JD Martinez complaining about day games because he’s “not in his 20s anymore” and has to wake up early like he’s Gian Gastone de' Medici bedridden for the rest of his life after spraining an ankle. It’s a fair comparison and criticism.


SoSH Member
Sep 30, 2010
Possibly interesting only to me, but this is how he described the Lisa Olson incident today:

Their only win was quickly forgotten when Patriot players “degraded and humiliated” (according to the NFL’s investigation) a female sportswriter in the locker room one day after beating the Colts.
This description really bugged me at first, as I didn't know why (1) he didn't mention Olson by name and (2) describes the Pats' actions as "degraded and humiliated (according to the NFL's investigation)" rather than just saying "sexually harassed," which seems like what actually happened.

But then I went to the Wiki page about her and was reminded:

Although Olson settled a civil suit, fans of the football team made threats on Olson's life in the aftermath. The Boston Herald offered her a transfer to Australia, where she would work for the Daily Telegraph in Sydney, which Olson accepted.
So the lawyers probably told him not to say anything that wasn't strictly factual and he may have decided not to mention her name out of respect.


SoSH Member
Apparently CHB has a new, totally original idea today: calling Kevin Millar to talk about the Yankees overcoming an 0-3 hole. Meanwhile Pete Abe has a column on how everyone should be mad about Mookie Betts getting traded. The levels of intellectual laziness at the Globe are breathtaking.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
Shaughnessy’s job as a Boston columnist is to take what’s going on in sports and talk about it from a Boston angle. Since the Yanks were down 3-0, and the catalyst for the only 0-3 comeback is sitting in the other dugout (which tons of writtters have already pointed out since this is the 20th anniversary of that glorious few days) what do you suggest that he should have written about?

Similarily Mookie Betts is a game away from winning his second Word Series and the Sox have rocketed to .500 in the ensuing years since his trade. You might be over the trade but a lot of people aren’t. It’s a perfectly cromulent story for Abe to write.


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Gold Supporter
SoSH Member
Jun 27, 2012
Needham, MA
Can I not still be mad about Mookie Betts being traded? I’m still mad and I’m not sure when I’m going to be done being mad. I don’t read the Globe but if I did I’d read a story about how Red Sox fans should still be mad about Mookie Betts being traded.

Shaughnessy can eat a bag of dicks, though.


SoSH Member
Can I not still be mad about Mookie Betts being traded? I’m still mad and I’m not sure when I’m going to be done being mad. I don’t read the Globe but if I did I’d read a story about how Red Sox fans should still be mad about Mookie Betts being traded.

Shaughnessy can eat a bag of dicks, though.
Oh, you're welcome to still be mad, millions of people are, me included, and it will never change. But how is this news? How many more times do we need to be provoked? It's cheap, mindless shit on the level with all these political ads. I remember when the Globe sports page used to write actual news stories and analysis.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
Oh, you're welcome to still be mad, millions of people are, me included, and it will never change. But how is this news? How many more times do we need to be provoked? It's cheap, mindless shit on the level with all these political ads. I remember when the Globe sports page used to write actual news stories and analysis.
The Globe used to write about a deal that was made in 1920 for decades. When they got bored of writing about that, they wrote about Sparky Lyle or Jeff Bagwell or a bunch of other shitty deals.

It’s what sports writers have done since day one. There’s never been a day in any of our lives when one of these guys weren’t bitching about a deal made by any of the four teams in this town.

And BTW the stories that you’re referring to are analysis.


SoSH Member
Aug 3, 2010
Your take on these? I highlighted the ones I agree with.

If elected King of Sports, here are my Day 1 decrees, and other thoughts

Picked-up pieces while wondering what the crowd’s going to look like for Monday’s Truck Day festival at Fenway . . .

▪ Pardons and executive orders are all the rage in these early days of 2025. In this spirit, I am here to tell you what I’ll do when elected King of Sports.

On my first day as King of Sports I’ll call the media to my Ovaltine Office — I drink the delicious malt every day — and wave my pen as a ceremonial sword, righting all wrongs and making sports great again.

This revolution of sports common sense no doubt will be controversial, but it’s necessary. We’re going to take our sports back.

Henceforth, I decree:

▪ All postseason baseball games will be played in the afternoon.

▪ From this day forward, there will be only two ways to score points in basketball: Free throws and 2-point field goals. I am eliminating the 3-point shot. End of story.

▪ No more offside in hockey or soccer. Let’s open up these games.

▪ No more analytics departments. The reliance on analytics in sports ends.

▪ No more corruption-ridden “extra time” in soccer. There will be a clock that winds down to 0:00, just like in football, basketball, and hockey.

▪ NFL kickoffs will go back to the good old days when men were men.

▪ The Calipari statue comes down in Amherst.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
He also said that Manny needs to go in the Hall of Fame now and that he was the best right handed hitter since Jimmie Foxx. (Maybe he means AL)

He also said the same thing about Shoeless Joe, Rose, Beltran, Bonds, Clemens and ARod.

I was waiting for him to write “NOT!” or something similar but it seems he was sincere. Which is a new look for Shank.