I think that people who feel the need to moan and complain online about the WNBA are pretty sad and I'm not sure why anyone is paying attention to them. They're obnoxious drunks at a bar who should just be ignored. Giving them attention is what they want.
But I also think the WNBA is not doing themselves any favors with antagonistic marketing. "The only problem with the WNBA is that you're not watching" is needlessly in your face - of all the reasons people watch sports, I don't believe guilt is at the top of the list. Also, partner brands like Nike have ads saying that the women's national team makes
our favorite men's basketball team look like amateurs. It's strange to live a cultural moment where watching sports is a zero sum game and we need to denigrate the accomplishments of one group of people to make the other seem more appealing. It seems like Nike thinks we should watch sports because we like the way people look or we agree with their politics - I think this forum and its passion for football and baseball is proof that we don't actually care about these things. We just like watching amazing athletes do amazing things and, weirdly enough, the WNBAs biggest partner, Nike, doesn't have highlights of women playing basketball in a commercial that's ostensibly trying to raise awareness of how great women's basketball is. Just overall, it seems like the WNBA and its partners would prefer to lean into the culture wars to acquire fans rather than attract fans via the merit of the game itself. For example, Women's tennis - it's a much more enjoyable game to watch because there's more volleying (IMO).
I think it's cool that people like the WNBA, but I also don't watch it because I don't like the style of basketball being played (and for that matter, I don't really watch college basketball for similar reasons, nor do I watch single A baseball or Canadian football). There's only so much time in the day. I barely get to watch as much NBA as I want to watch. I don't think that makes me less of a "sports" fan - it means I just want to watch the highest quality version (IMO) of whatever sport I like.