My brother's wife's sister invited me to her wedding on October 11, 2003. Pedro, Zimmer, Clemens, Manny, Nelson, Groundskeeper, and who ever that Yankee outfielder was who Pedro plunked.
The reception started right as the game was starting. I had scoped out the joint and found a big screen TV in a conference room just a little down the hall. Word got around that the game was on down there and was a rotation of guys checking the game and relaying the score to the reception. The mother of the bride was trying to shut it down, but was having little success. After Pedro plunked What's His Name, a bunch of folks got up to check out the game. Mother of the Bride came in and tried to turn it off, scolding the folks watching. Whatever.
I will never forget when some guy ran into the reception and yelled "Manny and Clemens are ducking it out in the mound!" Three quarters of the room stood up and ran down to the TV. Mother of the Bride sort of gave up at that point.
The next year a Yankee fan colleague of mine got married during the 19-8 game. He was kind of obnoxious during the wedding, but all winter long I kept reminding him that the Sox had not lost since he'd been married.