Former Raiders' President Amy Trask made it clear that this kind of behavior occurred in the past with Bruce Allen and that she made multiple complaints to Al Davis when they were all at the Raiders together (1995-2003).
Gruden doesn't deserve an ounce of sympathy, but it is unfair that he is being held to very appropriate account for his bad behavior, while Allen, Snyder etc. are not being made to suffer in any real way for much worse behavior that almost certainly goes far beyond inappropriate and into the land of what is illegal or even criminal.Gruden didn't take anyone's passport against their will. It will also be unfair if Gruden ends up being the only non Deadskins related NFL figure to have his misdeeds brought to light from the Snyder investigation, reasonably assuming that he wasn't the only bigoted asshole that bigoted asshole Bruce Allen was exchanging bigoted asshole emails with during the time period covered by the investigation.
I don't really have a problem with what King said or how he said it. I hope Gruden uses his significant wealth and, insulated by the fact that he will never hold another NFL or NFL media job again, takes legal action that fully brings to light what was found in the Snyder investigation.
Gruden doesn't deserve an ounce of sympathy, but it is unfair that he is being held to very appropriate account for his bad behavior, while Allen, Snyder etc. are not being made to suffer in any real way for much worse behavior that almost certainly goes far beyond inappropriate and into the land of what is illegal or even criminal.Gruden didn't take anyone's passport against their will. It will also be unfair if Gruden ends up being the only non Deadskins related NFL figure to have his misdeeds brought to light from the Snyder investigation, reasonably assuming that he wasn't the only bigoted asshole that bigoted asshole Bruce Allen was exchanging bigoted asshole emails with during the time period covered by the investigation.
I don't really have a problem with what King said or how he said it. I hope Gruden uses his significant wealth and, insulated by the fact that he will never hold another NFL or NFL media job again, takes legal action that fully brings to light what was found in the Snyder investigation.