@BringBackMo I asked you to send me a PM not because I'm scared of discussing things in public, but rather because the conversation seems to be derailing. I'm fine discussing things in public because I think my opinion is valid and it doesn't require me to denigrate a stranger whom I've never met over some short message board posts. This, apparently, has a lot of appeal to you as it gives you some kind of validation.
I'm not "triggered" by the phrase "intent doesn't matter." I find that it's counterproductive and I've explained why in several posts. It manipulates language and takes a well-known fact inherent in all interpersonal relationships and twists it into the opposite. It denies reality. RW himself admitted that it was an imperfect phrase and he was trying to capture something else. You even contradict yourself here
In that statement, Grandma is
intending to continue to hurt someone's feelings, so yes, that is an issue! Surely it's different if she apologizes for her mistake, and surely it's different if she doesn't have that knowledge before she says anything out of step. If a person who just immigrated to the US and doesn't speak English well makes a faux pas in our current gender debate because they don't know any better or they can't communicate as well, clearly that is remarkably different from someone who intends to make another person feel worse with a comment. Like, this should be inarguable, yet you keep trying to twist into a pretzel because it's more important to you to make me into something I'm not than to engage with my argument.