Dude, some of my FAVORITE ski memories are the kid(s) on the leash. It's so fun! Pro tip, next year lose the leashes and just use your poles. It works better. Took me until the 2nd kid to figure that out...Snow's been nice and soft here in Colorado thanks to a series of storms that's brought our snowpack back to life. It's absolutely dumping in the southern mountains (Wild Creek, Purgatory, etc.) tho it's not really in the cards to get down there this year. Missus and I will take a few days off next week to do a little trip to Monarch - real old school mountain - so looking forward to that as just a nice time away with the wife.
I'm extremely, extremely happy tho as yesterday I got my little guy out on some real slopes for the first time ever. He's 2 so we're mostly just getting him used to the idea of being in gear and getting out, and he has a blast. My wife made a short little reel capturing the moment: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3KElOoMktxWT_RP6Bv9NKYaseb1K7qXV500l00/
Kiddo skied for a solid hour and still wanted to keep going even as he was basically falling down with tiredness as we were walking back to the lodge. Leave 'em wanting more. Best day of my life.
Love Purg. My wife's BFF lives at Silverpick and pre kids we would go and lurk for a super cheap ski-trip. They would drop me off at the resort and then go have the day to themselves. Solid arrangement. Last trip though I was sitting on plane, watching them load baggage. My bag, check. Wife's bag, check. My skis? No. They went onto a different cart and zoomed off into the ether. Something wild about watching your stuff go elsewhere with no ability to be "excuse me, I believe my shit is not being loaded..." Of course it was pre-kids so I had like 8 pairs of skis so it didn't matter...