Guys/gals, what about the apps and accessories I'm looking at (post 91 above)? Anything on the list not as good as I'm expecting it to be? Any other "must-have" apps that I'm not aware of? Any other thoughts will be greatly appreciated.
Some of the apps you listed are redundant. For example, Flycast is a radio feed app that contains both espn radio and weei, along with many others. I find it to be the best overall live radio feed app by far. I also see some apps that I have tested and found to be somewhat useless. Save Benjis is useless to me, seeing as though amazon mobile will most likely beat (or at least be equal) the same prices you'll find through the program. If you're going to have amazon mobile, I wouldn't bother with save benjis. Also, downlaod the movie showtime app named Now Playing, as it contains live Fandango links for showtime purchases within the app, saving you app space without needing to download fandango as well. I could go on, but I'll just list mine, and maybe others will chime in with some of their others.
Here is my list of apps after testing thoroughly (in no particular order):
1. iRemote
2. The Weather Channel
3. Google Mobile
4. Bank of America
5. Evernote
6. Sportacular (thats the name, and why you might not have found it)
7. at Bat 2009
8. Simplify Media (share iTunes libararies with friends remotely)
9. Flycast (best live radio feed)
10. Slacker Radio (better than Pandora IMHO, but it's preference)
11. BeeJiveIM (IM client for all protocols)
12. Twitterific Premium (trhe pro version of twitterific)
13. Twittelator Pro (I like the interface better, but it sometimes doesn't refresh. I'm waiting for an update to give a verdict between them both)
14. Facebook
15. Easy WiFi (an automatic wifi login app for AT&T hotspots)
15. WiFiTrak (finds wifi networks wherever you are, even if hidden)
16. eBay mobile
17. PayPal mobile
18. i.TV (a mobile tv schedule listing app that you can manage your netflix que from)
19. Record (for audio notes you can email yourself)
20. Ocarina (turns your iPhone into a flute - the nephews and nieces love this one)
21. Shazam (tells you the name and artist for a song you don't know by listening to it)
22. Backgrounds (free wallpaper app)
23. Eventful (lists all events in your area that are upcoming and holds live links to ticket purchases)
24. G-Park (find where you parked - though not 100% accurate)
25. Yelp (sort of a yellowbook for everything with reviews- coffee places, restaurants, gas stations, etc.)
26. Amazon mobile
27. Open Table (makes reservations from your iPhone at local restaurants)
28. Local Eats (lists those sometimes secret places that the locals love for any genre of food you ask of it)
29. Upcoming (keeps track of birthdays, anniversaries, etc. for your contacts)
30. Free Memory (if your phone is sluggish, it frees up some RAM to make sure it's over 20MB at any time)
31. Air Sharing (store files remotely - an FTP client)
32. ePocrates RX (awesome wealth of drug info)
33. Ambiance (soothing noises for whenever)
34. All Recipes
35. BigOven (another recipe site, as they're both equally awesome)
36. ColorSplash (make only certain parts of photos appear in their original color - cool photo app)
37. iTranslate (for any language, but pricey)
38. We The People (pocket constitution - just cool to have)
39. StepTrak Lite (keep track of how far you've run/walked as well as caloric burn, etc)
40. Skype for iPhone
~There are a few more, but they're games for fun only, and not necessary. I have also deleted about 40 apps over the last 6 months that sucked IMO. Can't remember all of them, but my current list is one I'm now very happy with.
Lastly, go with the invisible shield imho. The bodyguardz films are similar, and you get two for one, but they aren't as anti-glare as the IS's are. It got on my nerves after a little while, and I switched my bodyguardz out for the full-body Zagg IS.