Just What is Apex Mountain: Rewatchables discussion thread


Son of the Harpy
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Funny because it's right or funny because it's wrong? I've never been to San Antonio but I think Venice is an unbelievable magical place, one of the most remarkable places i've ever been--but I totally struck out on food there.

I love Venezia but I can also get a laugh out of someone comparing it to the riverwalk. It's a cynical take on Venice which I can see an argument for if you make the case that it's just a bunch of tourists plodding around sewage. Please don't feel compelled to defend the city, I love it. I would move there if I could live comfortably, but my opinion is that it is a pretty good joke by Bill.


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Feb 19, 2002
New York City
I love Venezia but I can also get a laugh out of someone comparing it to the riverwalk. It's a cynical take on Venice which I can see an argument for if you make the case that it's just a bunch of tourists plodding around sewage. Please don't feel compelled to defend the city, I love it. I would move there if I could live comfortably, but my opinion is that it is a pretty good joke by Bill.
From a certain point of view Venice or Kyoto (or parts of central Paris for example) really are just incredibly elaborate tourist traps, just centuries old ones with lots of super valuable beautiful old shit.


SoSH Member
Nov 6, 2009
This has the possibility of being the Apex Mountain of Apex Mountain explanations. Also really hope he doesn't skip recasting couch.


mad dog
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Dec 30, 2003
New York City
Pure Simmons. Gets Jennifer Lawrence on a pod and literally forgets to hit record. The audio is awful.

It is brutal watching Simmons flail around in the outfield like Willie Mays at the end. He's washed and he needs to move on from the Rewatchables but obviously he won't.


SoSH Member
Dec 17, 2009
Pure Simmons. Gets Jennifer Lawrence on a pod and literally forgets to hit record. The audio is awful.

It is brutal watching Simmons flail around in the outfield like Willie Mays at the end. He's washed and he needs to move on from the Rewatchables but obviously he won't.
He fucked up the audio on the Casino pod too. CR and Fennessy discussed it on the Big Picture De Niro draft (worth a listen, if only for CR to lose his shit when a few key movies get stolen from him). Basically, BS insisted that he had the audio totally covered despite CR/Sean repeatedly asking if he needed help, and then BS forgot to plug in CR's mic.

The Social Chair

SoSH Member
Feb 17, 2010
Bill and JLaw doing Dumb and Dumber is a surprise.
She's promoting her 00s raunchy comedy throwback.

Classic Bill to fumble the bag with the audio quality. He can't use this audio to attract other stars now.

I haven't listened but I'll cringe if he says casting couch.
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Joe D Reid

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Jan 15, 2004
Biggest cringe was when he suggested that her part in a remake would be the Lauren Holly part. She demurred. He then confusedly asked which other part she would play and she said “Harry”, a possibility he clearly hadn’t considered.
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SoSH Member
Apr 23, 2010
SE Mass
The Ringer’s Bill Simmons, Chris Ryan, and Sean Fennessey set off in search of eternal life as they rewatch the third installment in the Indiana Jones franchise, ‘Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade,’ starring Harrison Ford, Sean Connery, and Alison Doody. Directed by Steven Spielberg.


has trust issues
SoSH Member
Nov 6, 2001
Unreal America
The Ringer’s Bill Simmons, Chris Ryan, and Sean Fennessey set off in search of eternal life as they rewatch the third installment in the Indiana Jones franchise, ‘Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade,’ starring Harrison Ford, Sean Connery, and Alison Doody. Directed by Steven Spielberg.
This is one of my all time favorite movies. Very excited the Big Three are doing it.


SoSH Member
Oct 27, 2010
Very funny episode. Some frustrating Bill moments as usual (how did he not get the accent was a joke?) but this is still my favorite trio. The blimp talk killed me

88 MVP

SoSH Member
Dec 25, 2007
This was a fun one. Producer Craig interjecting “…are you doing picking nits on Christianity?” as Fennessey was on a rant about not liking grail mythology made me burst out laughing in my car.


SoSH Member
Dec 4, 2003
Needham, Mass
CR nailing that Jenkins bit without breaking was impressive for a man who is not a trained actor. I also enjoyed the recurring Matt Ishbia/you have chosen poorly bit. Not sure why anyone thinks "Holy Grail" is a better name for the movie than "Last Crusade," especially the man who went to a Jesuit college in Worcester.

I don't think any punches were pulled, but it was a bit odd to hear them doing paid promotion for the new Indiana Jones movie while reviewing this one. It was fairly effective marketing, as I now will make my kids watch The Last Crusade before dragging them to Dial of Destiny next week. Will be interested to hear Sean's review of Dial of Destiny on The Big Picture, hopefully free of any commercial considerations.

Van Everyman

SoSH Member
Apr 30, 2009
I'm beginning to think Simmons' superpower is being able to be a total middle aged white guy without apology or anger. The fact that he has a show reviewing 35 year old movies with two other Irish white dudes in their fifties and I'm not spending 3/4 of the show braced for him to say something cancel-worthy is some kind of achievement in 2023.


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Bummed Mallory wasn't involved, but still a solid listen.
When Bill mentioned that if Connery had declined the role, one of the backup options was Jon Pertwee, about whom none of them had any clue, I immediately thought that if Mallory were there, she would have instantaneously identified him as the Third Doctor in the Doctor Who series. That's why these pods can always benefit from having Mal or Joanna on board.


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2009
When Bill mentioned that if Connery had declined the role, one of the backup options was Jon Pertwee, about whom none of them had any clue, I immediately thought that if Mallory were there, she would have instantaneously identified him as the Third Doctor in the Doctor Who series. That's why these pods can always benefit from having Mal or Joanna on board.
I'm not so sure, its certainly possible but Classic Who isn't in either of their wheelhouses, and I can't remember if they mentioned any of the pre-Eccleston Doctors in their first Doctor Who pod.

that being said, it's wild to think of Pertwee playing Indy's dad, delivering Venusian Aikido chops to Nazis. Certainly was a more age appropriate actor for the role.


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I'm not so sure, its certainly possible but Classic Who isn't in either of their wheelhouses, and I can't remember if they mentioned any of the pre-Eccleston Doctors in their first Doctor Who pod.

that being said, it's wild to think of Pertwee playing Indy's dad, delivering Venusian Aikido chops to Nazis. Certainly was a more age appropriate actor for the role.
I believe Joanna is new to Who, but I have no doubt that if pressed, Mallory could identify all the Doctors and their companions, because that's the kind of comic book/fantasy/sci-fi fangirl she is.


SoSH Member
Jul 17, 2005
When Bill mentioned that if Connery had declined the role, one of the backup options was Jon Pertwee, about whom none of them had any clue, I immediately thought that if Mallory were there, she would have instantaneously identified him as the Third Doctor in the Doctor Who series. That's why these pods can always benefit from having Mal or Joanna on board.
I a) agree she would have, and b) disagree that would have added anything to the pod.

Van Everyman

SoSH Member
Apr 30, 2009
I thought it was interesting that they supposedly wanted Laurence Olivier for the Grail Knight and went with a stage actor who ... is almost doing an Olivier impersonation.


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2009
I believe Joanna is new to Who, but I have no doubt that if pressed, Mallory could identify all the Doctors and their companions, because that's the kind of comic book/fantasy/sci-fi fangirl she is.
You've got it backwards, Mal had never watched any* Who before their current revival era watch/rewatch podcast series, and claims she's deliberately avoided learning about the show to keep it fresh for when she did start in on it. Joanna's the Whovian of the pair, but by her own admission is strictly a revival era fan and has never watched the Classic series. Now granted they've already covered School Reunion so they've met Sarah Jane, and reading up on her quite naturally brings you to Pertwee. So they probably would've recognized the name, but I still don't think it's a slam dunk guarantee. Everyone has pop culture blindspots, even a crazy obsessive like Mal.

I do really want to know how Pertwee landed on a list with Sean Connery and Gregory Peck, one of these things is completely not like the others.

* aside from a couple of Jodi's first episodes


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You've got it backwards, Mal had never watched any* Who before their current revival era watch/rewatch podcast series, and claims she's deliberately avoided learning about the show to keep it fresh for when she did start in on it. Joanna's the Whovian of the pair, but by her own admission is strictly a revival era fan and has never watched the Classic series. Now granted they've already covered School Reunion so they've met Sarah Jane, and reading up on her quite naturally brings you to Pertwee. So they probably would've recognized the name, but I still don't think it's a slam dunk guarantee. Everyone has pop culture blindspots, even a crazy obsessive like Mal.

I do really want to know how Pertwee landed on a list with Sean Connery and Gregory Peck, one of these things is completely not like the others.

* aside from a couple of Jodi's first episodes
My mistake. (I'm obviously not listening to their Who rewatch pods.) And agreed that, no offense to the former Doctor, he would have been a huge step down in terms of name recognition and star power than either of those other two.


Son of the Harpy
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
God Damn, Boys! I didn't know this was the Dr Who nerd meet-up.
I'll tell you what big dogs...you're going to "members to dump" in backwash. "What RInger Gal would discuss Dr Who better??," in an Indy thread?!?!?!
Dopes, get'em the fuck outta here!!
This is The Last Crusade man, LET IT BREATHE!
I swear to god guys, if you write Dr. Who one more god damned time I going to let Sumner bake you and feed you to Yammer.

View: https://twitter.com/TheRewatchables/status/1648343085557116930?s=20


Urological Expert
SoSH Member
Nov 4, 2007
I was randomly watching an old Desus and Mero the other day (RIP to the GOATs) and they had Jon Bernthal on. I never realized that’s exactly how that dude talks. I saw he was from some hoity toity family and figured the accent was a put on.


SoSH Member
Apr 23, 2010
SE Mass
The Ringer’s Bill Simmons, Chris Ryan, and Craig Horlbeck specifically bought a Milky Way to eat after rewatching the 2013 comedy ‘This Is the End,’ starring Seth Rogen, Jay Baruchel, James Franco, Jonah Hill, Danny McBride, and Craig Robinson.


Urological Expert
SoSH Member
Nov 4, 2007
Got this cued up for a bike ride later. Although they can be a little shallow with comedies, just repeating lines and laughing at them. Then again, maybe that's what comedies are for? Anyway, I loved this movie.
It really is one of the funniest movies of the last 20 years.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Portland, ME
Really looking forward to this one. This Is The End is a classic and unbelievably rewatchable.

Also, with how much they were ad-libbing, the blooper reel is pretty hilarious as well.

The Social Chair

SoSH Member
Feb 17, 2010
I saw a screening of This is the End a few months before it came out. The special effects weren't completed, and it was still one of the best theater experiences I've ever had.

Emma Watson's performance was terrible in the screening, but they cut out 90% of her scenes for the theatrical version. The Backstreet Boys scene wasn't filmed yet either.

Mystic Merlin

SoSH Member
Sep 21, 2007
Hartford, CT
I saw a screening of This is the End a few months before it came out. The special effects weren't completed, and it was still one of the best theater experiences I've ever had.

Emma Watson's performance was terrible in the screening, but they cut out 90% of her scenes for the theatrical version. The Backstreet Boys scene wasn't filmed yet either.
That’s pretty awesome. I’ve never laughed so hard in a theater than I did during the Franco/McBride jerking off scene.

Even the minor lines are amazing. ‘Jay…..I didn’t know you were in town. Good to see you.’


Urological Expert
SoSH Member
Nov 4, 2007
I saw a screening of This is the End a few months before it came out. The special effects weren't completed, and it was still one of the best theater experiences I've ever had.

Emma Watson's performance was terrible in the screening, but they cut out 90% of her scenes for the theatrical version. The Backstreet Boys scene wasn't filmed yet either.
I don’t know why, but I don’t the special effect for the demon’s giant swinging dick that gets lopped off by the light from Heaven - man that was 20 Star Wars for me.


SoSH Member
Jul 17, 2005
Looks like the July theme is going to be courtroom movies, and today should be Primal Fear.


Son of the Harpy
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
We know Primal Fear, they already did The Verdict and A Few Good Men, what’s in play? I like this genre. Did they do My Cousin Vinny yet?

fiskful of dollars

SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2005
Charlottesville, VA
Courtroom movies I will not be holding my breath hoping for:

Judgment at Nuremberg
Anatomy of a Murder
Inherit the Wind
To Kill a Mockingbird

Even though I'm sure both Sean and CR could do great pods on any of them.
Love those choices!!

Presumed Innocent -Simmons likes Greta Scacchi
A Time to Kill - maybe. Great, all time cast
Philadelphia - doubtful
True Believer -Downey/Woods
12 Angry Men - by all rights, this should be the headliner, but it probably won’t be on the list.
In The Name of the Father(?)


Son of the Harpy
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Love those choices!!

Presumed Innocent -Simmons likes Greta Scacchi
A Time to Kill - maybe. Great, all time cast
Philadelphia - doubtful
True Believer -Downey/Woods
12 Angry Men - by all rights, this should be the headliner, but it probably won’t be on the list.
In The Name of the Father(?)
True Believer would be a one for us that I would enjoy.

Others that are different levels of ok but could make for a good episode:
A Civil Action
And Justice for All
Class Action
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Love those choices!!

Presumed Innocent -Simmons likes Greta Scacchi
A Time to Kill - maybe. Great, all time cast
Philadelphia - doubtful
True Believer -Downey/Woods
12 Angry Men - by all rights, this should be the headliner, but it probably won’t be on the list.
In The Name of the Father(?)
These are great suggestions as well. I'll throw in two I could kind of see:

The People vs. Larry Flynt (But they may not want to turn it into "Edward Norton Month".)

The Crucible (DDL with two of Bill's faves: Joan Allen and Winona Ryder. I could see him making the arguments that it speaks to the current times' religious overreach and the young girls are similar to the cancel culture social media mobs that try to destroy people's livelihoods and lives through their accusations.)

Did they do Jagged Edge yet? That seems like a Bill movie.


SoSH Member
Feb 3, 2010
To Kill a Mockingbird would be worth it to hear Sean and CR audibly sweat hoping Bill stays away from multiple third rail topics.

“Are we sure Atticus Finch was good? I mean, I get that it was the South and all, but if he was really good there should have been a hung jury”