Had the same hangup, Mallory goes SO hard for her beloved properties (and as any regular knows, there are many) that in some circumstances it can suck the air out of the room. One of those circumstances is when the focus of the episode is NOT that property, in this case the FNL TV show. I get they have to address the show to an extent, but ‘The Rewatchables’ serves to platform/pimp the movies it chronicles. In this case, tough, seemingly every other sentence out of her mouth in this episode is an unfavorable comparison to the TV show. It’s her opinion, sure, but have somebody on who will push back on her if you want that perspective. I didn’t dial this up to hear about how much better the TV show is or isn’t, which, incidentally, I’ve never seen.
I would’ve been bummed to dial up ‘The Godfather’ episode and get a treatise of Puzo’s book, too.