yes, I think the Bledsoe-Brady thing is kind of a red herring at this point. I'm sure it bothered him at the time, but that was a long time ago and the decision played out in a way that you really can't argue with.If Borges hates the Patriots over what happened with Brady and Bledsoe, I also love that. I mean, I could sort of understand being upset at the time. Drew was a franchise QB and lost his job while injured. (I wonder if any SF writers have assburn over Kaepernick-Smith). But It's not like Brady turned out to be Mark Sanchez. Anyone, anywhere who looked down his nose at the HC over his handling of Bledsoe has to admit that BB was on to something when he stayed with Brady.
But as much I believe that the Bledsoe angle factors in, life is rarely that binary. I'm guessing that in reality there are a multitude of reasons -- all of them asinine -- that underly why Ronny has decided that BB is the Devil. And it's not as if Borges waited for Belichick to make the right move with Brady-Bledsoe before he teed off on Belichick. Borges' moronic Seymour-Light-Terrell column came out after the 2001 draft and before the Bledsoe decision if I'm not mistaken.
This is about the Patriots making Borges job hard and him resenting that.