I spent a few hours in the car on Friday and made the mistake of listening to Glenn, Reimer and the utter nitwit Volin discuss all things Pats. Their collective judgment was that the entire Tom vs. Time series was an infomercial for TB12 and an attempt to rehabilitate Alex Guerrero.
My bad for tuning in and staying tuned in. But what nonsense. Even if part of what they noted is the agenda, there’s no denying that they had only seen one episode at that point and that the series covers topics other than TB12, such as Tom’s interactions with his wife and kids, one of whom Reimer foolishly labelled a pissant.
I will not miss Alex Reimer if he gets permanently canned. Like a poster above, i thought his playing up the stereotypical gay angle was as a sell out. Steve Buckley manages to discuss his sexuality without doing what Reimer did, and that’s probably based on the age and maturity difference between them.
Reimer now joins John Tomase as a member of the Boston media who caused a distraction and drew unnecessary attention to himself in the week before the Super Bowl. Tomase somehow managed to keep a job in Boston. If Reimer does the same, I doubt it will be at WEEI.
The real winner is the CHB. In any other market, he’d be the uncontested winner of the Market Douche Award. With the likes of Reimer and Tomase around, it’s a contest.