Kirk and Callahan: Done


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Portland, ME
I heard a good chunk of it on my way into work. Keeps saying that he's sick of all the arguments and pettiness (which is hilarious) and people treating him like a child. Reiterated over and over that his financial situation is great and management has given him everything he wants. Blah, blah, blah

Not sure if this is a "beg me not to leave" situation. Or, he wants to see the show go to shit when he leaves, only to then return and make it "great" again.


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
I heard a good chunk of it on my way into work. Keeps saying that he's sick of all the arguments and pettiness (which is hilarious) and people treating him like a child. Reiterated over and over that his financial situation is great and management has given him everything he wants. Blah, blah, blah

Not sure if this is a "beg me not to leave" situation. Or, he wants to see the show go to shit when he leaves, only to then return and make it "great" again.

Hasn’t he been doing this since before Dino left? Good riddance but he’s full of shit.

He acts tough because he’s a trust fund baby. He’s the equivalent of NBA players faking a fight on the court. If he didn’t have Daddy money he’d be a lot less of a shithead. I heard a few months ago he was complaining about his pay on air. What a douche.


New Member
Jul 3, 2014
Why is that D-bag still on the radio and working every day as if nothing happened. He threw his little tantrum last week and said he was quitting yet still we are stuck listening to this asshole if I was WEEI I would just fire him.


SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2009
Why is that D-bag still on the radio and working every day as if nothing happened. He threw his little tantrum last week and said he was quitting yet still we are stuck listening to this asshole if I was WEEI I would just fire him.
I wouldn't call it "stuck". Radios have tuners and an off button.


Robespierre in a Cape
SoSH Member
Jul 24, 2007
Podcasts. TSH. Music. Silence.

Pretty much anything than enabling KKKallahan.


SoSH Member
Oct 27, 2010
DJ Bean basically admitted it’s all fake today on his podcast. I mean we all knew it but it was interesting to hear. He said him and Kirk got into it when Bean was still with WEEI but after he said something like “I have no issues with him we just had a disagreement.” Then he heard from program managers who said he should have played it up more and kept it going.


slappy happy
SoSH Member
Oct 1, 2015
I didn't hear Alex Reimer's comments about Brady's daughter. But Kirk just had Brady on and the normal interview was about two minutes. Brady basically said that he's evaluating whether he will do his WEEI interview again and then hung up. Seemed.....pretty pissed.

Not the way I want him heading off to the Super Bowl (not that I think it will have much of an impact).

They're talking about whether Reimer's WEEI career is over.


slappy happy
SoSH Member
Oct 1, 2015
Brady seems about as congenial a guy in sports as you're going to find. He was actually very gracious in how he communicated how intensely pissed he is.


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of people. Good for Brady.

Reimer is worse than Kirk, which is saying something.


Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
I've pretty much stopped listening to morning sports radio (at least until Zo comes on at 10AM) but it would be really fitting if Tom decided to talk to Toucher & Rich on Mondays. T&R have gotten long in the tooth but they aren't malicious. Malice is at the core of WEEI's morning show, so I'm surprised Tom has stuck with them for so long.

Mystic Merlin

SoSH Member
Sep 21, 2007
Hartford, CT
Kirk said that Reimer - who traveled to Minneapolis this weekend - has been suspended and is traveling back from Minneapolis.

Bet he'll get canned right before WEEI's producer tries to grovel to TB12 tonight.


Well-Known Member
Gold Supporter
SoSH Member
Jun 27, 2012
Needham, MA
I had always thought that Brady's obligation to do the interview on WEEI was part of the package that the station negotiated with the team. 98.5 has the broadcasting rights obviously, but WEEI gets to air Brady and Belichick's post game press conferences live (they are delayed on TSH) and they get 1:1 interviews with Brady and BB weekly during the season. Not sure what kind of flexibility Brady has to skip the interview, but presumably WEEI will be smart enough to apologize and keep Reimer far away from Brady in the future.

Mystic Merlin

SoSH Member
Sep 21, 2007
Hartford, CT
I had always thought that Brady's obligation to do the interview on WEEI was part of the package that the station negotiated with the team. 98.5 has the broadcasting rights obviously, but WEEI gets to air Brady and Belichick's post game press conferences live (they are delayed on TSH) and they get 1:1 interviews with Brady and BB weekly during the season. Not sure what kind of flexibility Brady has to skip the interview, but presumably WEEI will be smart enough to apologize and keep Reimer far away from Brady in the future.
Some of it is practical, though. If Tom tells Kraft 'they can go fuck themselves I'm not calling that station anymore' then is Kraft really going to whip out Tom's below market contract to remind him of his obligation to speak with Kirk Minihane and Gerry Callahan?

I do suspect you're right in predicting that this gets worked out.


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
I had always thought that Brady's obligation to do the interview on WEEI was part of the package that the station negotiated with the team. 98.5 has the broadcasting rights obviously, but WEEI gets to air Brady and Belichick's post game press conferences live (they are delayed on TSH) and they get 1:1 interviews with Brady and BB weekly during the season. Not sure what kind of flexibility Brady has to skip the interview, but presumably WEEI will be smart enough to apologize and keep Reimer far away from Brady in the future.
If Brady doesn't want to do it, I don't see any contract getting in the way. How dumb is Reimer? Brady's kid barely was even in the show and did literally nothing annoying. Reimer trying to hot takez his way into Kirk 2.0 (or Howard Stern 3.0) and succeeded.

I don't see how this ends any other way than Reimer getting fired. I don't see Brady demanding it or anything, but is there really any benefit Reimer brings to the station? It's like not putting up with bullshit from a backup QB, they're just not worth the hassle.


Well-Known Member
Gold Supporter
SoSH Member
Jun 27, 2012
Needham, MA
Yeah, I agree that if Brady really doesn't want to do it anymore I doubt there is any practical way to force him. The team will tread lightly and WEEI doesn't want to provoke any more of a disagreement with Brady as already exists as they lose that in the court of public opinion 100% of the time. I was just pointing out that I don't think Brady chose Kirk and Callahan over T&R for his weekly interview, I think it is the team that decides and Tom has it in his contract with the Pats that he'll do it on the station they choose.

Ed Hillel

Wants to be startin somethin
SoSH Member
Dec 12, 2007
The why is he is trying to be the next Minihane.
To be fair, WEEI probably either told him to be like that, or hired him because he was. He was also hired to be the “gay liberal snowflake” to rile up Callahan and other viewers, which is why you see people calling him “homo” and worse in the comments section of all his articles. The station has become unlistenable political soap opera garbage outside of the afternoon show. Unfortunately, it’s drawn more listeners, so we just continue to get more of the same.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Portland, ME
Did Brady bring this up first, or did Kirk bring it up? I was wondering if the Patriots were aware of it. Those saying Reimer is just trying to be Minihane 2.0 are spot on. He'll take any attention, even negative, that he can get.

I hope Brady never comes back. The best would be for them to win this weekend, he skips the post SB interview, and they never hear from him again. I have to imagine that they could negotiate for another player to come on with them. But Brady should stick to his guns. Getting Brady every week is a big get for EEI, and they take every opportunity possible to remind people they have him. I hope this blows up in their face.


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
To be fair, WEEI probably either told him to be like that, or hired him because he was. He was also hired to be the “gay liberal snowflake” to rile up Callahan and other viewers, which is why you see people calling him “homo” and worse in the comments section of all his articles. The station has become unlistenable political soap opera garbage outside of the afternoon show. Unfortunately, it’s drawn more listeners, so we just continue to get more of the same.
His gay role is actually what drives me nuts about him. He has no self respect for himself or other gay people. The constant jabs at him being a "homo" and sucking dick and bathhouses etc. that he gets from K&C is awful, especially in 2018.


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
Did Brady bring this up first, or did Kirk bring it up? I was wondering if the Patriots were aware of it. Those saying Reimer is just trying to be Minihane 2.0 are spot on. He'll take any attention, even negative, that he can get.

I hope Brady never comes back. The best would be for them to win this weekend, he skips the post SB interview, and they never hear from him again. I have to imagine that they could negotiate for another player to come on with them. But Brady should stick to his guns. Getting Brady every week is a big get for EEI, and they take every opportunity possible to remind people they have him. I hope this blows up in their face.
Brady was aware of it. Kirk said something like "watching the documentary you see younger Tom Brady does that bring back memories" or something like that and Brady said something along the lines of "I don't want to really talk about the documentary, but I did hear someone went after my kid...." and then hung up after a minute. I think he said Stacey James told him.


has trust issues
SoSH Member
Nov 6, 2001
Unreal America
I’m 100% for these I GIVE THE HOT TAKEZ radio guys getting their comeuppance. I don’t know what an Alex Reimer is but it’d be awesome if he never worked again. Sadly EEI will probably give him a fat new contract.


SoSH Member
Jul 7, 2007
Yeah, you don't mess with children. WEEI made that clear when they bravely responded to their sponsors forcing their hand by withdrawing advertising and slapped Dennis and Callahan on the wrists after they literally called black children gorillas.

Pablo's TB Lover

SoSH Member
Sep 10, 2017
Oh WEEI is loving this, gives them the attention they crave. As evidence they proudly show this as the front-page headline on the web page. I'm sure management is also glad it was a lower-tenure employee who made the remark so they can fire Reimer with little impact on their broadcast schedule. The hot (non) sports take industrial complex.


SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2009
I've never heard of Reimer (I gave up on EEI years ago). Is he the morning show 3rd banana or just a fill-in/weekend guy? Basically, can they solve any contractual obligation issues by switching Brady away from K&C (where he avoids Reimer) or is his beef with the entire station because Reimer is employed there but is not affiliated with any specific show?

Dan Murfman

SoSH Member
Aug 21, 2001
I've never heard of Reimer (I gave up on EEI years ago). Is he the morning show 3rd banana or just a fill-in/weekend guy? Basically, can they solve any contractual obligation issues by switching Brady away from K&C (where he avoids Reimer) or is his beef with the entire station because Reimer is employed there but is not affiliated with any specific show?
His main job at the station is a writer for the website. He’s on about once a week in the morning. And lately has a weekend show with Buckley.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
I've never heard of Reimer (I gave up on EEI years ago). Is he the morning show 3rd banana or just a fill-in/weekend guy? Basically, can they solve any contractual obligation issues by switching Brady away from K&C (where he avoids Reimer) or is his beef with the entire station because Reimer is employed there but is not affiliated with any specific show?
I'm out of market and just got a net radio receiver. Is 98.5 notably better than WEEI?


SoSH Member
Jul 17, 2005
Good for Brady. The cynical side of me says this was Gisele (I know for sure if it was me my wife would be looking for revenge), but either way good on him to fire back.

I always wondered why Brady bothered... Is he contractually obligated in any way?


SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
I'm out of market and just got a net radio receiver. Is 98.5 notably better than WEEI?
It varies, the afternoon 98.5 show is all "hot sports takes" the EEI morning show is manufactured drama. The other shows are generally standard issue sports radio though the 98.5 morning show has quite a few "bits".


slappy happy
SoSH Member
Oct 1, 2015
Some of it is practical, though. If Tom tells Kraft 'they can go fuck themselves I'm not calling that station anymore' then is Kraft really going to whip out Tom's below market contract to remind him of his obligation to speak with Kirk Minihane and Gerry Callahan?

I do suspect you're right in predicting that this gets worked out.
It shouldn't be hard to work out. It didn't happen on the K&C show, and it seemed like maybe Brady thought it did. WEEI should just say, look Tom, that was not one of our regular hosts, and it wasn't the morning guys you do the interview with all the time. That guy has been disciplined (maybe severely) and we hope you keep doing the interviews.

I don't think Brady is vindictive and I think he'd understand.


will bailey
SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2006
the cynic in me wonders how mad Brady actually is, since this clip will be played everywhere, probably nationally, and tons more people may watch the documentary now


SoSH Member
Apr 21, 2011
Oh WEEI is loving this, gives them the attention they crave. As evidence they proudly show this as the front-page headline on the web page. I'm sure management is also glad it was a lower-tenure employee who made the remark so they can fire Reimer with little impact on their broadcast schedule. The hot (non) sports take industrial complex.
I agree with this. For the rest of the day this will be the main talking point of OMF and D&H, which will probably generate big ratings numbers and at the end of the day all it'll cost is a minor writer who also is an occasional co-host.
I saw a tweet earlier where someone stated they couldn't wait (sarcasm) for Ordway to spend four hours pontificating "you have to understand it's all about the advertising dollars, Lou"

It'll be huge if Brady skips next Monday though.


SoSH Member
Jul 28, 2015
Again. Boston Media is toxic.

The morning hosts in San Francisco are dumbfounded. “Tom is a god in New England, why would you go after him or his kids? “

They can’t comprehend it.

For how great a sports town it is, Boston is woefully underserved by its media landscape for the most part. There are the occasional bright lights like a Reiss and some others, but the rest are just horrible.


Has Season 1 of "Manimal" on Blu Ray
SoSH Member
I've never heard of Reimer (I gave up on EEI years ago). Is he the morning show 3rd banana or just a fill-in/weekend guy? Basically, can they solve any contractual obligation issues by switching Brady away from K&C (where he avoids Reimer) or is his beef with the entire station because Reimer is employed there but is not affiliated with any specific show?
Same here, I've never heard of Reimer before this. Fred was talking about how someone went after Brady's kid this morning at around 8AM and how that's something you never do because they didn't sign up for this. I had no idea what he was talking about until I came into this thread.


Skrub's sympathy case
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
Boston, NY
I spent a few hours in the car on Friday and made the mistake of listening to Glenn, Reimer and the utter nitwit Volin discuss all things Pats. Their collective judgment was that the entire Tom vs. Time series was an infomercial for TB12 and an attempt to rehabilitate Alex Guerrero.

My bad for tuning in and staying tuned in. But what nonsense. Even if part of what they noted is the agenda, there’s no denying that they had only seen one episode at that point and that the series covers topics other than TB12, such as Tom’s interactions with his wife and kids, one of whom Reimer foolishly labelled a pissant.

I will not miss Alex Reimer if he gets permanently canned. Like a poster above, i thought his playing up the stereotypical gay angle was as a sell out. Steve Buckley manages to discuss his sexuality without doing what Reimer did, and that’s probably based on the age and maturity difference between them.

Reimer now joins John Tomase as a member of the Boston media who caused a distraction and drew unnecessary attention to himself in the week before the Super Bowl. Tomase somehow managed to keep a job in Boston. If Reimer does the same, I doubt it will be at WEEI.

The real winner is the CHB. In any other market, he’d be the uncontested winner of the Market Douche Award. With the likes of Reimer and Tomase around, it’s a contest.


SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
deep inside Guido territory
Minihane needs to take part of the blame for this too. His antics are put up with and seemingly encouraged therefore Reimer does the same thing. That show is an absolute joke and actually disgusts me. Minihane and Callahan are worthless hacks who flame their audience for ratings.