This is anecdotal, so forgive me if it's speculative and not super useful.
With boxing and powerlifting, you get really good at sizing people up by body type. Seeing who's going to be strong, who's going to be explosive, and who's going to get hurt.
Mookie looks like the kind of guy who is very lean, very explosive and with smallish joints and longer muscle attachments. Explosive is different than strong. Those guys tend to get hurt in their mid to late 30s. They're lean their whole lives, then put on a little extra weight, and their joints just can't handle it. Especially given the explosiveness - it's that starting strength that turns to a bit of a curse.
Guys like Trout and Altuve are explosive, but a little soft - by pro athlete standards. Their joints are built to and used to carrying that weight. As they age, they can remain healthy by leaning out a bit. Guys with Mookie's build don't usually have that option.