O’Neill to the IL (Leg infection) Martin activated, Valdez recalled & Booser optioned


SoSH Member
Mar 15, 2004
Booser being optioned surprises me, but maybe it is just to give him a rest now that they have an additional arm with Martin being back. Now they are down to only one LHP in the pen and my faith in Bernie has really diminished.

Petagine in a Bottle

SoSH Member
Jan 13, 2021
Yeah, guess it’s a numbers game. But I think Booser has a better case for sticking around than Kelly or Winckowski. But I’m sure he will be needed again and back before too long.


SoSH Member
Apr 11, 2012
Yeah, I had a friend who came close to losing a leg to a negative staph infection. "Ready when eligible" is great news here.


SoSH Member
Sep 29, 2000
Booser being optioned surprises me, but maybe it is just to give him a rest now that they have an additional arm with Martin being back. Now they are down to only one LHP in the pen and my faith in Bernie has really diminished.
Yes, Booser is currently top 3 or 4 on my personal trust-meter until we see what we have with Martin back. I was going to disagree with you as to Kelly, but Booser's FIP (2.99) is far better than Kelly's (4.51).

Harry Hooper

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Jan 4, 2002
As someone who has lost an internal organ to a MRSA infection, this is scary news to me.
This post needed a proper signoff such as [/Spleenless in Section 17].

Hoping O'Neill has an uneventful recovery from here on.


SoSH Member
Aug 3, 2010
Yeah, seems like Bernardino gives up the big hit more often than not these days. But I don't think Booser would have been used last night.


SoSH Member
Jul 20, 2005
Yeah, the O'Neill news is upsetting, I hope he's OK. I have a old friend who got an infection (in his leg I believe) and passed away from it a few days later, was only 42.

Sandy Leon Trotsky

SoSH Member
Mar 11, 2007
Yeah, the O'Neill news is upsetting, I hope he's OK. I have a old friend who got an infection (in his leg I believe) and passed away from it a few days later, was only 42.
That's crazy and awful. I'm sorry to hear that. How did these infections happen? Just cuts that went unattended or was there diabetes involved? Either way, it's crazy.... the golden age of antibiotics is over.

Otis Foster

rex ryan's podiatrist
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
AC’s comment about the size of O’Neill’s infecred leg is very concerning, first for his health, but also for the RS who already tilted lefthanded. My brother almost died from an infection that began within an innocent looking cut on his knee.


SoSH Member
Nov 10, 2015
Bow, NH
That's crazy and awful. I'm sorry to hear that. How did these infections happen? Just cuts that went unattended or was there diabetes involved? Either way, it's crazy.... the golden age of antibiotics is over.
A coworker was recently hospitalized for several days due to a leg infection that was caused by a cyst/zit/ingrown hair. Any open wounds, no matter how small have the possibility of becoming infected.


SoSH Member
Jul 20, 2005
That's crazy and awful. I'm sorry to hear that. How did these infections happen? Just cuts that went unattended or was there diabetes involved? Either way, it's crazy.... the golden age of antibiotics is over.
Thanks, I appreciate it. I have no idea what happened to him, but it wasn't diabetes. We sadly had lost touch for a while. But yeah it just seemed like a total freak accident / incident. Scary that it can just like... happen out of nowhere like that.


New Member
Aug 26, 2013
It doesn’t seem that the type of thing O’Neill is dealing with comes up very often in sports but I wonder if the infection type situation is any more prevalent in sports due to locker room germs, bacteria, community showers…


persists in error
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Pioneer Valley
It doesn’t seem that the type of thing O’Neill is dealing with comes up very often in sports but I wonder if the infection type situation is any more prevalent in sports due to locker room germs, bacteria, community showers…
I hope that the team has sent him back to Boston. He needs to get away from all that. I thought of him when I was reading a sad article in The Guardian about a doctor who lost his son to sepsis, and a woman who fought an infection for quite a while before tests showed it was MRSA. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of @donutogre's friend at such a young age.


SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
Rogers Park
It doesn’t seem that the type of thing O’Neill is dealing with comes up very often in sports but I wonder if the infection type situation is any more prevalent in sports due to locker room germs, bacteria, community showers…
I think it was maybe ten or fifteen years ago that all of the Blue Jays, I think, got staph infections?


Looks like it was 2006. It sent Alex Rios to the hospital — yikes!

Otis Foster

rex ryan's podiatrist
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Completely off-topic, absolutely true. Actual names omitted in the interest of privacy, but you’d all recognize the players if they weren’t:

John receives a tentative diagnosis of Mersa, and is referred to a specialist. He calls for an appointment in July. Receptionist tells him that the doctor is very busy and can’t see John until November. John protests that he needs to see the doctor earlier, he has a serious case of Mersa, but to no avail. The receptionist gets very short and unpleasant with him, and John reluctantly accepts the November appointment.

In early November, the receptionist calls John’s home to remind him of the upcoming appointment. John answers the phone. The receptionist says.’ may I please speak with John.’. John says’ ‘ that won’t be possible, he’s dead’, and hangs up..

The receptionist is reduced to hysterics. After calming the receptionist down, someone else from the office makes a follow up call and determines that this was a goof. The receptionist hasn’t fully recovered to this day. Neither sadly has John.

End of digression.

Heating up in the bullpen

SoSH Member
Nov 24, 2007
Pittsboro NC
Completely off-topic, absolutely true. Actual names omitted in the interest of privacy, but you’d all recognize the players if they weren’t:

John receives a tentative diagnosis of Mersa, and is referred to a specialist. He calls for an appointment in July. Receptionist tells him that the doctor is very busy and can’t see John until November. John protests that he needs to see the doctor earlier, he has a serious case of Mersa, but to no avail. The receptionist gets very short and unpleasant with him, and John reluctantly accepts the November appointment.

In early November, the receptionist calls John’s home to remind him of the upcoming appointment. John answers the phone. The receptionist says.’ may I please speak with John.’. John says’ ‘ that won’t be possible, he’s dead’, and hangs up..

The receptionist is reduced to hysterics. After calming the receptionist down, someone else from the office makes a follow up call and determines that this was a goof. The receptionist hasn’t fully recovered to this day. Neither sadly has John.

End of digression.
Who waits four months for a doctor appointment for a serious condition? Go to the Urgent Care or ER, for god’s sake.


SoSH Member
Jul 30, 2014
A family member developed a MRSA infection. His original doctor treated it with oral antibiotics but never did any follow up tests after he completed the initial course. The infection didn’t clear up. His condition was declining. He switched doctors, who finally did a follow up test and found he still had MRSA. He ended up needing in-home IV antibiotics. Turns out his C-PAP machine was infected and, despite changing the tubing and even the machine, was re-infecting himself. Coming off C-PAP and the IV antibiotics literally saved his life after 6+ months of constant infections/illness.


SoSH Member
Nov 15, 2006
This post needed a proper signoff such as [/Spleenless in Section 17].

Hoping O'Neill has an uneventful recovery from here on.
Ha, I wish it had been something useless, like a spleen. Luckily, I started out with two kidneys. Had flares up 4 times over the next year and a half, but haven't had any issues since 2010. MRSA is no fucking joke, though.

I agree with your second sentence.

Otis Foster

rex ryan's podiatrist
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Who waits four months for a doctor appointment for a serious condition? Go to the Urgent Care or ER, for god’s sake.
Of course, he didn’t wait four months with no medical oversight. No one said that. He was undergoing treatment on a continuing basis with his pcp, and was referred to the specialist for in depth second opinion re his situation.

fiskful of dollars

SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2005
Charlottesville, VA
MRSA is a bit of boogeyman. MRSA (methicillin resistant staph aureus) is endemic. I have it, you have it, we all have it. About 90% of skin infections - [boils, abscesses, cellulitis] are caused by MRSA/staph/and/or strep organisms. There are always exceptions but they are comparatively rare in healthy, immunocompetent humans. Most of those are now MRSA. I don't even test or culture wounds (no one does unless there is concern for a weird organism or treatment failure) any more. I simply treat with an antibiotic that will cover BOTH MRSA and the usual skin flora. The treatment is usually quite simple. Incision and drainage if there's an abscess (antibiotics - paradoxically - MAY not really help. We still use them out of an abundance of caution). If a simple skin/soft tissue infection then it's oral antibiotics (MRSA specific choices...Bactrim (w/ Keflex for strep coverage)/Doxycycline/Clindamycin) and good wound care. The usual course is complete resolution w/ no complications. There are exceptions! Necrotizing fasciitis is a severe, rapidly progressive and destructive soft tissue infection.The lay press will frequently call this "flesh-eating bacteria". While that lurid description is a bit excessive, it's not without some kernel of truth. It is a scary organism. Fortunately, it's pretty rare but it can destroy tissues and even kill patients w/ alarming speed. The calculus changes considerably if there are co-morbidities - HIV, cancer, chemotherapy, the immunocompromised, diabetes. Diabetes is a big one. Diabetic skin infections are MUCH more concerning but in O'Neil's case, the expectation would be antibiotics for 7-10 days and a complete recovery.

Edit: MSRA infections elsewhere in the body (lungs, somatic organs, etc) are a bit more worrisome. Also much less common, thank goodness.

Sin Duda

SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
(B)Austin Texas
Ha, I wish it had been something useless, like a spleen. Luckily, I started out with two kidneys. Had flares up 4 times over the next year and a half, but haven't had any issues since 2010. MRSA is no fucking joke, though.

I agree with your second sentence.
I'm missing my spleen so that signoff works for me.

Hey, not main board worthy, but I've been here a long time so I hope I you'll cut me some slack. Mods, feel free to move this post. I just had a stroke this morning (no truth to the rumor that our starting pitching was the cause). It was a mild one and I'm in the ICU but recovering nicely. If you're the praying type please send some my way. And no need for any big well wishes but a "hope you're better soon" would be lovely and greatly appreciated.

Lose Remerswaal

Experiencing Furry Panic
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SoSH Member
I'm missing my spleen so that signoff works for me.

Hey, not main board worthy, but I've been here a long time so I hope I you'll cut me some slack. Mods, feel free to move this post. I just had a stroke this morning (no truth to the rumor that our starting pitching was the cause). It was a mild one and I'm in the ICU but recovering nicely. If you're the praying type please send some my way. And no need for any big well wishes but a "hope you're better soon" would be lovely and greatly appreciated.
Thinking of you tonight, Sin. But I often think of Sin at night


persists in error
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Pioneer Valley
I'm missing my spleen so that signoff works for me.

Hey, not main board worthy, but I've been here a long time so I hope I you'll cut me some slack. Mods, feel free to move this post. I just had a stroke this morning (no truth to the rumor that our starting pitching was the cause). It was a mild one and I'm in the ICU but recovering nicely. If you're the praying type please send some my way. And no need for any big well wishes but a "hope you're better soon" would be lovely and greatly appreciated.
Gosh. I definitely hope you're better soon.

Ted Cox 4 president

SoSH Member
I'm missing my spleen so that signoff works for me.

Hey, not main board worthy, but I've been here a long time so I hope I you'll cut me some slack. Mods, feel free to move this post. I just had a stroke this morning (no truth to the rumor that our starting pitching was the cause). It was a mild one and I'm in the ICU but recovering nicely. If you're the praying type please send some my way. And no need for any big well wishes but a "hope you're better soon" would be lovely and greatly appreciated.
Best of luck, S.D. Hang in there.


SoSH Member
Apr 11, 2012
I'm missing my spleen so that signoff works for me.

Hey, not main board worthy, but I've been here a long time so I hope I you'll cut me some slack. Mods, feel free to move this post. I just had a stroke this morning (no truth to the rumor that our starting pitching was the cause). It was a mild one and I'm in the ICU but recovering nicely. If you're the praying type please send some my way. And no need for any big well wishes but a "hope you're better soon" would be lovely and greatly appreciated.
Glad it was minor, glad you're recovering, hope you're back at full strength quickly!


Will outlive SeanBerry
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SoSH Member
Oct 4, 2001
Not here
I'm missing my spleen so that signoff works for me.

Hey, not main board worthy, but I've been here a long time so I hope I you'll cut me some slack. Mods, feel free to move this post. I just had a stroke this morning (no truth to the rumor that our starting pitching was the cause). It was a mild one and I'm in the ICU but recovering nicely. If you're the praying type please send some my way. And no need for any big well wishes but a "hope you're better soon" would be lovely and greatly appreciated.
Are you in a stroke unit and if so, do you hate the bed yet?

Also, I hope it all works out.


SoSH Member
Nov 15, 2006
I'm missing my spleen so that signoff works for me.

Hey, not main board worthy, but I've been here a long time so I hope I you'll cut me some slack. Mods, feel free to move this post. I just had a stroke this morning (no truth to the rumor that our starting pitching was the cause). It was a mild one and I'm in the ICU but recovering nicely. If you're the praying type please send some my way. And no need for any big well wishes but a "hope you're better soon" would be lovely and greatly appreciated.
Best wishes and hope for a quick recovery.

Bob Montgomerys Helmet Hat

has big, douchey shoulders
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SoSH Member
I'm missing my spleen so that signoff works for me.

Hey, not main board worthy, but I've been here a long time so I hope I you'll cut me some slack. Mods, feel free to move this post. I just had a stroke this morning (no truth to the rumor that our starting pitching was the cause). It was a mild one and I'm in the ICU but recovering nicely. If you're the praying type please send some my way. And no need for any big well wishes but a "hope you're better soon" would be lovely and greatly appreciated.
Your positive attitude will serve you very well. Thinking of you.

Green Monster

SoSH Member
Sep 29, 2000
That's crazy and awful. I'm sorry to hear that. How did these infections happen? Just cuts that went unattended or was there diabetes involved? Either way, it's crazy.... the golden age of antibiotics is over.
I have zero inside information, but my first thought when I heard that O'Neil had a leg infection was that it was the result of a tattoo that didn't heal well.
Last edited:


Will outlive SeanBerry
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Oct 4, 2001
Not here
Yes and yes, how'd you know?
Aint a lot of medical problems my family hasn't had. In this case, my cousin's husband had a very minor stroke and went into the stroke unit where the beds are designed for people who've had massive strokes and can't turn over on their own so the bed includes a mechanism to help prevent bedsores and the like.

Also, I have a complete inability to forget the random shit that flitters through my brain.


SoSH Member
Nov 10, 2015
Bow, NH
I'm missing my spleen so that signoff works for me.

Hey, not main board worthy, but I've been here a long time so I hope I you'll cut me some slack. Mods, feel free to move this post. I just had a stroke this morning (no truth to the rumor that our starting pitching was the cause). It was a mild one and I'm in the ICU but recovering nicely. If you're the praying type please send some my way. And no need for any big well wishes but a "hope you're better soon" would be lovely and greatly appreciated.
I don't do the prayer thing, but I wish you the best and hope that it's a speedy recovery.