It's funny because if Fred named people he hates, I'm likely one of them, since I'm a very frequent poster in this thread, but I think I'm pretty even on it. I was very active in the T&R Twitch during covid but I left because it was way too toxic. I always watch them on Twitch but haven't commented in probably 2 years (same handle I have here) I love T&R and that's why I post in the thread. It makes my morning and love the show, but at times Fred and or Rich are infuriating which is part of the charm. Fred called out a post here last weekend or so and even said "someone's got to go run on a message board and post about this" but he's aware he doesn't get the benefit of the doubt anymore and Rich confirmed that.
I think what people are missing is this has always been Fred and Rich. Fred's different, but not that much different than he was 10+ years ago. I think people need to chill on every moment Fred fights with Rich and they take a break on it. Boston Media Watch etc. are posting every time it happens lately like, there it as again! I don't have any inside knowledge or anything and maybe things are awful but the on-air interactions are pretty much what they've always been. It was not this way a few months ago, but I don't see it now.
This program could end on 12/31 and I'd hate it and I could be 100% wrong but I don't believe it's the soap opera are making out to be.