Roasted GOAT


Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 2, 2004
The cradle of the game.
Watched the full roast this afternoon. I chuckled a few times, but thought the whole thing was mediocre, at best. I’m not a Patriots fan, so maybe I just don’t care enough about Brady and his bros.

I felt like Hart was fine as emcee. Glaser was good as was Jay. Bert was awful and Tom was barely any better. Schulz was surprisingly decent as was Hinchcliffe. Gronk is awkward and his personality reminds me of Ron from Jersey Shore back in the day (without the rage issues). Edelman is a natural on stage. Peyton too.

Nothing memorable for me. I definitely felt like I wasted 3 hours just for a few cheap laughs. Meh.
Same. I get that most players need a script in a situation like this (and most probably wouldn't participate without one) but it came off distractingly so. Some weak lines, some great lines. C+