I think that this is the problem. If you want to make a splash, you need to go outside the lines. There has to be someone or a duo who are coming up on TikTok or in the podcast world that has a following that EEI could hire. Unless it's a huge pay decrease, if you're EEI why wouldn't you say, "Keep doing whatever you're doing online, but come and work for us for four hours a day*."
* I know it's not as simple as that and I know that creating TikTok content (much less a daily four hour show) is a lot of work, but if they really gave a shit about making a dent in the ratings, you pay these unknown people.
IDK, Hart, Johnson and Fitzy sounds the same as Hart and Arcand and Jones and Arcand and the conga line of middle aged white guys/ex athletes dynamic that clearly isn't working. You want new listeners, do that and appeal to listeners who don't feel like they have a voice. That's what TSH did when they launched, Bruins talk and a bit of soccer talk. And the callers weren't laughed at. Eventually it turned into EEI v2.0 but by then they had their core audience and it didn't matter.
Find out what audience TSH isn't catering to, exploit that, add some new (non grumpy old white guy) voices and I think that within a year, you'll see some ratings improvement. And if not, at least something new was tried.
Because I can tell you right now, I'm not listening to a guy name Fitzy tell me what "real fahkin Boston fans want".