Though I continue to maintain that when one factors in that they play in the 2nd most hitter friendly park in baseball, if the offense is 9th in runs scored, that's a lot closer to a "middling" offense than a good one (because if we're going to talk about curving their pitching up for degree of difficulty in navigating Fenway, then their offense has to be graded down the curve to be consistent).
I’d encourage you to take a look at the Sox’s home/road splits last year.
The Sox last season scored 4.64 runs per game, the ninth in the major leagues. They scored 4.52 runs per game at Fenway…and 4.75 runs per game away from Fenway.
The Sox last year slugged .423 as a team, fifth in baseball. They slugged .422 at home…and .424 on the road.
The Sox last year OPSed .741 as a team, seventh in the majors. That broke down as .742 at home…and .740 on the road.
They were pretty much the same offense at home and on the road, although they performed slightly better when not hitting at Fenway.
The Red Sox would like to improve their handness gap. Breslow has said they’d like to add a right-handed bat. But we continue to blow this issue *way* out of proportion on this board.
The goal of an offense is to score runs. The Red Sox scored runs. They probably need to score even more if they want to truly contend, but the path to scoring more runs is to field overall better hitters at more positions, not to obsess over their splits. Yo La Tengo has shown that, owing largely to injury, an outsize number of at bats last season went to hitters who just weren’t good. It looks like far fewer at bats will go this season to just-not-good hitters. People are coming back from injuries. Prospects appear to be ready. Good hitters hit better than bad hitters regardless of handedness.
All of this plus the fact that the Sox have bench players who hit lefties well—and that the board may yet get its wish and Breslow will add someone to thump lefties—and the Sox have a good chance of scoring even more runs next season regardless of how their splits eventually shake out.