Good point. They don’t complain about getting hurt. They complain about getting tackled and appearing that they are hurt. Or something.Who is complaining about being hurt?
I watched an NFL game on a Thursday night where there were three injuries in five plays. Three commercial breaks because there was an intervening punt and then there were a couple of plays before the quarter break. Maybe 3 minutes of (shitty) football in 18 minutes.
Your position seems to be wear better equipment so you can get up quicker, even if means the game is not as good. If we were talking about the head or compound fractures, I could see the argument, but otherwise I don't even understand the problem. Though that often happens to me with soccer. Lots of non problems that don’t need fixing.
Anyway I was just responding to the idea that the shin guards are worthless and I pointed out that it doesn’t have to be that way. The NFL has gone back to requiring thigh pads for extra protection and yes it slows players down fractionally but they’ve adjusted just fine. If they really value keeping soccer players from getting hurt there’s an easy fix, but like you said, they don’t want to do it.