I always have two thoughts when I read this type of commentary.
1. Ranking art to me is very strange. All popularity contests to determine how good something is don’t make that much sense. I’m not saying discussing if a show is good or not is strange just that rank ordering is weird. Like how the hell am I supposed to compare True Detective Season 1 to Curb Your Enthusiasm (2 shows I love). When I see these brackets like Cartman vs X I just wonder if boredom in our society is a bigger problem than opiates (see, now I’m trying to rank order societal maladies, Jesus, how far does this ranking madness go…)
2. People seem to love ranking art, so even given my opinion about it, I think the Olympics should bring back arts competition. It existed for sure prior to WW1. I don’t know when they phased it out. I looked up some of the art pieces that won. They’re extraordinary. Who should I contact about this?