Tim Wakefield has passed away from brain cancer at 57 (10/1 update)


SoSH Member
Jul 8, 2003
In reading this thread, I had missed the part about Stacy Wakefield's cancer. May they both beat this horrible disease. Fuck cancer.

Petagine in a Bottle

SoSH Member
Jan 13, 2021
Is there a more inexplicable, unnecessary and completely self destructive fall from grace than Schilling with the Sox fan base? I mean, he had it all and should have been a hero here forever, but just couldn’t keep his mouth quiet. What happened to this guy? I can’t think of anyone who would be more unwelcome at Fenway now.


SoSH Member
Nov 29, 2003
Upstate NY
Has any fanbase grown to hate one of their own players, who accomplished something on the level that Schilling did, as much as Red Sox fans now hate Schilling?


SoSH Member
Feb 19, 2015
Has any fanbase grown to hate one of their own players, who accomplished something on the level that Schilling did, as much as Red Sox fans now hate Schilling?
I guess being Boston centric, Tim Thomas comes to mind. But this Schilling hate is on a whole other (and well deserved) level.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
Has any fanbase grown to hate one of their own players, who accomplished something on the level that Schilling did, as much as Red Sox fans now hate Schilling?
I can't think of any. And it would make a truly fascinating book if you could get people to talk (with or without Schilling's participation).


SoSH Member
Aug 30, 2002
Hamilton, Canada
Has any fanbase grown to hate one of their own players, who accomplished something on the level that Schilling did, as much as Red Sox fans now hate Schilling?
As a North Carolina basketball fan, maybe Rashad McCants? But while he did win a title, I don't think what he accomplished for Carolina was on the same level as what Schilling did for the Sox.

Mugsy's Jock

Eli apologist
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SoSH Member
Dec 28, 2000
God, I just so respect Tim Wakefield. The ultimate team player in a sport that's not really about team players.

Believe it or not, one of the top 5 favorite games I ever attended was a 1-0 loss to the MFY, at Der Stade Fasciste no less. September 11, 2005.


Wake gave up a solo home run to Jason Giambi in the first inning, and that was just about all. 8 IP, 3 H , 1 BB, 12 K. 113 pitches, 77 strikes.

Sadly, that wasn't good enough. Yankee starter Randy Johnson went 7P, 1 H, 2 BB, 8 K. 100 pitches, 66 strikes. Tom Gordon got two outs in the 8th, and then Mariano got a 4-out save. The Red Sox did manage to get two men on in the 8th, and again in the 9th, but couldn't plate anybody.

Wakefield vs. Randy Johnson, and we had seats three rows off the Yankee on-deck circle so I could really see how the ball was coming out of the pitchers' hands, and how those pitches were totally confounding the batters.
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Urological Expert
SoSH Member
Nov 4, 2007
My favorite Wakefield memory, oddly, is 2003 Game 7. I was bouncing at a bar that night. About 200 people watching, pretty damn drunk - it was a helluva game to make you drink - but when Wakefield gave up the winning run in the 11th not a single person said anything but Tim gave it his best or Tim never should’ve been in that position.

And this was obviously the pre-2004 angry Sox fan lot, but not a single bad word about Wakefield even as the losing pitcher.


has trust issues
SoSH Member
Nov 6, 2001
Unreal America
I managed to see an inordinate number of Sox games that Wake started. It was always a thrill to see that knuckler in person.

Everyone I know who's crossed his path speaks glowingly of him.

Wishing him and his wife all the best, and hoping they're able to celebrate several more Sox titles with us.

Petagine in a Bottle

SoSH Member
Jan 13, 2021
Someone upthread mentioned 2004 as being a "redemption" for Wakefield. I certainly understand the thrust of that, but I think Wakefield could've thrown a wild pitch to Sierra and still would not have been booed the following year.
Definitely- Wakefield was always one of us- something that Schilling could never be.


Mai Tais for everyone!
SoSH Member
Aug 21, 2006
For a guy who had cancer, you would think that Schilling could have been more compassionate about respecting Wake's family.

Smiling Joe Hesketh

Throw Momma From the Train
SoSH Member
May 20, 2003
Deep inside Muppet Labs
I guess being Boston centric, Tim Thomas comes to mind. But this Schilling hate is on a whole other (and well deserved) level.
I softened quite a bit on Thomas when he finally emerged from non-contact a little while ago and spoke frankly about his concussion struggles post-career. Gave me a new light on some of the stuff he had been dealing with.

Rovin Romine

Johnny Rico
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SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2005
Miami (oh, Miami!)
There are people here who comb the interwebs and socials much more than I do. Has *anyone* defended Schilling on this? Or is it still too soon to see that happen?
This isn't the first controversy Schilling kicked off this week. Since we're on the main page I won't go into it, but if you go to twitter, Schilling is trending. Just scroll down and you'll see it. (And no, it's not exaggerated - he really did that.)

Oil Can Dan

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Jul 31, 2003
0-3 to 4-3
I hope this is the final straw that breaks the back of the Sox organization ever, ever, ever inviting Schilling back to Fenway for any reason whatsoever. Absolutely fucking disgusting of him. If I never see him again it will be too soon.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
For whatever reason, I have seen Wake pitch in person more often than any other starter. By all accounts a great human being. I hope he kicks it's ass.

I actually said something almost nice about Schilling in the Tito documentary thread last night. Serves me right.
Thing is, it isn’t surprising. Timmy started more games than any pitcher in Red Sox history. I started tearing up thinking about how much he’s meant to the organization. We could write 2 books about his baseball career alone, but he is so so so much more. I remember being all “that’s so awesome” when he got that offer of perpetual lifetime $4M lifetime contracts (I think that’s what happened). I’ve never met any of the Sox, never even been to Fenway, but this still fucking hurts.


Father of Idontgiveafuckism
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SoSH Member
I was at a game against the Mets in 1998, sitting 8 rows behind home plate...what an awesome spot to watch Wake when he was on. And that day he was; gave up 1 hit and 1 walk on that day...but the Mets won 1-0 on a Wakefield balk.

Best to the Wakefields, and what a fucking turd Schilling is.

Smiling Joe Hesketh

Throw Momma From the Train
SoSH Member
May 20, 2003
Deep inside Muppet Labs
I hope this is the final straw that breaks the back of the Sox organization ever, ever, ever inviting Schilling back to Fenway for any reason whatsoever. Absolutely fucking disgusting of him. If I never see him again it will be too soon.
Given that it was the Sox that put out that statement that seemed to make it clear everyone is disgusted with Schilling flapping his lips, I suspect your wishes will come true.


SoSH Member
Without doubt, Wake is one of my all time favorite players. He always put the team first, took the ball in whatever role he was asked to and when that knuckler was knuckling he was a bad mother fucker. He was always the consummate professional who in retirement continually gives back to his adopted home. If he's even half the man that he appears to be, we've been incredibly fortunate to consider him one of our own. My sincere best wishes to Tim and Stacy as they battle their cancers. # WakefieldStrong

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
There are people here who comb the interwebs and socials much more than I do. Has *anyone* defended Schilling on this? Or is it still too soon to see that happen?
Look at the replies to Varitek's wife's tweet if you want to see the answer to that question.


SoSH Member
For whatever reason, I have seen Wake pitch in person more often than any other starter. By all accounts a great human being. I hope he kicks it's ass.
This brought a smile. Back in the day my wife and I would go to 3-6 games a year and there was a stretch during the Pedro years where it seemed that every game we went to we would joke "We got Wakefield again".

joe dokes

SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Given that it was the Sox that put out that statement that seemed to make it clear everyone is disgusted with Schilling flapping his lips, I suspect your wishes will come true.
I wonder how the weekend's broadcasts handle it. It's likely TV/radio personnel knew (and respected his wishes about privacy).


SoSH Member
Sep 9, 2006
SS Botany Bay
Dan Quisenberry passed at 45 from brain cancer, his manager Dick Howser at 51 from the same. Praying this is treatable.
Ken Brett too in KC, and a number of other players too on other teams like the Phillies. This issue has been studied, and it turns out that a lot of these stadiums with the old artificial surfaces that would bake under the hot sun ended up releasing cancer causing forever chemicals that the players were exposed to (the stuff was manufactured by Monsanto, which of course has a less than stellar record on carcinogens). There was an article from earlier in the year that looked at Philly specifically, but I imagine this applies to a lot of those bowl-era stadiums, including Three Rivers Stadium in Pittsburgh where Wakefield started out.



SoSH Member
Jul 20, 2005
I remember really loving Wake after his intitial run with the Sox. He was the first jersey I owned. Then he struggled a bit. I remained a strong fan, thinking he'd get it back.

I met him a few times in the 1990s and was blown away by just how down to earth and humble he was.

Then in 2003, he's arguably the MVP of the ALCS, but has to pitch game 7 and gives up the famous Boone homer.

The next year he gave up his spot in the rotation to buy the pen some time in the 19-8 loss. Never did a 14.54 era look so good. I always felt like 2004 never happens without that, and that he never quite got the credit for it. Schilling did, Pedro, Manny and Ortiz, etc. But that sequence over 2003-2004 made me deeply admire him. He's probably my favorite Sox player ever - and it hurts that he's going through this.

Fuck Schilling.

Seven Costanza

Fred Astaire of SoSH
SoSH Member
Apr 11, 2007
Has any fanbase grown to hate one of their own players, who accomplished something on the level that Schilling did, as much as Red Sox fans now hate Schilling?
I take immense pride in having a well documented record of disliking Schilling way before it was in vogue.

"To the greatest Red Sox team ever assembled" so struck me the wrong way. Guy had been here, what, 10 months? It was Pedro's team and always will be.


SoSH Member
Nov 3, 2007
I hope this is the final straw that breaks the back of the Sox organization ever, ever, ever inviting Schilling back to Fenway for any reason whatsoever. Absolutely fucking disgusting of him. If I never see him again it will be too soon.
Their statement is dripping with disgust for what Schill did, it may very well be he is no longer welcome at Fenway which will be 100% deserved.

Everybody laughed or rolled their eyes when it happened but my heart was so happy the day they traded for Mirabelli and flew him back in time to catch Wake that night, there was just something so sweet to me that Tim was able to go to the mound that night comforted by the fact his catcher was there for him. Sitting at my desk tearing up, cannot imagine how awful it is for he and his wife right now. Even though their privacy has been so horribly invaded I do they take some comfort from the outpouring of love I am certain they are receiving right now.


Urological Expert
SoSH Member
Nov 4, 2007
From Schilling’s language, it sounds like he didn’t talk to Tim directly. So he was likely told along with other teammates and instructed to keep it quiet, which everyone else did.

Was (Not Wasdin)

family crest has godzilla
SoSH Member
Jul 26, 2007
The Short Bus
From Schilling’s language, it sounds like he didn’t talk to Tim directly. So he was likely told along with other teammates and instructed to keep it quiet, which everyone else did.
Was just coming to post this-he completely throws Doug Mirabelli under the bus ("I was talking with Doug Mirabelli yesterday"). So Schilling probably wasnt in the know, finds out from Mirabelli, and then decides to make it all about himself.