RIP Toucher and Rich Show ... It was fun while it lasted


SoSH Member
Jun 12, 2015
I heard the segment, I didn’t hear it as Rich getting choked up, to me it just sounded like he stumbled over a word. I have no doubt that he was being sincere, I just don’t think that was what people here think. It really sounded like he expects him to be out awhile


will bailey
SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2006
I didn't think it sounded ominous. I think Rich wanted to say SOMETHING because it almost looks worse not to address the elephant in the room. People were saying they're ignoring it because they hate each other, Rich is pissed etc. Even if Fred was out with a hangnail, a team of lawyers have to approve the update.

Rich sounded sincere in his update IMO. I have no idea what's going on with Fred, and we can all assume X Y and Z...but I think Beasley decided Rich should give an update that gave no update, but may settle down some rumors.

Him deleting his socials is a major step in the right direction. As mentioned above, Stephanie had all his PWs to his socials as Fred admitted constantly over the years that he wouldn't be able to handle them appropriately.


SoSH Member
Jun 12, 2015
Him deleting his socials is a major step in the right direction. As mentioned above, Stephanie had all his PWs to his socials as Fred admitted constantly over the years that he wouldn't be able to handle them appropriately.
The only one he deleted was Twitter. His instagram is still there. He deleted most of his recent posts but it’s still active


Has Season 1 of "Manimal" on Blu Ray
SoSH Member
Holy shit

I assumed Fred was out this week to rest his voice again and came to the thread because I thought it was odd to have Dan Roche on again.

I just caught up on the situation and sincerely hope that Fred is Ok

Amazing that most of the lurkers that came here suddenly on Monday have again disappeared.


New Member
Feb 14, 2008
Amazing that most of the lurkers that came here suddenly on Monday have again disappeared.
Truly amazing we would spend our post-Memorial Day, post-Celtics week working, with our families, etc rather than sitting around speculating about a situation in which almost zero meaningful new information has some out, it must be some kind of conspiracy. In retrospect, the health and future of the host of the top-rated radio program in Boston/maybe the country is certainly not notable enough to warrant a quick post, not when I could be saving electrons to write something more profound. Come to think of it, I better go to the Sox forum now and write 100 posts about what level of toothbrush firmness that Tony Graffanino prefers in order to prove my bona fides around here.


educated, civility-loving ass
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Mar 13, 2006
South Boston
Truly amazing we would spend our post-Memorial Day, post-Celtics week working, with our families, etc rather than sitting around speculating about a situation in which almost zero meaningful new information has some out, it must be some kind of conspiracy. In retrospect, the health and future of the host of the top-rated radio program in Boston/maybe the country is certainly not notable enough to warrant a quick post, not when I could be saving electrons to write something more profound. Come to think of it, I better go to the Sox forum now and write 100 posts about what level of toothbrush firmness that Tony Graffanino prefers in order to prove my bona fides around here.
Sleep patterns are alway fertile ground for performance theory.


New Member
May 28, 2023
It would be a bit surprising if he's actually back tomorrow, but stranger things have happened. I imagine there would be hype about his return, because that will be must-listen radio. Fred commented on how he thought they'd get a 50 share when he returned from the throat, so it would stand to eason they would build up this return, no? I think it would be strange to tune in tomorrow morning to find he's back without any pomp and circumstance.


SoSH Member
Dec 11, 2006
It would be a bit surprising if he's actually back tomorrow, but stranger things have happened. I imagine there would be hype about his return, because that will be must-listen radio. Fred commented on how he thought they'd get a 50 share when he returned from the throat, so it would stand to eason they would build up this return, no? I think it would be strange to tune in tomorrow morning to find he's back without any pomp and circumstance.
I dunno, if he was going through some mental health struggles, then I'm not sure he would want to turn it into some big thing. I can only speak for myself, but if I was in that position I have to imagine a return to an average day might help more than some big build-up.

Plantiers Wart

SoSH Member
Oct 16, 2002
west hartford
To pump it up only puts pressure on to be there tomorrow - if it's a "soft" return, and he wakes up tomorrow and doesn't think he can do it, much less pressure if doesn't


will bailey
SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2006
Fred in today.

Opened the show with the story...he was in a dark place and relapsed Saturday. Put himself into a 72 hour detox and is back in 4 hour a day therapy.

He said he was in a really dark place and didn't want to hurt himself but he thought he was being dark and clever


will bailey
SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2006
I hope he just addressed it at 6AM, knowing it's when they have the fewest listeners, and can now be like "for those wondering listen to the podcast" so we don't rehash it on the hour


New Member
May 28, 2023
Fred said he talked to guys from the show on Sunday. He started naming people: Dan, Wallach, etc. but did not name Rich. Could be something, could be nothing.


will bailey
SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2006
For anyone who didn't listen at both 6 and 8...

At 6 he mentioned a few people from the show who checked in (Mike, nick, john) and at 8 he listed I believe every TSH personality....sans rich


SoSH Member
Dec 11, 2006
For anyone who didn't listen at both 6 and 8...

At 6 he mentioned a few people from the show who checked in (Mike, nick, john) and at 8 he listed I believe every TSH personality....sans rich
...and we're back to passive aggressive elementary school. Awesome.


will bailey
SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2006
...and we're back to passive aggressive elementary school. Awesome.
I didn't think it was a big deal for the 6am one. Super early in the morning , opening take etc. But I REALLY think he listed everyone on the radio except rich


Has Season 1 of "Manimal" on Blu Ray
SoSH Member
I just listened on Spotify. Fred is obviously going through some shit that I've never experienced so kudos to him for being so open and honest about it. Like anyone speaking out about addiction or mental health issues, it takes a lot of fucking guts just to admit you have a problem and get treatment. It takes even bigger balls to speak about those issues live on the radio knowing there are millions(?) of listeners and hopefully that will encourage people that need help to get it.

For good reason, Fred sounded a bit nervous when he started discussing it again and to me it didn't sound like he intentionally left anyone out because it seemed like a stream of conciousness thing where names just come to him. If it was intentional, it's kind of a dick move on both of thier parts but we have no idea what's going on with Rich either.

For now, I'm done speculating on whether or not there is an issue between them, I'm just glad that based on what he said about his family's excitement, that he's truly commited to getting better.


SoSH Member
Nov 3, 2007
Lockhart was on Twitch feed again stating that Rich had a scheduled day off today for "Radio Boot Camp" and seemed to defend Fred at least one time from a couple of the commenters on there. I really, REALLY hope things be on a better track now for the show going forward.

Granite Sox

SoSH Member
Feb 6, 2003
The Granite State
A. Rich has said he doesn’t regularly look at social media and “leaves work at work”, so I’m guessing he didn’t even see the tweets/posts over the weekend.
B. Rich very publicly wished the best for Fred on Wednesday
C. A lot of times in inpatient substance abuse/mental health situations, phones are taken away so absent sending a message when Fred’s crisis was occurring, Rich couldn’t communicate with him if he wanted to.
D. For Fred to ignore Rich twice is very certainly “something”.

I hope Fred gets better.

I feel mocking and making light of the whole rehab/detox experience was a really bad look; too many people struggle with substance abuse and/or mental health and this belittled a very serious issue.


New Member
May 19, 2023
I feel mocking and making light of the whole rehab/detox experience was a really bad look; too many people struggle with substance abuse and/or mental health and this belittled a very serious issue.
Try going to an Open AA meeting sometime (Open to non alcoholics).
There are a TON of people sharing their experiences in a joking manner.
It's not necessarily making light of it. It's a way some people process things. Laughter is the best medicine after all.
Read that in a Reader's Digest once.

Granite Sox

SoSH Member
Feb 6, 2003
The Granite State
Try going to an Open AA meeting sometime (Open to non alcoholics).
There are a TON of people sharing their experiences in a joking manner.
It's not necessarily making light of it. It's a way some people process things. Laughter is the best medicine after all.
Read that in a Reader's Digest once.
I have.

No disrespect to you specifically, but when the guy called in and started his call by saying, “If I died today no one would care…” it was Exhibit A in Fred’s insensitivity to anyone other than himself. I understand that some addicts process rehab/detox like that, but doing it on the highest-rated morning radio show in Boston (as opposed to a much smaller audience with relatable experiences) demonstrates poor judgement, imho.


New Member
May 19, 2023
I have.

No disrespect to you specifically, but when the guy called in and started his call by saying, “If I died today no one would care…” it was Exhibit A in Fred’s insensitivity to anyone other than himself. I understand that some addicts process rehab/detox like that, but doing it on the highest-rated morning radio show in Boston (as opposed to a much smaller audience with relatable experiences) demonstrates poor judgement, imho.
I get where you're coming from.


New Member
May 28, 2023
For anyone who didn't listen at both 6 and 8...

At 6 he mentioned a few people from the show who checked in (Mike, nick, john) and at 8 he listed I believe every TSH personality....sans rich
I heard 6:00 live, and I'm listening to 8:00 now. One thing he said at 8:00 that he did not say at 6:00 was that while he was out for the throat for 5 weeks there was "crap going on at work." Is that crap his behavior on Twitter, or something else? There's definitely some in-show dynamics here that are less than savory, and I hope they can squash all these beefs so that they can get back to normal. The show is at its best when they're all there and getting along.


New Member
Apr 4, 2010
"Crap going on at work" goes back a long while, it got worse when Beasley cut a bunch of people including Lockhart (and then Rich ended up paying his salary +30%). Before the throat issue Fred/Rich started to spill some of the beans on air but shut it down pretty quickly.

I hate how much of this occupies my brain space.


SoSH Member
Dec 17, 2002
I’m not in recovery but Fred didn’t sound like what I’d expect somebody who just went through that should sound. Hearing him at all, after hearing what happened this weekend and week, didn’t make me feel good. He may have to work for financial reasons but I kinda wish he wouldn’t. He sounds very much like “this is handled, I’m on top of it, glad that’s over” and I can’t tell if that’s actually healthy or not.


Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 11, 2002
Morris County NJ
I’m not in recovery but Fred didn’t sound like what I’d expect somebody who just went through that should sound. Hearing him at all, after hearing what happened this weekend and week, didn’t make me feel good. He may have to work for financial reasons but I kinda wish he wouldn’t. He sounds very much like “this is handled, I’m on top of it, glad that’s over” and I can’t tell if that’s actually healthy or not.
Typically, it’s not. I’ve been in recovery for a lot of years, and he sounded more like someone who wants to want it—but with the very important caveat that most of us don’t get sober or straight as co-hosts of a highly rated radio show. Early recovery is nearly almost rocky and mostly graceless, even in the confines of church basements surrounded by supportive people. I wish him the best. Getting and staying sober is tough—and can be that much tougher for anyone in the public eye.

Granite Sox

SoSH Member
Feb 6, 2003
The Granite State
The Kendrick Perkins stuff this morning is pretty fantastic as well. "I already knew that the peanut gallery was gonna be against me... I came ready for the smoke!" Hahahahaha...


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Speaking of Crash - He went completely dark on Social Media and last posted in March I believe. I hope he is ok - I'm not local to Atlanta but I hope he is still on the news team at least. Anyone heard anything?


New Member
Jul 19, 2005
Steven A is right in Fred's wheelhouse. Does Ray Lewis still have a podcast? That was great too.