Maye looks like Tom Brady today. So, let's run.It’s almost like he doesn’t trust the talent to win and execute.
Maye looks like Tom Brady today. So, let's run.It’s almost like he doesn’t trust the talent to win and execute.
Feels like there have been a lot of long drives and no long injury stoppages in this one. That'll do it.Lightning fast game today
They lost 4. Or maybe 5? I don’t know, I’m not an accountant.JFC, man, Six silver trophies. Were you kidding?
I really liked this proposed redesign I saw last year on Reddit, a best of all eras approach.Brady era is miles above their current unis, but the white on red is fantastic.
My first thought too. Maybe upstairs said not to?Challenge it!
Yeah, better save it for a more pivotal play.My first thought too. Maybe upstairs said not to?