Why Do I Continue to Read Peter King?


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Jan 10, 2004
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He dissed Prince TWICE after praising Billy Joel. Prince absolutely brought the house down at my Super Bowl party, I mean he was fucking amazing -- easily the best halftime show ever, not that it's saying much. And Billy Joel sounded like a drunk guy at a bad piano bar doing Billy Joel karaoke.

Peter King, fuck yourself, you no-taste, complaining old douchebag.

Clears Cleaver

Lil' Bill
SoSH Member
Aug 1, 2001
I agree that King came across as a 70-year old tool in this piece, but I have to argue that the U2 halftime show in 2002 was better than last night. And Price was awesome last night


SoSH Member
Jul 13, 2005
Yoknapatawpha County
He dissed Prince TWICE after praising Billy Joel. Prince absolutely brought the house down at my Super Bowl party, I mean he was fucking amazing -- easily the best halftime show ever, not that it's saying much. And Billy Joel sounded like a drunk guy at a bad piano bar doing Billy Joel karaoke.

Peter King, fuck yourself, you no-taste, complaining old douchebag.
Exactly. That's what I want- soundbites on rock music from Peter King and Rick Reilly.

I saw King at Fenway in 05. He was in the Souvenir Store, with this backpack on, both straps hiked snug against his back, dressed like a 13 year old boy, trying to force his way to the front of the throng to (presumably) buy a Wally doll or something.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
What's funny is about a month ago, his complaint about Prince playing at halftime was something like "Memo to NFL: When are you going to find someone who didn't peak 25 years ago to do the halftime show?"

My immediate thought was: I don't remember him bitching last year, or the year before, when the Stones and Paul McCartney played. Furthermore, I don't think Peter King really has any idea who Prince is. He probably just remembers the name from the '80s and thinking "Oh, he's that girly purple guy" and thought it would be cool to make fun of him in his column.

I thought the halftime show was very good. I would say it was second to the U2 show, which gets credit because it was the first halftime show that wasn't lip-synched (I think); and also because "Beautiful Day" was a recent hit and that album sort of spoke to 9/11 recovery (moving on, hope, redemption, etc...). So I think that show gets all the intangible edges. But in terms of actual performance, they were neck and neck.

E5 Yaz

polka king
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Apr 25, 2002
Notice that King not only dissed Prince twice, but threw in a cheapshot about Al Green as well in his weekly mashnote about Starbucks. If he wants more variety among the Stabucks background music, fine; but why trash Al Green in doing so?

What's funny is about a month ago, his complaint about Prince playing at halftime was something like "Memo to NFL: When are you going to find someone who didn't peak 25 years ago to do the halftime show?"
odd, he had no problems with billy joel doing the anthem

Smiling Joe Hesketh

Throw Momma From the Train
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May 20, 2003
Deep inside Muppet Labs
King's NFL reporting has always reminded me a bit of Nick Cafardo's baseball reporting. He's got his binkies in Parcells and Favre, just like Nick carries water for Nixon and Foulke. Both of them throw in "10 things I think I think" or "Apropos of nothing": little notes they toss out there with no reasonable insight or rationale behind them.

Jack Sox

SoSH Member
Oct 27, 2005
I stopped reading King this year when he couldn't get off his knees for Tony freakin' Romo, saying something to the effect, 'can you see any team in the NFL beating a Tony Romo led Cowboys team? Neither can I'. Yeah I'm pretty sure Romo was in his 3rd or 4th week starting too. Just another reactionary fatass hack.

DLew On Roids

guilty of being sex
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Aug 30, 2001
The Pine Street Inn
Let's add to all this tattling about Bengals players being out until 5:00 am. Gee, rich 20-somethings on vacation are out until sunrise. I'm shocked. Imagine if they were actually doing something wrong.

And I can't figure out if this is sincere or sarcastic:

I love how Favre announced he was coming back on the Friday of Super Bowl week, and told the local paper in town. That is so classic Favre. He picked the time where the world would be most focused on something else, so he could get the minimum amount of attention. Beautiful.

E5 Yaz

polka king
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SoSH Member
Apr 25, 2002
Let's add to all this tattling about Bengals players being out until 5:00 am. Gee, rich 20-somethings on vacation are out until sunrise. I'm shocked. Imagine if they were actually doing something wrong.

what the hell was king doing out at 5 a.m. to discover this? oh yeah, bitching about the tower records starbucks not opening until 7


The Milton Bradley of SoSH
Jun 21, 2004
I really enjoy reading his monday morning column despite agreeing with a lot of what has been said above.

Nite Vizhun UV

proctological researcher
SoSH Member
Aug 30, 2002
Shakedown Street
g. Red Sox got a closer yet? Dick Drago in the fold? Reggie Cleveland? Dick Pole?

h. I wonder if Matsuzaka watched the Super Bowl.
Every time Peter King comments on the Red Sox, a little tiny piece of me wants to thrust a bat up his ass and mount him on a rotisserie.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Just thought this was funny:

The line:

"Yeah," Manning said. "I wanted it. Wanted it bad."

Was followed a paragraph later with this [pared down for humor]:

". ... occasionally Manning would look over, making sure the 28 balls were getting conditioned to his liking. One guy kept taking the ball he was working with, putting it up his T-shirt, rolling it around to maximize the sweat on it, then rubbing the ball hard with his hands...

After practice, Manning stayed late... feeling the balls. After 10 minutes, he had 28 he liked."

Nuf Ced

stupidity monitor
SoSH Member
Jul 27, 2001
Cape Ann
Peter King also said that Andre Reed doesn't belong in the HOF because he was "a good player who benefited from a great offense," which is one of the more moronic things he's written.

He's ignoring Reed's numbers like 951 career receptions, sixth in NFL history in total career receiving yards with 13,198, and 87 total career touchdown receptions. Reed also rushed for 500 yards and a touchdown on 75 carries.

But Andre Reed never sucked up to King or palled around with him, so he'll never get that phony's vote.

DLew On Roids

guilty of being sex
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Aug 30, 2001
The Pine Street Inn
To be fair, I'm sure Art Monk hasn't palled around with King, and he gets the King of Starbucks' support.

I absolutely cannot be rational about Art Monk--he's one of my all-time favorite players--so I won't even start to make an argument for him here.


SoSH Member
Sep 17, 2005
Down here in DC we hear about how King is keeping Art Monk out of the HOF by pummeling him every year. If that is true, it seems like actively propagandizing against someone is pretty lame. Especially the guys who defined the reciever position between Ray Barry and Jerry Rice.


SoSH Member
Sep 17, 2005
To be fair, I'm sure Art Monk hasn't palled around with King, and he gets the King of Starbucks' support.

I absolutely cannot be rational about Art Monk--he's one of my all-time favorite players--so I won't even start to make an argument for him here.
Hmm, I though that the guys on the radio were down on King for being against Monk. Maybe they are just blohards. Who knows.

Here is a quote from last years HOF Q&A in Si, but maybe King has changed his tune.

Some guy raves about Monk, then says:
You really lose all credibility to me since you're not only a biased writer but one who likes to unfairly lower the accomplishments of a truly deserving player like Monk.''

Peter responds:

Thanks for writing, Stephen. It's interesting being a voter. If I don't vote for a certain player, then I have some bias against him. You and the other Monk supporters should know -- not that you'll believe me -- that I have no bias whatsoever against Monk. He was a very good and unselfish football player. I have a lot of admiration for him.

There are quite a few differences between Carson and Monk, I believe. And not just in my opinion, but in their peers' opinions. Monk was voted to three Pro Bowls in 16 years. Just three times in 16 years did his peers consider him one of the four best receivers in his conference. Carson was voted to nine Pro Bowls in 13 years. Carson was the major reason why the Giants had the best run defense in the NFL for a seven- or eight-year period. I don't think you can say the presence of Monk on Washington's offense -- with a great deep threat like Gary Clark, with consistently good running backs, with a great offense line -- equated to Carson's impact on the Giants' D. Well, maybe you can, but I can't.

And for all of the Monk supporters who think I'm the guy keeping him out of the Hall of Fame, just know that there are at least eight of the 38 other voters who have not voted for him -- and I think it's quite a few more than that given that he can't make it through the cut from 15 to 10.


SoSH Member
Jul 13, 2005
Yoknapatawpha County
As far as his comments on Prince, I'll back him up. Prince is a great eprformer and I know he hasn't had a new album in 15 years, but covering Jimmy Hendrix and the Foo Fighters is weak. Maybe next year they can just hire a DJ.
Excusing how dumb the sentiment expressed here is, Prince did not cover "Jimmy" Hendrix last night, he covered fucking Dylan. "AATW" is a Dylan song.

He also released an album in 2006.

DLew On Roids

guilty of being sex
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Aug 30, 2001
The Pine Street Inn
Hmm, I though that the guys on the radio were down on King for being against Monk. Maybe they are just blohards. Who knows.

Here is a quote from last years HOF Q&A in Si, but maybe King has changed his tune.
He wrote in today's column that he used to be strongly opposed to Monk's candidacy, but he's changed his mind.

Who The Hell is Stan Papi

I Made My Train!
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Little Chechnya
He's my neighbor...I will begin the bidding at 10k. Whacking him with his daughter's field hockey stick is extra (bonus pts for those around long enough to get that reference)


The Milton Bradley of SoSH
Jun 21, 2004
He wrote in today's column that he used to be strongly opposed to Monk's candidacy, but he's changed his mind.
This is one of the reasons I like King. He does read everyones feedback and is willing to admit he's wrong and change his opinion.

He's a dorky fat guy that loves football, his family, and the Red Sox. He falls in love with certain players and doesn't cover it up. He's a fan first. Its hard to get mad at the guy. He can get annoying but its pretty harmless.


SoSH Member
Jul 13, 2005
Yoknapatawpha County
You're absolutely right. That's my own ignorance. I link that song to Hendrix. Mea culpa. And I refuse to acknoledge 3121. When you're reduced to promoting your album via Willy Wonka methods, you deserve to have it ignored.

But the point still stands. I really could give a shit if he covered Hendrix, Dylan, friggin Cat Stevens or a biblical reading by Pope John Paul - sing your own shit. You're Prince for fuck's sake. You can't come up with four songs of your own? If Pearl Jam did the show next year and covered the Killers, would you give them props?
I don't even know how to respond to this.

So cover songs in setlist = irrelevant?

What planet are you on?


SoSH Member
Oct 2, 2004
Dr. Z >>> Peter King

(I still read King's pieces most weeks but only so I know what half of my fantasy football league's moves will be... :blink:

Rocco Graziosa

owns the lcd soundsystem
SoSH Member
Sep 11, 2002
Boston MA
I don't even know how to respond to this.

So cover songs in setlist = irrelevant?

What planet are you on?
Cover songs at the halftime of the superbowl is a tough sell IMO. Especially if your Prince, who hasn't had a hit since god knows when. It reeks of "I don't have anything of my own that I can play to make this crowd happy because afterall I'm a midget f*g who was last popular in 1989, so I'll do someone else's material". His "symbol" should be a huge cock. Does anyone here think Prince is popular among the average NFL fan? I certainly don't.

Nuf Ced

stupidity monitor
SoSH Member
Jul 27, 2001
Cape Ann
He can get annoying but its pretty harmless.
It's not harmless when he has a vote on who does or doesn't get into the Hall of Fame.

Oh well. The BBWA has an asshat like George King voting on the Basball HOF, so I guess I shouldn't too outraged.


Currently enjoying "Arli$$"
SoSH Member
Apr 17, 2002
Procrasti Nation
It reeks of "I don't have anything of my own that I can play to make this crowd happy because afterall I'm a midget f*g who was last popular in 1989, so I'll do someone else's material".
well... except for the fact that Prince has written enough instantly recognizable classic songs to fill 3 hours of airtime.

His "symbol" should be a huge cock.
uh... it is a huge cock... very perceptive of you.

Does anyone here think Prince is popular among the average NFL fan? I certainly don't.
since when is the halftime show aimed at entertaining the 'average NFL fan'? I thought Joe fan used halftime to take a piss and reload on beers and wings. The halftime show is aimed at entertaining the non-fan. The Super Bowl is watched by waaaaaay more people than the pool of football fans. That's who they're aiming at. I dare say Prince was a better choice than Janet Jackson, Nsync, or The Corpse of Aerosmith.


The Milton Bradley of SoSH
Jun 21, 2004
It's not harmless when he has a vote on who does or doesn't get into the Hall of Fame.
Oh well. The BBWA has an asshat like George King voting on the Basball HOF, so I guess I shouldn't too outraged.
Have you read any of his columns about the HOF voting? He's very open and honest about the process and provides a lot insight into exactly why or why not someone got in. Football is a lot harder to vote for since statistics mean so much less.


SoSH Member
Sep 17, 2005
If Pearl Jam played the super bowl next year, I will probably shit my pants.

And if they covered Kick out the Jams, (one of their greatest live covers) I would have a stroke.

WIth PJ, as everyone should know, they run about 10-20% cover songs in a show.

I loved the Prince show, and to be completely honest, Prince did cover Jimi Hendrix, since the song was electric, and featured Jimi's wailing guitar sound.

But i do get what you mean.


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SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Prince did cover Jimi Hendrix, since the song was electric, and featured Jimi's wailing guitar sound.

But i do get what you mean.
You obviously don't. Hendrix covered Dylan. Prince covered Dylan. U2 covered Dylan. The Grateful Dead covered Dylan. Electric or acoustic, it's still a Dylan cover.

Nuf Ced

stupidity monitor
SoSH Member
Jul 27, 2001
Cape Ann
I think Nuf is a Buffalo Bills fan. Just saying ...
which means I'm already quite used to losing and watching the Colts win didn't put my panties in a knot. Don't know what that has to do with my comments on Peter King. If you like reading about high school field hockey, shitty coffee, and the indignity of air travel in this country, he's your man!


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Feb 19, 2002
New York City
I do not mind King on football even with his biases but STFU about everything else, especially the Sox, and double especially about Manny.
I agree. Sure he writes some player X-is-a-true-winner-with-calm-eyes type stuff (which I lapped up when he wrote it about Brady), but he does get some legitimate scoops and has some good insights. He really called out M. Harrison as being contact shy in the last article for example.


SoSH Member
Sep 17, 2005
You obviously don't. Hendrix covered Dylan. Prince covered Dylan. U2 covered Dylan. The Grateful Dead covered Dylan. Electric or acoustic, it's still a Dylan cover.
Of course I do, you #$@@%. It is a Dylan song.

But if someone plays Hound Dog and plays it like Elvis, are they covering Elvis? Or are they covering Big Mama Thornton, or Freddy Bell who originated the song?

I liked the version, and I like the fact that Prince channeled Jimi when he played it and not Dylan.


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Fuck him and his slam against BB. If he did a little digging, he'd realize that Ted Johnson was looking to replace Junior Seau earlier this year. Oh, and Fat Peter, the Red Sox will find a closer. Fuck you.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
Fuck him and his slam against BB. If he did a little digging, he'd realize that Ted Johnson was looking to replace Junior Seau earlier this year.
I thought that quote was a little bizarre considering Dale and Holley corrected him on this on Friday.

Here's the thing about King, I think that he's probably the most connected guy in football but he's not that great of a writer. He falls in love with the people he covers way too easily and carries a grudge much too long. The one thing that I do like about him is that when he's wrong, he says that he's wrong.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Fuck him and his slam against BB. If he did a little digging, he'd realize that Ted Johnson was looking to replace Junior Seau earlier this year. Oh, and Fat Peter, the Red Sox will find a closer. Fuck you.
"Manny Ramirez is a bum, he's less valuable than Jason Varitek." -PK, '06.

Nite Vizhun UV

proctological researcher
SoSH Member
Aug 30, 2002
Shakedown Street
I loved the Prince show, and to be completely honest, Prince did cover Jimi Hendrix, since the song was electric, and featured Jimi's wailing guitar sound.
So, what you're saying, is, Prince was unaware that this is a Dylan song, therefore he was under the false impression that he was covering Hendrix. Interesting. Do you think Prince would agree with this POV?