Why Do I Continue to Read Peter King?

Hendu for Kutch

SoSH Member
Apr 7, 2006
Nashua, NH
I think the simple counter to that ridiculous argument is "What was Von Miller doing in during the last few minutes of a blowout?". It's not as if injury risk applies only to the winning team.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
One could argue that his position is ultimately insulting to football players, as it implies that they are incapable of restraining their raw emotions on the field.

And, if a person wanted to stretch that logic a bit further, it could be said that such implications are racist.

(I just subscribed to King's mode of analysis).


for king and country
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SoSH Member
Jan 20, 2007
My wife wanted to respond to one of his coffee points once, so we wrote him an email. He used it, got my first name wrong, then wrote that we had to be wrong because his regular barista at Starbucks said so.

"What a jerk," my wife said
What was the coffee point?

Also, someone mentioned the 2006 let down in the Flu Game. If I'm not mistaken, their mantra the next year was "60 minutes."

They let one get away because they couldn't keep it together for a full 60. So they concentrated on the full 60. Nothing mysterious about it, and it's lazy and/or disingeuous not to incorporate that into the story.


New Member
Aug 4, 2007
Live Free or Die
They let one get away because they couldn't keep it together for a full 60. So they concentrated on the full 60. Nothing mysterious about it, and it's lazy and/or disingeuous not to incorporate that into the story.
Which got lost in the shuffle of "Spygate" because the 60 minutes thing was turned into the F-U thing


And of course there's the fact that football players are professionals who take pride in their work. Is there any other profession where people are chastised for beeing *too* successful at their job?
Ever worked a union job? When I bagged groceries in high school (Stop&Shop is unionized!), I got told to slow down and take it easy by some of my esteemed colleagues. Not that I'm god's gift to bagging groceries (maybe I was just clumsily breaking egg cartons), but it's emblematic of a mentality you'll see in a lot of situations where there's an adversarial relationship between management and labor, and labor doesn't want management to raise the standards that everyone is held to.

I doubt the same holds true for professional athletes, to whom there are huge personal returns for having a little marginal skill advantage on their colleagues. But it might hold true for sportswriters.


A dash of cool to add the heat
SoSH Member
Sep 19, 2005
The Eastern Suburbs
Ever worked a union job? When I bagged groceries in high school (Stop&Shop is unionized!), I got told to slow down and take it easy by some of my esteemed colleagues. Not that I'm god's gift to bagging groceries (maybe I was just clumsily breaking egg cartons), but it's emblematic of a mentality you'll see in a lot of situations where there's an adversarial relationship between management and labor, and labor doesn't want management to raise the standards that everyone is held to.

I doubt the same holds true for professional athletes, to whom there are huge personal returns for having a little marginal skill advantage on their colleagues. But it might hold true for sportswriters.
You seriously just wrote that while you worked at Stop and Shop, your natural grocery bagging skills were so high that you found yourself the flashpoint of the never ending war between the grocery baggers and The Man in the office at Stop and Shop?

And that this, somehow, paints a relevant and interesting point in the never ending sportwriters vs The Man labor battle that no one has ever heard of until you just raised it?

I have to say, I'm sceptical. Perhaps you could supply a book recommendation to help ease me into the terrifying world of grocery store union thuggery?


SoSH Member
Jun 26, 2006
Things I think I think: PK got this one wrong:

e. Not a good decision by Brady, trying to wedge one into Welker with Webb in front of him and Bernard Pollard over the top, supplying more help. Webb's acrobatic pick set up a Baltimore score.
Pretty sure that was Slater, which made the decision all the more puzzling.


SoSH Member
Dec 10, 2007
He was talking about Brady's 1st INT, which targeted to Welker and Webb made an unreal play on the ball. Wasn't a smart throw though.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
In his most recent MMQB - Tuesday, he chooses no less than three letters (out of six) that go out of their way to praise him for being awesome.

What a douche. Even if he liked the questions, he could easily have edited those parts out (and added another question, maybe).

He also says that the Patriots may face trouble from the Giants pass rush, because even though the Pats' O line was great against Baltimore, NY got to Brady 4 years ago, and the teams are the same as they were then.

Hendu for Kutch

SoSH Member
Apr 7, 2006
Nashua, NH
In his most recent MMQB - Tuesday, he chooses no less than three letters (out of six) that go out of their way to praise him for being awesome.

What a douche. Even if he liked the questions, he could easily have edited those parts out (and added another question, maybe).

He also says that the Patriots may face trouble from the Giants pass rush, because even though the Pats' O line was great against Baltimore, NY got to Brady 4 years ago, and the teams are the same as they were then.
He really tried to brush off the fact that 60% of the OL is different by saying Light and Scarnecchia are still there. I think the even bigger issue that he's ignoring is that the 2011 Patriots are not a deep-ball team. They're a lot more of a short-intermediate throw offense than they were when they had Moss running deep. The kind where you don't generally need to hold the ball nearly as long.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
In his most recent MMQB - Tuesday, he chooses no less than three letters (out of six) that go out of their way to praise him for being awesome.

What a douche. Even if he liked the questions, he could easily have edited those parts out (and added another question, maybe).
That seems to be the way it goes for Mailbags. Three-quarters are Simmons' mailbags are from readers writing like him, thinking like him, out-and-out praising him or a combination of all three. I think it was two weeks ago where the first three or four emails were from people begging him to write a mail-bag. It's no surprise that King follows that same template.

Hendu for Kutch

SoSH Member
Apr 7, 2006
Nashua, NH
King is out of his goddamn mind. I thought his intro to MMQB today was an attempt at farce, but nope...he's actually seriously writing this:

First, a word about how both teams are going to spin this as a totally different game than the one four years ago, with each team having so many new players and each team in a totally different place. Yes, one word: bunk.
OK, that's an interesting theory. Let's see the breakdown.

Players on the two teams back for The Rematch Bowl: 23.
OK, so 23/106 = 21.7%. So only about 80% of the teams weren't there before. Swimming start we're off to.

Owners back for the The Rematch Bowl: All (Kraft, Mara/Tisch).
Draft final-say men back for The Rematch Bowl: Both (Belichick, Reese).
Good point. I thought Kraft tackled like shit that day, and I doubt Mara can run the ball so effectively this time around.

Head coaches back for The Rematch Bowl: Both (Belichick, Coughlin).
Starting quarterbacks back for The Rematch Bowl: Both (Brady, Manning).
Hey, something relevant! Great!

Left tackles back for The Rematch Bowl: Both (Light, Diehl).
I'm curious...why leave the other 80% of the line out of this equation? This wouldn't be cherry-picking to reach an assinine conclusion would it?

Key defensive linemen back for The Rematch Bowl: All (Wilfork, Tuck, Umenyiora).
Somewhere, future Hall of Famers Richard Seymour and Michael Strahan are giving you the finger but wondering deep down if it's mean to pick on someone so stupid.

Ventrone brothers on the New England roster for the first game and the sequel: Two (Ray for the first, Ross for this one).
Sure, they aren't the same person, but they DO have the same name. And you know what rhymes with "same name"? "Same game". Point, set, and match.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
It's like he woke up one day last week, say Tuesday, and went:

*yawn*. (smack smack).

"You know..."

(scratches balls)

"I just...Augh. I just can't believe we didn't get the "offense vs. defense" story I was going for. Sheesh."

(swings legs over side of bed, pulls hand out of shorts, sniffs fingers.)

"What can I say about this game? Goddamn it...I have to think of something."


"Well, King, you're a writer. Give the people what they want."

(sniffs air. Smiles.)

"A rematch in every sense of the word! Same teams! Same result! Shit just writes itself."

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
What a rotten column, probably one of his worst in a long time. There was nothing really insightful or remotely intriguing about it.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
I love how he just waved away any lack of effort by saying, "Aw, you'll get that later in the week."

A) As if that couldn't be said in any week ("oh, why talk football on a Monday? Let's talk about other shit instead and save it for later.").

B) As if the two (substantive analysis on Monday AND later in the week!) are mutually exclusive; and

C) It's the Super Bowl. This should be to King what tax season is to accountants: all out effort.

Instead he literally spends more time talking about things he has eaten and intends to eat than the biggest game of the year which takes place in 6 days.

What an asshole.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
I love how he just waved away any lack of effort by saying, "Aw, you'll get that later in the week."

A) As if that couldn't be said in any week ("oh, why talk football on a Monday? Let's talk about other shit instead and save it for later.").

B) As if the two (substantive analysis on Monday AND later in the week!) are mutually exclusive; and

C) It's the Super Bowl. This should be to King what tax season is to accountants: all out effort.

Instead he literally spends more time talking about things he has eaten and intends to eat than the biggest game of the year which takes place in 6 days.

What an asshole.
That's what bothers me about King, I read him once a week (I don't have the patience to read him two times). And he's always putting stuff off until the next day. And I understand that it drives more eyeballs to the page, raises his page hits, etc. But at the same time, he's Peter King and he writes for Sports Illustrated. He's not John Jackoff from www.footballrules.com where he needs these teasers. Simmons or Neyer or other writers with large internet presences (for one) don't do this, ESPN rarely does it, Deadspin doesn't do it and I'm pretty sure that CBS Sportsline doesn't do it.

Maybe it's because he's a former newspaper writers and feels that it's best policy to leave his reader with baited breath, but it's annoying. "Hey, I have some great insight on something today but you won't hear about until Thursday when there will be something else bigger happening!" And I know that the guy stays up until 3 am writing his MMQB article, so I'm not questioning his overall work ethic, but it seems lazy to me. If you're too exhausted to write copy at 2 am on Monday morning, file the story a few hours later. I'd rather read a good, well-thought out MMQB at noon or 1 pm (Eastern) than read King's grocery list and barista tales.

E5 Yaz

polka king
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SoSH Member
Apr 25, 2002
Peter King, explaining life to the great unwashed:

Quote of the Week II

"I never had too much hospitality here, until I went for it on 4th-and-2. Since then, I've been greeted in a lot more friendly manner than I ever was in the past."
-- Patriots coach Bill Belichick, upon arrival in Indianapolis Sunday evening. The Leno line comes from his view that the natives must love him since the Patriots went for it, and failed, on 4th-and-2 in their own territory with a late lead against the Colts in 2009.
I won't even get into his defense of his old college buddy who made the inappropriate tweet about the owner of the Browns and got pulled from his beat writer job

Mystic Merlin

SoSH Member
Sep 21, 2007
Hartford, CT
I can't even imagine what his 'fans' are like. I mean, who are the people who read his column and nod to themselves, all while thinking 'Peter, my friend, I could follow your coffee/beer/moralizing adventures wherever they may go'?

E5 Yaz

polka king
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Apr 25, 2002
I can't even imagine what his 'fans' are like. I mean, who are the people who read his column and nod to themselves, all while thinking 'Peter, my friend, I could follow your coffee/beer/moralizing adventures wherever they may go'?
Coffeenerdness: "Hey, hope I make 'Coffeenerdness!' '' Marc, my barista at the Starbucks Canal Place in New Orleans, said to me the other morning. Well, let's just see how you made my latte first ... Hmmmm. Yes. Very good. Marc, you are quite worthy of Coffeenerdness. Seattle, give this man a raise!


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Well, I think that there are a lot of people who follow football purely for the viseral, and for the cliches, than other sports. Football has more tropes and truisms that get spouted off ("Defense wins championships!" "Smashmouth Football!" "Physical vs. Finesse!" "Ground and Pound!") than any other sport. I think a lot of people think along the same lines as Peter King; that is they don't think that much at all. They just want enough information to support their pre-existing notions regarding the sport.

King fills that niche very well.


SoSH Member
Aug 17, 2001
His MMQB used to be terrific, a must read. I think ever since he started doing TV regularly, he doesn't spend as much time on his columns, and it shows.


for king and country
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jan 20, 2007
King is out of his goddamn mind. I thought his intro to MMQB today was an attempt at farce, but nope...he's actually seriously writing this:
First, a word about how both teams are going to spin this as a totally different game than the one four years ago, with each team having so many new players and each team in a totally different place. Yes, one word: bunk.

Anyway, wouldn't the grudge matches be between the D linemen and the O linemen?

If he wanted to do this stupid shtick, he could actually do it correctly, pull the game tape, look for some key plays where existing players had contact with one another, maybe got a bit chippy, and talk about how they certainly remember that. That still wouldn't prove anything because such plays can be found at the line in any football game, but it would at least be pointing to something concrete. But that would entail actually rewatching the tape, which we know he doesn't do because he gets the players wrong all the time.

Also, the silliness of the narrative comes to light if you reverse the question: If you could somehow quantify it, how much more do you think Brady/Belichick wants to win because they are facing the Giants as compared to if they were facing the 49ers? 5% more? 10% more?

I expect the look that Belichick would give anyone who asked him that question could probably be used as a weapon in Clash of the Titans.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
...Meanwhile, the fat fuck hasn't written anything in 24 hours.

What a joke.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Whatever. Answering a few fan boy questions is hardly a day's work.

Also, this kills me:

"my biggest concern at these things is the ability to find the story, develop it postgame with the coaches and players I speak with, and then trying to write it the right way through the night after the game."

Yet in his intro he writes:

"We'll get to the hype of the Patriots-Giants in the coming days,"

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
"my biggest concern at these things is the ability to find the story, develop it postgame with the coaches and players I speak with, and then trying to write it the right way through the night after the game."
I thought that the story was REVENGE? Wasn't that agenda he established yesterday?


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
He has a 4 minute video up today.

He wears a pink shirt and is fat.

Key points:

1) Matt Light is important, but he's probably fucked because Jasone Pierre-Paul is going to rape him.
2) Another big problem for the Patriots is their shitty secondary, in particular Sterling Moore.
3) "I don't want to be lazy [in picking my 'X-factor' for the Giants D] and pick a Cornerback, but it's going to be whatever Cornerback Tom Brady picks on."

Blah blach blach....etc...

I can't believe this guy gets paid to do this.


SoSH Member
Apr 27, 2009
Concord, NH
He has a 4 minute video up today.

He wears a pink shirt and is fat.

Key points:

1) Matt Light is important, but he's probably fucked because Jasone Pierre-Paul is going to rape him.
2) Another big problem for the Patriots is their shitty secondary, in particular Sterling Moore.
3) "I don't want to be lazy [in picking my 'X-factor' for the Giants D] and pick a Cornerback, but it's going to be whatever Cornerback Tom Brady picks on."

Blah blach blach....etc...

I can't believe this guy gets paid to do this.
Thats about as in depth as PK gets these days. Its pathetic.

Was (Not Wasdin)

family crest has godzilla
SoSH Member
Jul 26, 2007
The Short Bus
Thats about as in depth as PK gets these days. Its pathetic.
To be fair, I have never thought of him as a strategy/analysis type guy. He has always been more of the "insider" type, dealing with contracts, roster decisions, draft picks, etc. As an analyst, he brings nothing to the table (other than beer and coffee, which is good in its own way, I guess)

...Meanwhile, the fat fuck hasn't written anything in 24 hours.

What a joke.
No shit. It's already Thursday and I have no idea what Brett Favre is saying, doing or thinking right now. Get on it, you lazy fuck.


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Feb 19, 2002
New York City
To be fair, I have never thought of him as a strategy/analysis type guy. He has always been more of the "insider" type, dealing with contracts, roster decisions, draft picks, etc. As an analyst, he brings nothing to the table (other than beer and coffee, which is good in its own way, I guess)
He's only as good as his sources and it sure seems like he has jackshit in the Giants and Patriots organizations. The players and execes he sucks up to (Favre, Manning, Polian) are pretty obviously the same guys who give him is best stuff.


Well-Known Member
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Feb 19, 2002
New York City
King has mentioned Belichick hasn't spoken to him in 4 or 5 years.
He had a kind of snotty tweet about it--someone told him that the Cleveland paper was right for taking Tony Grossi off the Browns beat after Grossi slammed the Browns' owner in a tweet, and King said something like " Belichick has refused to speak to me for five years-does that mean I shouldn't be able to cover New England?"

It actually does Pete.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
His official pick is based on Osi "making a couple of plays". Osi is also his MVP pick.

I want so, so, badly for Brady to have a clean game just so King's ENTIRE ANALYSIS is blown up. What a lazy fucking assclown. Shameful.

Freddy Linn

SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2005
Where it rains. No, seriously.
The interview with Todd Haley for offensive coordinator was a courtesy interview.

There's a sense Haley's too tough to get along with. That plus the fact that, on his way out of Kansas City, he implied to the Kansas City Star that the team was bugging his phone. Leveling unfounded accusations against your employer (and if there is anything to them, then let's have the proof) to the media is not a very good way to get a job in a league where other teams think those who own and run the Chiefs are good men.

Steelers to hire Haley as offensive coordinator


SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
Lynn, MA
Are you allowed to complain about costs when you stay at the Westin Copley for a doctor's appointment?

I did have to go to Boston for a doctor's appointment, and stayed at the Westin Copley Place. A tad pricey, at $251.10 for the night. Then I got my surprises that aren't very surprising anymore with the final bill: $14.31 state tax, $15.07 city tax, $6.91 Convention Center tax (but I didn't use the Convention Center), $46 for parking. That's $82.29 extra. That's what happens when you stay in city hotels. At least they threw in the health club, unlike some hotels that shall remain nameless.


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Feb 19, 2002
New York City
Are you allowed to complain about costs when you stay at the Westin Copley for a doctor's appointment?
Sure. We don't have doctors in New York city.

Anyhow, it's probably best not to complain about money when you make, I don't know, half a million bucks a year? (Certainly enough to go on a multi-week European vacation every year).


SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2009
I thought he moved to the Boston area a couple years ago (I want to say South Shore somewhere). Or was that just a summer home thing?