4G Android phone megathread


lost his degree
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 20, 2005
My Desk
Yea, that right there is my next phone.

It's going to be awesome. The screen on the Galaxy S2 is amazing. This figures to be better with a Super Amoled HD screen. The only thing I can't figure out is why put a 5mp camera on this bad boy? The 8mp camera on the GS2 is awesome and one of the best features of the phone.

Foulkey Reese

SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2006
Central CT
The most attractive thing about it is that it's going to be pure Android without anything like Motoblur or Touchwizz layered on top of everything.

Specs are nice as far as power and speed, no idea how the battery life is going to be based on that link. Too bad the camera is only 5MP though. I figured all new phones would be going with 8MP.

I actually don't like how thin it is at the moment, just looking at that picture makes me feel like I'm going to break it.


SoSH Member
Jun 27, 2006
Hanover NH
Verizon only, ugh. I hate Verizon and want to stay with AT&T - looks like I'll be going with the SII instead. I really wanted this phone to be an option, it looks incredible.
Really, with tiered data usage, the "best" carrier is the one you currently have. Stick with AT&T.


SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2006
Andy Brickley's potty mouth
For the uneducated, what does the specs mean? Is it a good battery? RAM good for a phone? etc...
Besides the camera, the phone is pretty cutting edge. You won't find another phone with better specs (there are a few comparable phones out there, namely the GSII), but the fact that it's pure Google w/Ice Cream Sandwich is a huge ++.


SoSH Member
Jun 27, 2006
Hanover NH
Plus I'm grandfathered into the unlimited data. I have my cable through AT&T (one of the first adopters) and have never had a problem with them or their service. Verizon is the devil.
To some, but not when you're grandfathered with them, as well. (Plus my job gets me a 20% discount on service.)


lost his degree
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 20, 2005
My Desk
I've had the Nexus S and I have to say that the "pure google" experience is overrated. HTC Sense (which I've used on the EVO 3D) and Touch Wiz (on the Galaxy S2) add to the functionality of gingerbread. Icecream Sandwich should fill some of those holes.

Also expect to be blown away by the screen. The device isn't super large but the screen is. Samsung does a first rate job on their screens.

Foulkey Reese

SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2006
Central CT
To some, but not when you're grandfathered with them, as well. (Plus my job gets me a 20% discount on service.)
Exact same boat here. Grandfathered in and I get the 20%. Never had any issues with Verizon so I'll probably never switch unless forced. I actually think that Verizon provides some of the better customer service around. I've always ha positive experiences whenever I've had to call them.


SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2006
Andy Brickley's potty mouth
Jesus...4.65 inches seems completely monstrous. I am honestly interested in the phone, but my god that's not small.
I played with the GSII in a Sprint store before it was released on AT&T - Sprint got a 4.7" version of the GSII compared to the 4.5" version on AT&T and it felt pretty big. Although, after playing with it for almost an hour I felt pretty comfortable with the size and when I took out my iPhone to make a call it felt small and crowed by comparison. I think between 4" and 4.5" is the sweet spot.


lost his degree
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 20, 2005
My Desk
I'm thrilled with the Bionic...however, I have another line up for renewal in December and will be able to pass the Bionic on to my wife.
Why would you opt for this knock off when you can TALK to the new iPhone?!?!?! I kid..I kid...

In honor of Steve Jobs, I changed the ringtone on my GS2 to that of an iPhone. :lol:


lost his degree
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 20, 2005
My Desk
All of the reviews are going to say, great phone but the plastic feels cheap! This is the first sign that the reviewer is an idiot. The plastic reduces the weight of the device. Most people put a rubber cover on their phones. With a cover, you'd never know it was plastic. I can't tell you how many times my brother has bitched about the glass back of his iPhone 4.

Murderer's Crow

Dragon Wangler 216
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Garden City
[quote name='Trautwein's Degree' timestamp='1317913751' post='3793150']
All of the reviews are going to say, great phone but the plastic feels cheap! This is the first sign that the reviewer is an idiot. The plastic reduces the weight of the device. Most people put a rubber cover on their phones. With a cover, you'd never know it was plastic. I can't tell you how many times my brother has bitched about the glass back of his iPhone 4.

with all due respect, the issue isn't whether it's better with a case or not as Android fans so fruitfully reminded iPhone 4 users with their antennas. I don't think it feels that cheap to be honest but your argument is kind of silly. As for the iPhone 4, I love the design back and front but without a case, it feels like the phone is going to fly out of your hand as soon as you give it a chance.

Foulkey Reese

SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2006
Central CT
with all due respect, the issue isn't whether it's better with a case or not as Android fans so fruitfully reminded iPhone 4 users with their antennas. I don't think it feels that cheap to be honest but your argument is kind of silly. As for the iPhone 4, I love the design back and front but without a case, it feels like the phone is going to fly out of your hand as soon as you give it a chance.
The difference between a phone not being able to make calls and feeling flimsy is pretty vast though. Some iPhones needed a case to function properly. This phone will need a case to feel better in your hand. Big difference.


lost his degree
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 20, 2005
My Desk
with all due respect, the issue isn't whether it's better with a case or not as Android fans so fruitfully reminded iPhone 4 users with their antennas. I don't think it feels that cheap to be honest but your argument is kind of silly. As for the iPhone 4, I love the design back and front but without a case, it feels like the phone is going to fly out of your hand as soon as you give it a chance.
What is your point?

My point is - plastic, metal, or glass - it doesn't make a difference when you put a rubber cover over it.

My other point is that people who review cell phones are idiots when it comes to things like this.

Murderer's Crow

Dragon Wangler 216
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Garden City
The difference between a phone not being able to make calls and feeling flimsy is pretty vast though. Some iPhones needed a case to function properly. This phone will need a case to feel better in your hand. Big difference.
No disagreement here. It's all moot because you'd have to be insane not to put a case on your phone in 2011, when it costs $600 to replace without a contract. (Unless you have insurance...then it's a measley $125)

Foulkey Reese

SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2006
Central CT
No disagreement here. It's all moot because you'd have to be insane not to put a case on your phone in 2011, when it costs $600 to replace without a contract. (Unless you have insurance...then it's a measley $125)
Yea and I think that's what Traut's point was. All the talk of the build and feel means a lot less than to regular users than it will to reviewers.


Ronald Bartel
SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
No disagreement here. It's all moot because you'd have to be insane not to put a case on your phone in 2011, when it costs $600 to replace without a contract. (Unless you have insurance...then it's a measley $125)
I hate cases. I buy a phone for how it performs and how it looks. The last thing I want to do is wrap it in silicone.


Thinks he’s clever
SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
Balboa Towers
I've been on a Verizon family plan (3 people), with data, for a long time. If I get an LTE enabled phone, such as the Nexus, do I have to upgrade or pay an additional amount on our data plan?

Murderer's Crow

Dragon Wangler 216
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Garden City
I hate cases. I buy a phone for how it performs and how it looks. The last thing I want to do is wrap it in silicone.
I agree, they suck. It sucks worse when you're on the subway though and someone elbows you by accident sending your phone down the stairs because you had it in your hand for 2 seconds to change the song. (If you didn't catch on, that happened to me). I think the Bionic looks pretty badass and if you like big phones then the size won't bother you. I was pretty jealous to see 4G in action but that phone size is just not for me. My biggest issue with my iPhone is that on Wall St where my office was and in LIC where my new office is, I get terrible reception for data, same at Yankee games. It could be an AT&T issue but I don't see others having quite the same issue in places where there are large crowds.


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SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
North Yarmouth, ME
It seems perfect except for the camera. That's a real shame.
I would trade my 8MP Droid3 camera for the 5MP camera on my BB Storm2 in a heartbeat. I love the new phone, but absolutely hate everything about the camera. Maybe that's just a product of Android, but I printed and framed several pics from the storm and wouldn't ever consider doing so with my droid.


lost his degree
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 20, 2005
My Desk
I would trade my 8MP Droid3 camera for the 5MP camera on my BB Storm2 in a heartbeat. I love the new phone, but absolutely hate everything about the camera. Maybe that's just a product of Android, but I printed and framed several pics from the storm and wouldn't ever consider doing so with my droid.
Samsung's camera on the Galaxy S2 is amazing.


Thinks he’s clever
SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
Balboa Towers
I would trade my 8MP Droid3 camera for the 5MP camera on my BB Storm2 in a heartbeat. I love the new phone, but absolutely hate everything about the camera. Maybe that's just a product of Android, but I printed and framed several pics from the storm and wouldn't ever consider doing so with my droid.
The Storm2 camera is 3.2MP. Not to say it isn't a nice camera, just a correction.

I am an Idiot

SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2007
So, is 10/11/11 the actual release date, or just when they'll be (supposedly) showing it off?

Also - how does the grandfathering work - I've been a VZW customer for years, but when I went to upgrade last month (and held off) it told me a new plan was required for the LTE data (upgrading via their website). Is this something I'd need to do in-store?


Member (member)
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SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
North Yarmouth, ME
The Storm2 camera is 3.2MP. Not to say it isn't a nice camera, just a correction.
Wow, I guess that just further illustrates that MP is not the end all, be all. My griping is even after the software fix for the droid3 that got rid of the blue hue added to every picture taken with the flash. The blue is now gone, but the 5 second lag and overall bluriness remains.


isn't shy about blowing his wad early
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Dec 3, 2010
Boston, MA
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SoSH Member
Oct 22, 2003
So now what?

I need a new phone with my original Droid falling apart. Do I wait on the Prime or go IPhone 4S?

Decisions, decisions....


lost his degree
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 20, 2005
My Desk
The event has been pushed back (reportedly out of respect for Steve Jobs), however, there's no indication that the release date has been pushed back. This bad boy will be on shelves prior to Black Friday.