Alex Verdugo, new Red Sox star!


Straw Man
Oct 27, 2013
i picked up on the “Had I been there I would have done something” line as well.

The allegations of what happened that night are awful. There were no witnesses to the sexual assault, so the police failing to press charges without cooperation of the victim, while very unfortunate, is par for the course.

There were supposedly multiple witnesses to the beating, including the videographer. The police would not have needed cooperation from the victim if other folks would testify to the older females beating up the younger one. The videographer in particular with have reason to cooperate, and hold the older females accountable. Yet, no charges were filed in relation to that either. Hmm.
Do we know how severe the beating was? Does that matter with regard to criminal charges? The police saw the video and know who shot it, right?

Edit: IIRC, the news reports say the police report noted a bruised eye and facial swelling.


SoSH Member
Jul 21, 2005
i picked up on the “Had I been there I would have done something” line as well.

The allegations of what happened that night are awful. There were no witnesses to the sexual assault, so the police failing to press charges without cooperation of the victim, while very unfortunate, is par for the course.

There were supposedly multiple witnesses to the beating, including the videographer. The police would not have needed cooperation from the victim if other folks would testify to the older females beating up the younger one. The videographer in particular with have reason to cooperate, and hold the older females accountable. Yet, no charges were filed in relation to that either. Hmm.
It seems pretty clear that Verdugo was the videographer. Nick Francona stated that it was his understanding it was him. Also, Baldwin was outed as the person who sexually assaulted the girl. If Baldwin was also the videographer why wouldn't they have just pinned that accusation on him as well?

The police would absolutely need the cooperation of the girl in order to press charges for the beating, right? Every other witness was complicit. Not hard to figure out why a teenage runaway might not be eager to press charges in a situation like this.


Anderson Cooper × Mr. Rogers
SoSH Member
Jun 22, 2008
Excuse my age-related ignorance, but isn’t the whole point of Snapchat that posts disappear, or at least become very difficult to retrieve?

Because I’ve been assuming that video was unavailable to the police, the Dodgers, or anyone else who might have cared to investigate what happened that night.

Cesar Crespo

SoSH Member
Dec 22, 2002
Excuse my age-related ignorance, but isn’t the whole point of Snapchat that posts disappear, or at least become very difficult to retrieve?

Because I’ve been assuming that video was unavailable to the police, the Dodgers, or anyone else who might have cared to investigate what happened that night.
Yeah, unless he was dumb enough to post it online somewhere.
Jul 5, 2018
Excuse my age-related ignorance, but isn’t the whole point of Snapchat that posts disappear, or at least become very difficult to retrieve?

Because I’ve been assuming that video was unavailable to the police, the Dodgers, or anyone else who might have cared to investigate what happened that night.
I'll add my ignorance. My understanding is that unlike Instagram, Snapchat videos/photos are not posted in a place that can viewed by anyone. Verdugo would have had to add her as friend and then send the video to her. It really seems odd that he would take a video of her being beaten up and then send it to her. To taunt her?


SoSH Member
Excuse my age-related ignorance, but isn’t the whole point of Snapchat that posts disappear, or at least become very difficult to retrieve?
People like to think that (and perhaps other people's ignorance leads to that being the case for many), but it's definitely far from true.
All you need is something else capable of recording the screen.

The result is you get people posting things that they think will disappear / not be retrievable / that they'll be able to tell who saved it / etc. when it's perfectly easy for that not to be the case.

I'll add my ignorance. My understanding is that unlike Instagram, Snapchat videos/photos are not posted in a place that can viewed by anyone.
It depends on how it was posted / shared / etc.
(The rest of your post may or may not be the case depending on the above).

P.S. I don't want to turn into the board SnapChat expert or something - I think it's a terrible program, counter-intuitive and counter-productive to anything except providing people with a false sense of security in what they're posting.
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Cesar Crespo

SoSH Member
Dec 22, 2002
People like to think that (and perhaps other people's ignorance leads to that being the case for many), but it's definitely far from true.
All you need is something else capable of recording the screen.

The result is you get people posting things that they think will disappear / not be retrievable / that they'll be able to tell who saved it / etc. when it's perfectly easy for that not to be the case.
Not even, you can set the options to keep the conversations.