Mut and Merloni

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Darnell's Son

He's a machine.
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Apr 23, 2010
Providence, RI
I may have been a bit harsh on BoredViewer because his post above wasn't as bad as some. It's the middle of August with a sucky Sox team and NFL hasn't started yet, but a lot of this section of the board has become just that... an message board where one liners about someone sucking have started to become the norm and it doesn't add to the discussion. A lot of these threads have become nothing more than Game Threads lately and that's what is getting annoying, especially when it is the same posters like ForKeeps and others, that don't add anything to them except bitchy one liners.

We know what we have right now in the Boston Sports Radio Market. Calling Felger a Douche, Callahan a racist or Merloni a fake "tough guy" and lamenting that you "have to listen" doesn't add to the discussion and neither does constantly beating that drum. Explaining why Mazz is wrong about a particular topic or why you disagree with a host's take on an issue, that leads to discussion.
Thanks for the cogent response. I agree with the bolded, and I'm just disappointed by it. After I posted what I did, I was worried you would take it the wrong way, but you didn't. You're a cool dude.


New Member
Oct 13, 2011
So far I haven't seen you contribute anything other than snarky one liners about how much the media in this town sucks so yeah your posts suck.
This is coming from a guy who literally just came back with "I know you are but what am I?!"

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
Guys, cut the shit.

Yes, you don't have to listen to the radio if you don't want to just like you don't have to read the forums. We know this.

Drop it and move on. Now.


as if andy gresh and gary tanguay had a baby
SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2006
I don't listen to "Mut and Merloni" often, and judging by the way I had to dig to find this thread, I'm assuming I'm not alone.

But I caught some of the show today, and enjoyed listening to Tom Caron work with Merloni. Again, my analysis may be off, since I hardly listen to the show, but it seems as if Merloni and Mutnansky don't have any chemistry with each other. It's clear that Merloni likes Caron, and was far more jovial/engaging with him than I've ever heard him be with Mut.

A guy like Merloni should be a valuable asset. He's a local ex-athlete who has only been retired for a handful of years. He should have a lot of insights into the current game, and how modern athletes think. But yet, I feel like you could listen to an entire show, and have no idea Merloni ever played baseball professionally.

I'm not saying I enjoy it when an ex-athlete bases his entire media career off of being a former player. That gets tiresome too. A guy like Merloni, however, should add more perspective to the conservation than just being "another talking head." Zolak, though I'm not a huge fan of his talk radio persona, does an excellent job of this.

I think with the right co-host, Merloni could be a really good talk show host. With Mut, he comes across as stale and doesn't offer particularly interesting analysis. I don't think they play well off of each other, and the show has almost been in existence for two years.


Has Season 1 of "Manimal" on Blu Ray
SoSH Member
If that's the case then he must have changed his style. I really enjoyed listening when he was part time on The Big Show but then he started "big league-ing" everyone acting like he was a hall of famer rather than a AAAA type guy. You never played the game you have no idea what you are talking about type shit. I've heard that Felger really wanted Merloni to be his co-host over Mazz but EEI backed up the truck and gave him an obscene contract, no idea if that is true or not.


The Man in the Box
SoSH Member
Aug 23, 2006
He's definitely backed off a lot from that. I didn't like him at all at first for that very reason, but I've gone back a bit over the last year or so and he's definitely changed his tune.. I'm still not a huge fan (perhaps due to his partner, as phenom suggests) but he's definitely not the "I'm a pro, you have no idea" character he once was.


as if andy gresh and gary tanguay had a baby
SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2006
I don't enjoy it when a former player "big leagues" others either. All I'm saying is, I expect a former player to have unique insights into the game. That person should be able to tell me a little more than a radio talking head.

When Zolak talks football, it's obvious he played the game professionally. He can break down schemes better than anybody else (sorry, GREEESSSHHH).

Again, I may be ignorant considering I don't listen to the show, but whenever I see Merloni on "Sports Tonight," I don't hear him giving any particularly interesting insight on the Red Sox. He just repeats the talking points of the day. I would say it's because he's not that good, but as Homebrew said, he was promising when he first became a part of "The Big Show." Ordway could draw some of the insight out of him, and nobody else has seemed to be able to do that.


SoSH Member
Jan 4, 2002
I listen occasionally. Better than listening to Gresh. Merloni is ok. Don't notice him big timing it but I don't think he's the most insightful either. I don't know if it is a chemistry issue between him and Mut. I think it's the fact that Mut is horrible. Adds nothing, rambles on and is very bland. Not sure how he got that gig.


SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
Chelmsford, MA
Lou Merloni just said on his show that Pedro had a "thing" with Jorge Posada, to the extent that he'd be constantly yelling at him even when he wasn't pitching.  Apparently he would yell out "Dumbo!" from the dugout to get under Posada's skin.
This brings to my mind two things:
1) It's not possible for me to love Pedro more, but my god was he fucking awesome.
2) why doesn't Merloni share more of this stuff? I never understand why former pros get on TV and radio and revert to the same platitudes that they hated as athletes.  I know there's some contingent who don't want to have "i played the game" thrown in their face all day, but we spent all of last summer hearing Merloni babbling the same stuff about chemistry and unity that everyone else was blurting out.  A guy like Merloni was in multiple clubhouses and sat the bench, talking with everyone and observing everything.  If anyone was in a position to talk about the real affects of chemistry on a baseball clubhouse, it was him, and yet we got very little of that out of him.  It's so curious to me.
A really random bump, I know, but I wanted to share the Pedro tidbit since I think it's info nobody else has really talked about and it's pretty funny.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
I don't know why former athletes (aside from a guy like Millar) don't tell stories, especially if they're trying to illustrate a point. I would guess it's because many of these guys live by the adage of the clubhouse which is, "What you see here, stays in here." Which is crap because the reason why a guy like Lou Merloni is on the air everyday is two-fold:
1. To provide analysis from a player's perspective
2. To talk about his experiences as a player, which includes crap that happens in a lockerroom once the media leaves
It reminds me of when David Lee Roth was given a nationally syndicated radio show after Howard Stern moved to satellite radio. He thought people wanted to hear him expound on the day's events and be-bop over the news. No one gave a shit. The only reason people cared about DLR is because he was in Van Halen and partied with famous people. Yet he never talked about the past. Until his show was in the toilet, but by then people even gave less of a shit.
It's rare for these guys to play to their strengths as broadcasters.


SoSH Member
Aug 23, 2011
I think the show has become pretty damn good. Was entertaining today when they brought up Finn's piece about Mut possibly being on the hot seat, and going over who should be his replacement. Merloni is much better than he was a couple of years ago IMO.


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May 13, 2006
vadertime said:
Chad Finn's twitter makes it sound like Mut is on the way out.  "Called out" today, so there maybe something to it.
nm, completely missed the post before this one.
According to the aforementioned twitter, Tom Caron was the original choice to pair with Merloni. I think TC and Merloni would make a great pairing. It would certainly be better that Mutt and Merloni. I enjoy when TC fills in. Tom and Lou seem to have good chemistry together.  Just curious as to why EEI did not stick with their gut instincts and pair Caron/Merloni. Was it a case where TC turned EEI down? Chad, could you fill in the blanks?   


SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2009
Have to figure TC turned it down.  Working 145ish pre and post games a year, many of which are on weeknights, would have made for a hellacious work schedule.  Sitting in once in a while, like he did today (while he happens to be in the midst of a two-day respite from NESN duties), is one thing.  But doing both full time would have been practically unworkable.


as if andy gresh and gary tanguay had a baby
SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2006
Red(s)HawksFan said:
Have to figure TC turned it down.  Working 145ish pre and post games a year, many of which are on weeknights, would have made for a hellacious work schedule.  Sitting in once in a while, like he did today (while he happens to be in the midst of a two-day respite from NESN duties), is one thing.  But doing both full time would have been practically unworkable.
Isn't full time on EEI a better gig than NESN pre and post game?  I'm not sure how comparable the pay is, but hosting a daily four hour radio show gives you a lot more intellectual freedom than sitting next to Jim Rice and narrating highlights.  Also, the hours are way better.
Of course, if the pay for NESN is significantly higher, then I can see why TC (or anybody else) would turn it down.  


SoSH Member
Oct 28, 2003
Phenom said:
Isn't full time on EEI a better gig than NESN pre and post game?  I'm not sure how comparable the pay is, but hosting a daily four hour radio show gives you a lot more intellectual freedom than sitting next to Jim Rice and narrating highlights.  Also, the hours are way better.
Of course, if the pay for NESN is significantly higher, then I can see why TC (or anybody else) would turn it down.  
I think you'd struggle to find anyone that would give up a solid, safe job at NESN to go work at WEEI right now.

Judge Mental13

Scoops McGee
SoSH Member
Apr 16, 2002
I don't know how safe or solid things are at NESN right now but I do know that they didn't send Jack Edwards to Pittsburgh. 

Dummy Hoy

Angry Pissbum
SoSH Member
Jul 22, 2006
They didn't send him to Vancouver either.
Why would they send their PbP guy when they're not broadcasting the game?

Judge Mental13

Scoops McGee
SoSH Member
Apr 16, 2002
Because he's 1.) The voice of the Bruins 2.) Part of the pre and post game shows when they're in Boston and 3.) The most recognizable member of the broadcast
In my opinion, anyway.


SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2009
Dummy Hoy said:
They didn't send him to Vancouver either.
Why would they send their PbP guy when they're not broadcasting the game?
FWIW, Jack was in NYC for games 3 and 4 of the Rangers series, which is probably why his absence in Pittsburgh was a bit conspicuous.  But in general, you're right, they don't usually send him on the road unless he's actually calling the game.


SoSH Member
Apr 21, 2011
I remember Jack Edwards talking about how he had to pay his own way to get to Vancouver to see the games.  He seemed mildly annoyed by it, if I recall.


also had a stroke
SoSH Member
Jul 17, 2005
Somerville, MA
NESN is cutting corners on sending Jack to Pittsburgh to save a little money because they don't think it's worth it when they aren't covering the game.  WEEI is cutting major corners and asking multiple employees to take paycuts because they are not doing good. 


SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2009
NESN is notorious for cutting corners as a general business practice, and have been for years, particularly when it comes to the Bruins.  That's what happens when they only own an 20% share of the station...they get the short end of the budget for things like sending reporters on road trips.


SoSH Member
Apr 27, 2009
Concord, NH
Today a caller wanted to talk about Merloni's experience playing baseball in Asia.
Merloni corrected him: "I didn't play baseball in Asia, I played in Japan"   :blink:


SoSH Member
Am I alone in finding Mut & Merloni extremely listenable, especially when it comes to baseball?
I have to say Merloni is growing on me.  He was good on the Red Sox radio broadcast a few weeks ago, covering his face with his notes while laughing during the Tanguay fit was priceless, etc.


SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Wilmington MA
I like the show when they're seriously talking baseball, I don't like it much when they try to be funny, though.


SoSH Member
Did I hear Merloni say that the Royals are going to get the 2nd Wild Card?
That would be a neat trick. They're 5 games back with 4 teams ahead of them (Rangers/A's/Orioles/Indians).  Would love to see it, but I'm pretty skeptical.


New Member
May 27, 2007
dynomite said:
Did I hear Merloni say that the Royals are going to get the 2nd Wild Card?
That would be a neat trick. They're 5 games back with 4 teams ahead of them (Rangers/A's/Orioles/Indians).  Would love to see it, but I'm pretty skeptical.
5 out, but only 3 in the loss column. And one of those AL West teams is going to win the really only 3 teams to jump. Not saying I'd pick them, but they've been red hot (15-4 since the break) and their pitching has been dominant. 


New Member
Jul 15, 2005
3/4 Chicago, 1/4 Boston
BellhornIsGod said:
5 out, but only 3 in the loss column. And one of those AL West teams is going to win the really only 3 teams to jump. Not saying I'd pick them, but they've been red hot (15-4 since the break) and their pitching has been dominant. 
that James Shield deal looks nice now


SoSH Member
And they're still on pace to win only 85 games.  Over the past three weeks they've run off a bunch of wins mostly against the chaff of the league (the White Sox, Twins, and Mets), but they play 9 of their next 12 against the Red Sox and Tigers, then move into September with 15 straight against the Tigers, Indians, and Rangers.
Again, I'd love to see it.  Kansas City has a great baseball tradition and those fans deserve a winner.
But picking them to beat out one of the AL West teams seems like a stretch.  ESPN has them at 12.9% to make the playoffs for a reason.

Harry Hooper

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Jan 4, 2002
It was great to hear Mo Vaughn on the show today. He's doing the Jimmy Fund walk on Sunday.


SoSH Member
Aug 23, 2011
Gabe Kapler had a really good interview on the show this morning, was funny as always. Was talking up the use of FIP when picking the Tigers as the deepest rotation, was a great listen.

Harry Hooper

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Jan 4, 2002
They had an interview with Zoltan Mesko this morning that was pretty entertaining. Zoltan is a natural for a media job when his NFL punting career ends.


isn't shy about blowing his wad early
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SoSH Member
Dec 3, 2010
Boston, MA
Seeya, Mut.

So long to "Mut and Merloni." Hello to "Middays with MFB."
WEEI 93.7 and its parent company Entercom will announce changes to its midday program Monday.
Lou Merloni, the Framingham native and former Red Sox infielder, will remain as a host of the program. He will be joined by two new daily co-hosts on the 10 a.m.-2 p.m. program: former Patriots tight end Christian Fauria and Tim Benz, a New England native who is currently a host on 970 ESPN Pittsburgh and the Clear Channel Pittsburgh sports director.
Benz will join the program -- titled "Middays with MFB'' -- sometime later in the month after the Penguins complete their Stanley Cup playoff series with the Rangers.
Mike Mutnansky, who has been paired with Merloni on the WEEI midday show since February 2011, is no longer part of the program. He will shift to another role at Entercom over the next few weeks.
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