

SoSH Member
Aug 28, 2006
The Slums of Shaolin
I first met Bob and Cathy at Orleans in Somerville in 2006. Bob's encyclopedia like knowledge of Boston sports events was impressive, as was his wit. What I liked even more though, was the obvious love and affection that Bob and Cathy had for each other.

Through this place we share personal details of our lives. Sometimes we ask for advice, sometimes we just need encouragement. I joined SoSH when I was 20 years old, but despite the age gap between Bob and I whenever we saw each other out he would always take time to ask about my life and offer me guidance. In 2008 I went through a hard time right around the time of the annual get together, The Bash. When Bob (and Cathy) saw me, instead of the usual busting balls that Bob would tend to lay on people, he put his big arm around me, pulled me close and said, "Its gonna be alright Anthony, you're gonna be fine". That meant more to me than Bob knew.

Over the next few years we kept in touch with Bob and Cathy. One night they had my future wife and I over at their gorgeous mill apartment, and Bob cooked us a 5 star meal. Fate would then strike in 2014 as Bob and Cathy just happened to be in San Francisco on the night that we were there for our honeymoon. We shared a celebratory drink that night and Bob, per usual, held court at the table giving us marriage advice. When my son was born, Cathy came by the house with a blanket made for him.

I've always said that this place was more than a message board. At its best, its a generous community of good meaning folk who are always willing to help those who need it. Bob, and Cathy, are the best examples of that.

I think it says a lot that in this thread there have been postings from members who haven't posted in a very, very long time. Bob left an impression on us all.


SoSH Member
Aug 28, 2006
The Slums of Shaolin
Also just remembered this.

One Baltimore Bash we had seats in the upper tier (I think Manny hit his 500th HR that night). Anyway, Cathy comes walking up the stairs with a sheepish grin on her face while Bob was clearly aggravated with having to walk so far. He walks by URI and I and yells, "What F*****G space station are we sitting in!?!?"


directly related to Marilyn Monroe
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Apr 19, 2003
Philadelphia suburb
Sias was his creation?
I believe he also later created FiaT for Feces in a Turtleneck.

Bob knew about me before any other SoSHer did. He would point out to me during bashes that he saw me post under the same username in the Herald's Sox forum site. I posted there in winter 2002 and that's where I found out about SoSH. He has always been one of my favorites, and he'll be sorely missed by many.

G String Quartet

SoSH Member
Apr 7, 2002
The 'Boken
I think it says a lot that in this thread there have been postings from members who haven't posted in a very, very long time. Bob left an impression on us all.
Bingo. I am one of the above. I met him at Bash's and just loved his banter, humor, and energy. He was like a rockstar amongst us internet board dorks. Remember - this thing has been around before the 'net was "cool".

I am reading this thread in my office at work laughing so hard at the notes and trying to hold back tears from the sadness and genuine love emitting from some peoples words. It's a rollercoaster.

He was awesome - and an absolute LEGEND of this board. I could go on an on but so many better writers already have.

Love to you and your family Cathy.


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Cathy - Bob was "one of our own" in so many ways. I feel so blessed to have met him in person at our beloved Fenway one scrubbed up afternoon fifteen years ago or so. We often communicated through these pages, especially in 2004 when the impossible became a reality. His personal bookends - wit and sagacity - framed everything he did. As a longtime teacher, I could tell that Bob was one of the greats - the kind of master I would have instinctively gravitated towards as a student. Thus, I considered him not only a mentor but a distinguished colleague as well. Bob was also a sweetheart of a guy in every way. He was the best that this board had to offer. We are all lesser for his passing.
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The Talented Allen Ripley

Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Oct 2, 2003
MetroWest, MA
The first Sox Game Bash I went to was in 2004. Pregame was in the basement at Copperfield's. Bob starts making his entrance down the stairs and the entire crowd bursts into a spontaneous chant: STIF-FY! STIF-FY! STIF-FY!

He waved benevolently like some Banana Republic dictator and you just knew it was gonna be a really good day.


Rules Red Sox Nation with an Iron Fist
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Apr 24, 2003
FYI...I have Cathy’s address. Message me

Pearl Wilson

SoSH Member
Dec 24, 2003
I remember it too, Rip. After that he was always surrounded and handled his celebrity with aplomb. Cathy handled it all with extreme grace. The tributes and memories posted here along with thoughts of Stiffy have consumed my afternoon. Time well spent.

Cathy, you are in my heart! It was Bob's generous spirit that touched me the most. May you always be surrounded by those who love you, and comforted by memories of that special man and your rich, rich life together.


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Aug 17, 2004
Thank you all so much for sharing your memories of Bob and for your condolences. My sons and I have taken great comfort in your warm compliments and had much-needed laughs at many of the posts. We are blessed to have you all in our lives.


Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Right Here
Man alive, if this were Facebook, I would have hit Like 109 times and counting.

I never met Stiffy but we interacted a few times on SoSH. I always enjoyed his posts and he was always one of those "must-reads". It took very little exposure to see that he was a man of passion and love of life.

Cathy, may you and your family have warm comfort knowing that he was much beloved and that he will be sorely missed. Please accept my condolences and my offer of this short phrase from my Irish heritage...

"May the road rise to meet him..."


SoSH Member
I had the pleasure of meeting Stiffy and talking with him at a handful of the early Bashes. As so few legends do when we meet them, he surpassed my high expectations. I have his autograph on a baseball around here somewhere . . .

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Stiffy was a steel-drivin’ man.

Tony the Pony

Fork You Schpors
SoSH Member
Jan 2, 2007
Dublin / Ibiza
Sad news, indeed

Even better than reading Bob’s insights, was to share them face to face. It’s a pity we couldn’t have dinner more often (“yes, bring the little kids - as long as they know they are expected to shut up”) because of our move to Europe, but I cherish all these memories and hope to have dinner again soon, Cathy


impregnated Melissa Theuriau
SoSH Member
reading thru these heartfelt messages about Stiffy, from many of us who aren't around theis board that often anymore, its like a reunion of the best of Sosh 2001-2010

the kids have no idea what fun they missed

Candy LaChance

Skrub's secret admirer
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Candyland. uh-huh.
God, I loved Bob, and Cathy was the perfect foil for his eccentric irascibility. Back in the day at Fris' legendary pre-Bash Bashes - everyone was out drinking by the pool, but in the basement there'd be a bunch of people jamming, with Bob attacking the blues out of a guitar and wailing soulfully away. Bob's soul was rooted in the Blues, and if you ever went to his house he'd have it on or put it on before you even sat down.

In the way back he was actually part of the Fatass thread, taking the possibility of losing weight as seriously as the prospect of the O's winning the WS. Cathy would get so pissed at him. It got to the point that she - really, truly - wrapped a chain around the refrigerator and put a padlock on it. Cathy was probably the only person who could intimidate stiffy.

Stiffy spoke stiffy French but didn't have much chance for conversation around here, so Cathy wanted to get him to France. When she finally got him to Paris for once in his life - to his great aggravation - she dragged his ass in a wheelchair over all those picturesque cobblestones and steps, which really annoyed him; but it was the trip of a lifetime for him, and Cathy knew it would be, so she gave it to him. Repose en paix, Bob.


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
May 30, 2005
Central Florida
Jeez, you SoSH old timer people are coming out of the woodwork. Candy? Skrub? Fris? It's so good to hear from some of you. You're all very much missed.

But Bob? One of a kind and such a memorable, indelible soul. I have a funny Bob memory from the Manny 500 Baltimore bash. I need time to collect my thoughts though. It's all still a bit too fresh to process. I will get to it though.

Cathy - goes without saying what an honor it was to know, mess with, bust balls with and spend any amount of time with Stiffy. He was a gem, a gentleman and could throw down an expletive like nobody's business. Proud to have known him. I was lucky amongst these other fine people honoring him to have the chance to cross paths. I cannot know your loss.

God Bless. I will have more when I can find the words.


America's Dairyland
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member

I'll miss you to pieces, you old poop. This was taken in Winter 2005 at the Boston Baseball Writer's Dinner.

I don't post anymore for various reasons, but I needed to add my love. He did give the best hugs.


Knows about the CBA.
SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2003
Section 519
This is very sad. In a world where writing style is becoming more uniform, he really stood out.

FiaT is a funny line. I laughed then. I laughed now.

Scarlet Fire

Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Dec 6, 2005
Beekman, NY
Sorry for your loss Cathy....I never met the man, but as others have said, his posts were legendary and always a 'must-read'.


above replacement level
SoSH Member
Mar 16, 2008
Henderson, NV
It's sad that it's taken someone's passing to get a lot of the old crew out to respond to this, but it's nice to know the group is still the supportive cast it's always been despite people moving on for whatever reasons.

That said, Stiffy was someone I always looked forward to reading when he posted. I never met the man, but reading through these posts makes me feel like he's always been a lifelong friend. RIP sir.

Carmen Fanzone

Monbo's BFF
Dec 20, 2002
The first Sox Game Bash I went to was in 2004. Pregame was in the basement at Copperfield's. Bob starts making his entrance down the stairs and the entire crowd bursts into a spontaneous chant: STIF-FY! STIF-FY! STIF-FY!

He waved benevolently like some Banana Republic dictator and you just knew it was gonna be a really good day.
This is one of the first memories that came to mind when I heard this news. We often remember more the way we want it to have been than the way it was, and in my recollection this was still in the midst of the redsoxstiff vs redsoxbrain confusion, when each had the other's handle as the note under their profile. In my mind we'd never seen him before, and as he walked in and word spread that THIS was him, the chant began.

It was like the Pope had arrived... and hadn't he?

Love to you Cathy. From old-time SoSHers and the new. Thanks for sharing him with us.

Rooster Crows

Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Apr 15, 2006
The Heart of the Evil Empire
Many belated, but deeply heartfelt, condolences to Stiffysboss (Cathy) and family on this loss. Although I tried many times, I never made it to a bash, but always enjoyed hearing recaps of his (and others) participation - and of course, his passionate posts. Agree with so many others who will miss his presence, are glad for his participation and thank you for sharing him with us.

Doug Beerabelli

Killer Threads
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
This is one of the first memories that came to mind when I heard this news. We often remember more the way we want it to have been than the way it was, and in my recollection this was still in the midst of the redsoxstiff vs redsoxbrain confusion, when each had the other's handle as the note under their profile. In my mind we'd never seen him before, and as he walked in and word spread that THIS was him, the chant began.

It was like the Pope had arrived... and hadn't he?

Love to you Cathy. From old-time SoSHers and the new. Thanks for sharing him with us.
An indelible memory for me, too. Brohammer and I got up the courage to attend the first Bash, somehow getting the OK from our wives, who'd be left home with with small children while we traveled two hours to Boston ("Hey honey, is it OK if I head up to Boston to go meet some strangers we met on the internet?"). I think we were all a bit nervous heading into the Coppefields basement, checking in at the registration table, etc, but Stiffy's arrival and that chant...the ice was broken. And perhaps for the first time, although we didn't know it yet, so was the internet.

He was a confounding SoSH read when he started, but once you "got it" (and him), he became a must read. SiaS...brilliance.

My live interactions have been few with him over the years, having only been to a the first few bashes, but immediate and lasting impression remains of what a fun, warm and wicked smaht guy he was. I recall enjoying our conversations, and still can feel how good it felt and how good us made me feel when spoke with him (and the Boss). I regretfully can't say I've had recent contact with him, but I don't doubt the feelings I have now from my memories, even if the details aren't necessarily accurate.

I'm sorry I didn't catch this thread when it came up last week. RIP, Stiffy. And my condolences to the Boss and your extended family.

Paul M

Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Mar 2, 2000
Falls Church, VA
Between reading this for the last 10 minutes and the impromptu Facebook messenger discussion yesterday, it does conjure up a lot of thoughts. First and foremost, I will forever cherish the parade and post parade hangout with Stiffy and the crew. Not to mention the countless bashes and bash-related outings in the "glory years".

I think over the last six years I've posted maybe a dozen times; from 2000 to 2008 that was a light day for me. My relationship with the Red Sox and the site itself has waned and really dissipated to the point where I never come on here and never watch games anymore. Again, I lived on this site; I was here on day zero after all. I would watch 150 games. Sure, maybe it's that group was largely in our late 20s/early 30s and now we have kids and more stressful jobs (not to mention I just enjoy other things I never even could fathom in 2003 like soccer, Netflix, Twitter). But, I think there's something more than that. Anyway, I guess my tribute to Stiffy is not much could get me to come back here and I feel like a stranger in this home I will take a fair amount of credit for building. I remember approving a huge chunk of the names that became legends of SoSH along with the other dopes.

Stiffy was a truly larger than life guy and while I probably hadn't interacted with him in the last 8 years he's a true legend and he's brought this place together even if only for a fleeting moment. RIP Stiff.


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
May 30, 2005
Central Florida
Somebody will remember the name of the place in Baltimore we always went to get crabs. I can't remember the name of it. It was the Manny 500 year and me and my son, (a Marine training at Quantico at the time so he met me there), hung with Stiffy and the Boss while on the pub-crawl/crab fest walk. Stiffy was unhappy. Something was bothering him from all the walking; a hip, a knee, his back, I don't remember. He was bitching up a storm the whole time while we were walking. We were busting his balls and he was busting right back, all the while cursing the walking we had to do.

So we finally get to the crab place which seemed like it was miles away. Stiffy walks up to the base of the wooden staircase leading to the second floor outdoor porch everyone liked to go (or where we could get reservations for so many). He puts his hand on the railing to steady himself and strands there a minute looking up at the quite long flight of outdoor wooden stairs, shaking his head. "Is this f'ing place the only f'ing place to get f'ing crabs in f'ing Baltimore?? Where's the f'ing elevator for God's sake??"

Or, something like that.

So I said, "Bob, if you want take a shot at it, me and the kid will spot you on the way up. Or else we can bring you down some to go."

"F' that," Bob Says. "I'm going up there to find the SOB who's idea it was to have a f'ing crab fest on the fifth floor with no f'ing elevator. Let's go get him..."

Classic Stiffy. We made it to the top. He made his entrance and started in, "Who's f'ing idea was this..."
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Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Aug 17, 2004
Somebody will remember the name of the place in Baltimore we always went to get crabs. I can't remember the name of it. It was the Manny 500 year and me and my son, (a Marine training at Quantico at the time so he met me there), hung with Stiffy and the Boss while on the pub-crawl/crab fest walk. Stiffy was unhappy. Something was bothering him from all the walking; a hip, a knee, his back, I don't remember. He was bitching up a storm the whole time while we were walking. We were busting his balls and he was busting right back, all the while cursing the walking we had to do.

So we finally get to the crab place which seemed like it was miles away. Stiffy walks up to the base of the wooden staircase leading to the second floor outdoor porch everyone liked to go (or where we could get reservations for so many). He puts his hand on the railing to steady himself and strands there a minute looking up at the quite long flight of outdoor wooden stairs, shaking his head. "Is this f'ing place the only f'ing place to get f'ing crabs in f'ing Baltimore?? Where's the f'ing elevator for God's sake??"

Or, something like that.

So I said, "Bob, if you want take a shot at it, me and the kid will spot you on the way up. Or else we can bring you down some to go."

"F' that," Bob Says. "I'm going up there to find the SOB who's idea it was to have a f'ing crab fest on the fifth floor with no f'ing elevator. Let's go get him..."

Classic Stiffy. We made it to the top. He made his entrance and started in, "Who's f'ing idea was this..."
Looking back, it was amazing he managed to walk as much as he did. But the look on his face when he saw those stairs was priceless! And, of course, the trek to our nosebleed seats at the stadium elicited another round of cussing.

Thank you all again for your stories and kind words. They have lifted our spirits immensely.

Norm Siebern

SoSH Member
May 12, 2003
Western MD
My warmest condolences to you and your family. I enjoyed StiffY’s take on the Red Sox and the world and always smiled when I saw he had posted something new. He always seemed a genuine, decent man online, and from these comments he was that in spades in real life. All good thoughts for him and to you at this time. Godspeed and RIP Stiffy.


SoSH Member
Aug 2, 2001
Narragansett Beer
Another guy who hasn't posted in a long time, just lurk now, but man I loved Stiffy's posts back in the day when I was here alot. Rest in peace Stiffy!


Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 10, 2004
Cathy, I'm extremely sorry for your loss. Always enjoyed stiffy and was fortunate to meet him several years back in Baltimore.