1/28 vs LAL


New Member
Aug 26, 2013
A lot of Laker thoughts from my end.

am Astonished at the disappearing act by Anthony Davis. He was being covered by Brogdon!! Did he make any impact plays or attempts in the 4th or OT?

I agree with Van Gundy. The replay rule is trash. If you are successful on a challenge you should be able to use another one. You should get one unsuccessful challenge per game.


SoSH Member
Sep 29, 2007
Rotten Apple
Hey if this is the one thing that makes the refs better and for Adam to finally clean it up, then great. But it's not like the Lakers don't already get the best whistle in the sport and have since forever.


SoSH Member
Sep 29, 2007
Rotten Apple
View: https://twitter.com/mcten/status/1619565574811693057

Pool Report on the Final Seconds of Regulation of Tonight’s Los Angeles Lakers at Boston Celtics Game

January 28, 2023

The Pool Report interview was conducted by Adam Himmelsbach (Boston Globe) with Crew Chief Eric Lewis following tonight’s Los Angeles Lakers at Boston Celtics game.
“Why was Patrick Beverley assessed a technical foul at the end of regulation?”
LEWIS: “His actions were inappropriate in addressing resentment to a non-call.”
QUESTION: “It looked like he brought a camera out – was he trying to show you something?”
LEWIS: “Yes, that was part of his inappropriate actions.”
QUESTION: “It looked like there was contact on LeBron’s drive at the end of regulation. Why was there no foul call there and what did you see there?”
LEWIS: “There was contact. At the time, during the game, we did not see a foul. The crew missed the play.”


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
St. Louis, MO
That missed call gets us back about 1% of the 2010 Game 7 ref whistle fest on us that cost us a ring. They can fuck themselves into the next galaxy.

Nick Kaufman

protector of human kind from spoilers
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Aug 2, 2003
A Lost Time
Poor Lebron. Magnificent player handcuffed to this corpse of a team. I mean, I know he chose this, but it is hard to watch a player so transcendent get let down by his idiot teammates.
Great player, short-sighted GM, the former pays for the shortcomings of the latter.

Stan Papi Was Framed

SoSH Member
Jun 5, 2012
So does that retroactively give us all the FTs on at least 10 drives the C's had with the same level of contact?
plus some iffy calls that put Jaylen in foul trouble. Obviously, LeBron situation is dramatic bc right at end of game, but you're right that it doesn't mean other calls/non-calls can be ignored.

The Mort Report

SoSH Member
Aug 5, 2007
plus some iffy calls that put Jaylen in foul trouble. Obviously, LeBron situation is dramatic bc right at end of game, but you're right that it doesn't mean other calls/non-calls can be ignored.
And this is another reason why I'm a hockey guy at my core. There are more complaints in a week of the NBA on officiating that a whole season of the NHL


Run, Forrest, run!
SoSH Member
Jun 13, 2006
Hartford area
on the contrary, it is hilarious and of his own making. he is the defacto GM of this disaster of a team. he made this mess for himself. now he gets to rot away and never make the playoffs again.

How many players in the NBA have retired by winning a Championship? A few but not too many.
He may never make the playoffs again but his list of accomplishments are pretty impressive:

James has won four NBA championships, four NBA MVP awards, four NBA Finals MVP awards, three All-Star MVP awards, and two Olympic gold medals.
James has scored the most points in the playoffs, the most career points (playoffs and regular season combined),[1] the second most regular season points (Soon to be #1), and has the sixth most career assists.

I wouldn't mind rotting away with those stats. Nobody lasts forever. And let's not forget unless he's real stupid he must be set for life financially. That hardly qualifies as a "LOL" IMO.


SoSH Member
Sep 29, 2007
Rotten Apple


SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
How many players in the NBA have retired by winning a Championship? A few but not too many.
He may never make the playoffs again but his list of accomplishments are pretty impressive:

James has won four NBA championships, four NBA MVP awards, four NBA Finals MVP awards, three All-Star MVP awards, and two Olympic gold medals.
James has scored the most points in the playoffs, the most career points (playoffs and regular season combined),[1] the second most regular season points (Soon to be #1), and has the sixth most career assists.

I wouldn't mind rotting away with those stats. Nobody lasts forever. And let's not forget unless he's real stupid he must be set for life financially. That hardly qualifies as a "LOL" IMO.
lol boo hoo?


SoSH Member
Aug 3, 2004
Three thoughts:

-Losing because Pat Bev went off in the final minute (especially that put back dunk) would have been really shitty. He's one of the dirtiest players in the league and it's past time for him to be gone, and the fact that he went from hero to low key goat in the final seconds (missing a free throw that would have put the game away, followed by committing the dumb foul to let Jaylen tie it, followed by starting the Lakers off on the wrong foot in OT with the hilarious and stupid tech) is absolutely delicious. It's going to be completely lost in the commotion of the missed call, but they win if Beverly doesn't blow it.

-Really couldn't have scripted Jaylen coming back from the missed free throws against the Knicks any better than this. Hits the clutch free throw to tie it at the end of regulation, followed by being absolutely shot out of a cannon in OT and blowing the Lakers off the court. Tatum and AD were wiped and Lebron was determined to make everyone pay for how regulation ended (I haven't seen him that aggressive in a regular season OT in years), but it didn't matter because Jaylen was the best player in the building, and he let everyone know it.

-Beating the Lakers in large part because of a horribly blow call is wonderful. Honestly I like it more than if Lebron had just blown the layup. I hope they let this loss eat away at their soul and bury them at the bottom of the standings for the rest of the year. For the Celtics, I'll take anything that stops a losing streak and keeps them with the best record in the league.


SoSH Member
Aug 6, 2006
St John's, NL
How many players in the NBA have retired by winning a Championship? A few but not too many.
He may never make the playoffs again but his list of accomplishments are pretty impressive:

James has won four NBA championships, four NBA MVP awards, four NBA Finals MVP awards, three All-Star MVP awards, and two Olympic gold medals.
James has scored the most points in the playoffs, the most career points (playoffs and regular season combined),[1] the second most regular season points (Soon to be #1), and has the sixth most career assists.

I wouldn't mind rotting away with those stats. Nobody lasts forever. And let's not forget unless he's real stupid he must be set for life financially. That hardly qualifies as a "LOL" IMO.
thats nice but he's a legacy driven ego maniac and this ensures he'll never get as many rings as Jordan.

i repeat:


Jed Zeppelin

SoSH Member
Aug 23, 2008
I’m sure this is more true of other players than I am thinking, but because I tend to pay very close attention to JB’s free throws I can say I’ve never seen another player whose FT makes and misses can be called out so accurately simply based on the release.

When he misses, it is most likely front-rimmed from short-arming it. It’s like a pitcher losing his arm slot or aiming it. Again, I’m sure this is true for everyone to some degree but the difference for JB is really stark, it’s either center cut make or really bad short miss.


SoSH Member
Dec 8, 2005
The blown call on Grant being out of bounds, for one of 50 examples, was objectively worse. What a weird freak out by James. He’s losing it.

edit - and wasn’t it Bev who immediately called for a replay review? It always amazes me when professional athletes don’t know the rules.

joe dokes

SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
To Ryan's point --- Every team has bad ref shit happen to them. Lakers are held together with so much duct tape and bubble gum that they don't win when it happens to them.


SoSH Member
May 31, 2007
Poor LeBron. His shitty ass team should probably be 24-26 instead of 23-27. Go focus on Bronny’s college selection. Your team is trash and this game meant nothing.


Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Apr 17, 2003
People always focus on the one call at the end when, really, we should be focusing on the overall set of calls at least in the Fourth Quarter. Others have noted a lot of bad stuff that went the other way---Tatum had contact on the drive with Davis; Brown had two touch fouls that cost him minutes; the Grant out of bounds was a joke. Etc. I haven't tallied them up, and it certainly looks bad for LBJ to have a blown foul cost him the last shot but that is not really the story of the game overall.

Big picture, where was Anthony Davis?


chris hansen of goats
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
May 19, 2004
Some fancy town in CT
on the contrary, it is hilarious and of his own making. he is the defacto GM of this disaster of a team. he made this mess for himself. now he gets to rot away and never make the playoffs again.

They're not missing the playoffs. Not with the trash that occupies the bottom half of the western conference.


SoSH Member
Apr 14, 2009
Wiscansin, by way of Attleboro
I’m sure this is more true of other players than I am thinking, but because I tend to pay very close attention to JB’s free throws I can say I’ve never seen another player whose FT makes and misses can be called out so accurately simply based on the release.

When he misses, it is most likely front-rimmed from short-arming it. It’s like a pitcher losing his arm slot or aiming it. Again, I’m sure this is true for everyone to some degree but the difference for JB is really stark, it’s either center cut make or really bad short miss.
The last miss in the Knicks game was especially bizarre and even more telegraphed of a miss than usual. I agree about the pitcher and wayward release point comp with Brown-- like a spiked change up, buried too much in the palm and aimed instead of thrown without any conviction.

You can see Brown glancing at someone, probably Randle, on the far side of the paint as he's rocking into his upward shooting motion. About a second before the ball was released, I said out loud, " goddamnit, this is going to be way, way short, he's not even looking towards the hoop".

At the 50 second mark here: View: https://youtu.be/7SWe7NDehbU

Glad he had a redemption arc (as did his FT shot trajectory) last night.

Something is still really creeping me out with this team. Obviously health isn't on their side and it's the dog days of January, but I just have a sinking feeling about them.


SoSH Member
Dec 12, 2010
Boston, MA
Even if you assume Lebron makes both, which you can't, the Celtics would have had ~1.5 seconds and a timeout. Enough time to win or tie it.


Huge Member
SoSH Member
Apr 3, 2001
Jaylen Brown was the best player on a floor that included LeBron, Tatum and AD.

That said, Brogdon is the Wolf from Pulp Fiction.
I htink that I agree with you, and in my Brogdon zeal probably didn't flesh out why Brogdon was so awesome. He had one of those special Marcus Smart-like nights where he might not be in the opening segment, but he did / does literally everything right with bringing the team together. He did so many small things (and some large) so perfectly last night.


SoSH Member
Mar 31, 2013
LeBron has been a huge baby all season, whining every week about the Lakers, his bad teammates, the need for them to make a big trade, and lately the refs. He is having a completely miserable season (largely due to his own making) and it's funny to watch him melt away as a good stats/bad team guy.


Dorito Dawg
SoSH Member
Dec 16, 2010
Lebron said only his team gets screwed by the refs? LeBron gets no calls?

was he fouled? Yep.But come on. No one in history of league gets more calls.

Minneapolis Millers

Wants you to please think of the Twins fans!
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Twin Cities
We all do it, it’s part of being a fan, but you know who complains about missed calls? Losers.

The Los Angeles Losers. It’s got a nice ring. A nicer ring than that sorry ass squad is gonna get this year. (Reveling in LA misery is also fun.)


SoSH Member
Apr 22, 2016
New York City
It’s all a game. The Lakers know if they throw a hissy fit about this call, they’ll get the benefit of close calls in the future.

My number one frustration about the league is that complainers and whiners routinely get rewarded because the league is obsessed with trying to pretend the game is not now too fast for humans to accurately call.


SoSH Member
Feb 12, 2003
where I was last at
Lebron said only his team gets screwed by the refs? LeBron gets no calls?

was he fouled? Yep.But come on. No one in history of league gets more calls.
Fuck LeBron

Great player but fuck him.

He thinks the #6 on the parquet is to pay homage to him.

Its not the court King James hold dominion on.

That he shed tears on it is very appropriate.

Ed Hillel

Wants to be startin somethin
SoSH Member
Dec 12, 2007
Man, LeBron has lost it. Not his game, he’s still an elite player, but this season is a total meltdown. Suggesting a league-wide conspiracy multiple times should get him a 6-figure fine for gambling purposes if nothing else, but of course instead the league went out of its way to cater to him by making known they blew a call immediately after, which has happened…never?


SoSH Member
Aug 9, 2009
The idea that the NBA would prefer the "star-filled" Los Angeles Lakers to be the 13th seed in the west is comical.

Lebron was obviously fouled on the last play, though the refs were an abomination both ways all night.

Just add that one call to the list, there were so many horrible ones I honestly have no idea who came out on top.


SoSH Member
Aug 3, 2004
I wonder how much of the reaction to the game is a result of Lebron's total meltdown immediately after the play. If he just goes back to the huddle (or even spends just a few seconds arguing for the call instead of throwing a huge tantrum and then retreating into a shell like a small child), I don't think it gets a fraction of the attention we're seeing now. And of course the rest of the team follows his lead and responds in kind - Davis whining about being cheated, multiple Lakers crying about it on social media, Ham doing his woe is us routine, Worthy on the postgame show, etc etc.

In their defense, it was an absolutely terrible call (not the first terrible call ever), and this was the 3rd or 4th time in the last few weeks that they've gotten a really bad break on a bad call in the final minutes of a close game. These things do even out in the long run, and the fact that they are freaking out this much over a bad call in January is evidence enough of just how high the water is over there.


SoSH Member
May 28, 2007
Nobody Cares
Man, LeBron has lost it. Not his game, he’s still an elite player, but this season is a total meltdown. Suggesting a league-wide conspiracy multiple times should get him a 6-figure fine for gambling purposes if nothing else, but of course instead the league went out of its way to cater to him by making known they blew a call immediately after, which has happened…never?
It's surreal. Everybody who reads gamethreads knows how I feel about NBA officiating. What makes this so fascinating is that the Celtics literally just lost their previous game in EXACTLY the same fashion. Timelord was hacked at the buzzer of regulation, even more egregiously than Lebron was. Not only wasn't there a call, but Reggie Miller and his TV counterpart called it a "great block" multiple times, even as the replays showed how it was unmistakenly a foul. C's go on to lose in OT, just as the Lakers did.

Did the league acknowledge the blatant missed call? No. Did the announcers ever mention that maybe the Knicks got away with one? No. Did Timelord crumble to the ground and scream to the heavens that he was wronged? No. It was treated as just another terribly officiated game that resulted in a tough loss. The C's said nary a word.


SoSH Member
Aug 6, 2006
St John's, NL
They're not missing the playoffs. Not with the trash that occupies the bottom half of the western conference.
The teams in the play-in slots out west are presently Dallas, Phoenix, Utah and the defending champs.

I will take my chances with all of those teams over this horrendous Lakers squad.


Head Mason
SoSH Member
Nov 10, 2006
It's surreal. Everybody who reads gamethreads knows how I feel about NBA officiating. What makes this so fascinating is that the Celtics literally just lost their previous game in EXACTLY the same fashion. Timelord was hacked at the buzzer of regulation, even more egregiously than Lebron was. Not only wasn't there a call, but Reggie Miller and his TV counterpart called it a "great block" multiple times, even as the replays showed how it was unmistakenly a foul. C's go on to lose in OT, just as the Lakers did.

Did the league acknowledge the blatant missed call? No. Did the announcers ever mention that maybe the Knicks got away with one? No. Did Timelord crumble to the ground and scream to the heavens that he was wronged? No. It was treated as just another terribly officiated game that resulted in a tough loss. The C's said nary a word.
Right. I think the Celtics can brush this stuff off because they're the best team in the NBA and they're largely happy to be playing with each other. The Lakers, otoh, are spiraling and looking for someone to blame. Rather than having a rational response, e.g., everyone gets jobbed sometimes and you have to keep playing, they're positing league conspiracies. It's kind of pathetic!

I think Lebron is just not used to losing this much and this badly. The teams he's built haven't been perfectly constructed but they've always won. He's staring into the abyss and he's in total denial about it