jon abbey
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  • I'd just like to say burn in hell Yankee loving scum for being the scummy Yankee loving scum lover scum Yankee scum. Jerk.
    jon abbey
    jon abbey
    careful I don't start moving the words around in your late night posts. :)
    I'd just like to say thank you. You do a difficult job well and I appreciate your diligence. You help keep the site a good place to come to and that's not easy on the internet.
    jon abbey
    jon abbey
    thank you!
    Hey I know this is the same again but thank you for suggesting Cantor take a breath in the Red Sox Offseason thread. I was unsure of how to do that and you stepping in was extremely timely and another example of why this is the best place on the net.
    jon abbey
    jon abbey
    thanks, it's been brewing for a while.
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