ALDS vs. MFY—Buckle Up

Sandy Leon Trotsky

SoSH Member
Mar 11, 2007
I'll take some positives out of last night's game: Brasier looked very good. Kelly looked very good.
That's about it.

But Cora has to bench Nunez and get Devers in the game.... Brock Holt too!


SoSH Member
Jan 2, 2006
I was at the game last night. Kelly was impressive. Brasier looked good. Really only Workman and ERod didn't look good.

Price took the crowd out of the game right away with the Judge HR, and then shitting the bed completely in inning 2.


SoSH Member
Nov 11, 2006
London, England
one issue is our relative power outage in the 2nd half has carried over, while the Yanks still of course have theirs (and Sanchez looks like his 2017 self right now)
Because of 1 game???

Before yesterday he’d been even worse since returning from injury (Sep 1) than before. And in his first two playoff games he was 0 for 6 with a BB (and 2 Ks and a GiDP). Yesterday he goes 2 for 5 with 2 HRs and all of a sudden he’s his old 2017 self. Really?


SoSH Member
Feb 21, 2001
Boston, MA
Indeed. He was fantastic behind the plate last night. His defense prevented runs.
I disagree about never saying anything bad about Sandy's bat just because he's a very good defensive catcher. He's basically an automatic out and cannot be relied upon for anything offensively out of his batting position. Is there such a huge gap between his defense and Vazquez's that an automatic out should be penciled in for the 8 hole? The problem, of course, is that Vazquez isn't exactly Carlton Fisk (or Rich Gedman for that matter) at the plate.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
It is disheartening that Leon is an automatic out each AB. I guess it comes down to the other alternatives are not significant enough improvements offensively and the pitching staff seems to prefer him. Defensively I’m not sure whether there is much of a difference between Leon and Vazquez.


Well-Known Member
Silver Supporter
SoSH Member
Jun 30, 2006
Game 1 highlighted the Sox’s big strengths (JDM HR, Sale dominance, Mookie outfield defense etc), and Game 2 their weaknesses. Hopefully tomorrow they look more like the team they were most of the season.


SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2009
I don't think it's so much the defensive difference between Leon and Vazquez, I think it's game calling. Leon seems to have a much better feel for calling the right pitches at the right time and mixing things up. The pitchers seem to respond to that.

Sam Ray Not

SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
Vazquez isn't exactly Carlton Fisk (or Rich Gedman for that matter) at the plate.
No, but Swihart is probably Rich Gedman at this point — at least the 1986 Gedman vintage (.739 OPS) if not the peak 1985 one (.846). Blake has raked at a .706 OPS in 108 plate appearances since the break, and adds some speed on the basepaths to boot. I know it's been asked a million times, but is his defense really that horrific?


SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
deep inside Guido territory
Man, reading stuff in here makes it seems like it’s 0-2. Just get a split in NY and then hopefully Sale for Game 5 in Boston.

A few things

—Wonderful job by the middle relievers last night. If I’m going to criticize when it’s warranted, I must also give credit where credit is due. Joe Kelly, Ryan Brasier, and Brandon Workman did a heck of a job keeping the Yankees at 3 runs for as long as they did. Cora’s quick hook enabled the damage to be limited to 3 runs and the trio kept the team in the game.

—As bad as David Price was, he can not be buried on the bench. In order for this team to accomplish their goals, he needs to be a contributor. At some point later in this series, he’s going to have to be counted on to get big outs.

—Brock Holt, Rafael Devers, and Blake Swihart need to be in the lineup the next 2 games. Stack the lineup with left handed hitters(Hope Moreland is ready).

—Don’t doubt this team’s mental fortitude. They’ve been a resilient bunch all season.


SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2009
—Brock Holt, Rafael Devers, and Blake Swihart need to be in the lineup the next 2 games. Stack the lineup with left handed hitters(Hope Moreland is ready).
This sums up my biggest concern thus far. Maybe not Swihart so much as the other two, but those bats need to be in the lineup. As nice as it was to see Kinsler drive in a run with a double last night, it's been just as bad to see him striking out five times in 8 total ABs. Free Holt.


SoSH Member
As much as last night sucked, let's just get the correct line up together and drop some crooked numbers tomorrow night. This team hasn't been themselves offensively since the bottom of the 1st Friday night.


SoSH Member
Feb 21, 2001
Boston, MA
I'm sorry you missed Game 1. Leon was incredible behind the plate, best I've seen on all those 58 footers.
The question is whether or not Leon's superior defense is so superior as to justify his otherworldly awfulness as a hitter this year and whether the improvement offensively (though not dramatic) with the other catchers is worth a shot:

Leon 2018:

.177 BA; .232 OBP; .279 SLG; .511 OPS; 37 OPS+; 75Ks in 288 PAs.; -0.5 WAR

Vazquez 2018:

.207 BA; .257 OBP; .283 SLG; .540 OPS; 46 OPS+ 41Ks in 269 PAs.; -0.8 WAR

Swihart 2018:

.229 BA; .285 OBP; .328 SLG; .613 OPS; 65 OPS+ 57 Ks in 207 PAs.; -0.3 WAR


Loves Aaron Judge
SoSH Member
Feb 4, 2012
I hate that this is a five game series.

The bats need to come alive. And what’s up with the crowd? Is it the mics? It sounds dead there, are the fans being quiet or is it just a garbage broadcast?


SoSH Member
Oct 20, 2015
Because of 1 game???

Before yesterday he’d been even worse since returning from injury (Sep 1) than before. And in his first two playoff games he was 0 for 6 with a BB (and 2 Ks and a GiDP). Yesterday he goes 2 for 5 with 2 HRs and all of a sudden he’s his old 2017 self. Really?
more than the HRs - he's blocking stuff behind the plate now


SoSH Member
Nov 29, 2001
Need Porcello and Eovaldi to step up huge, limit the damage those MFY bats can do at the Toilet, and give Cora the opportunity to maximize use of the bullpen. I have no doubt that this team is mentally tough (with one huge glaring exception) and can come back and win in enemy territory, but another starter melting down would be disastrous.


SoSH Member
Dec 8, 2005
I hate that this is a five game series.

The bats need to come alive. And what’s up with the crowd? Is it the mics? It sounds dead there, are the fans being quiet or is it just a garbage broadcast?
The crowd seemed fine last night but they were behind all game and there wasn’t all that much in the way of rallies to get people going. Your starter stinks and your leadoff MVP goes 0-4 it kind of sucks some of the air out of the building.

Jim Ed Rice in HOF

Red-headed Skrub child
SoSH Member
Jul 21, 2005
Seacoast NH
I hate that this is a five game series.

The bats need to come alive. And what’s up with the crowd? Is it the mics? It sounds dead there, are the fans being quiet or is it just a garbage broadcast?
I think the crowd was rather dead last night compared to Friday which can be attributed to the difference in the way they both started.

Not to go all Gammons but the Yankees Suck chants are being waaaay overdone and are being done at weird times (like after the Sanchez 3 run HR). Get on the pitcher, heckle the shit out of Gardner, Judge or anyone else in earshot, whatever but it’s seems like 20 something bros who were in grade school during the height of the rivalry are trying too hard.


SoSH Member
Apr 23, 2010
Huntington Beach, CA
more than the HRs - he's blocking stuff behind the plate now
It is a little soon to say that because we haven't seen him deal with Severino's slider under pressure. Severino threw a bunch of fastballs against Oakland and the Yankees were up early. If the Sox can get guys on against Severino early, will Sanchez have the confidence to call for the slider?


SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
I don't know how many of you know who Kay Hanley is but this might be the best thing that has ever been done.


Crests prematurely
SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
It is a little soon to say that because we haven't seen him deal with Severino's slider under pressure. Severino threw a bunch of fastballs against Oakland and the Yankees were up early. If the Sox can get guys on against Severino early, will Sanchez have the confidence to call for the slider?
That's not true. Severino threw more sliders than fastballs against Oakland.

From the AP: "He threw nine fastballs in the first inning, then switched to more offspeed. He threw 36 fastballs, 37 sliders and 14 changeups in all."

That's not to say Sanchez's defense is fixed, but he's been good so far this postseason.


SoSH Member
Jan 13, 2004
I was at the game last night. The crowd really wanted to get into it, but the Sox didn’t give them much to cheer about. Any time the Sox had a hit on offense or a big out from a pitcher, the crowd was on its feet, but then the momentum would disappear almost instantly on the next batter and the crowd would sit back down. The Sox offense didn’t put together any rallies at all. I think they only had one inning with more than one hit.

Also, I was surprised by the number of Yankees fans there last night (I was sitting out in RF). When the Yankees had a big play (like Sanchez’s Second HR), those fans were starting “Let’s go Yankees” chants - and they were loud. The “Yankees Suck” chants were in response to that, and an attempt to drown out the Yankees fans cheers. I still think it’s dumb to chant “Yankees Suck” - but that’s why it was happening at odd times like after a Yankees HR.

Unrelated, but given the number of Yankees fans there (and some obnoxious fans on both sides), I was impressed by the Fenway staff and security. They were on top of things and jumping in to calm people down before things escalated. They were proactive, but they weren’t just throwing people out quickly. The two fans I saw thrown out late in the game had been warned repeatedly and given many chances.

Ferm Sheller

SoSH Member
Mar 5, 2007
Other than the fact that Judge wears pinstripes, he gives me no reason to dislike him. By all accounts he’s a good guy.


news aggravator
SoSH Member
Dec 4, 2009
the vibe BOS Reporters are getting from Cora's press conference today, is that there most likely will not be any lineup changes


SoSH Member
Oct 20, 2015
^ what happened to all the talk about platooning multiple infield positions?

Cora is really disappointing me right now.

Pozo the Clown

New Member
Sep 13, 2006


persists in error
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Pioneer Valley
I didn't see this posted anywhere else. It must be a scouting report requirement that the player must be a grade A douche to be signed by the yankees. It's time for Eovaldi to channel his inner Pedro and knock judge down a few pegs. He looks way to comfortable at the plater
Other than the fact that Judge wears pinstripes, he gives me no reason to dislike him. By all accounts he’s a good guy.
I thought Judge was supposed to be "classy." If that report is true, I can't stand the guy now.


SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2009

Pete Abraham @PeteAbe
The whole "Aaron Judge trolled the Red Sox by playing 'New York, New York' outside their clubhouse" thing would be great except you can't hear anything on the concourse from inside the clubhouse.

So much for "trolling" the Red Sox.

Harry Hooper

Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jan 4, 2002
the vibe BOS Reporters are getting from Cora's press conference today, is that there most likely will not be any lineup changes
Kinsler looks to have lost a good bit of batspeed and gets overmatched by hard stuff. He hit his wall-scraper off a flat offspeed pitch that the Yanks were dumb enough to throw him. I can only scratch my head on Cora not using Holt.

Ferm Sheller

SoSH Member
Mar 5, 2007

Pete Abraham @PeteAbe
The whole "Aaron Judge trolled the Red Sox by playing 'New York, New York' outside their clubhouse" thing would be great except you can't hear anything on the concourse from inside the clubhouse.

So much for "trolling" the Red Sox.
But like you and I, they all have internet access, so undoubtedly they’ve seen this and are seething.


SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
So people are complaining about Cora not changing the lineup based on a tweet saying that is the "vibe" that he gave off when talking to the press the day before the game.
How about people save the complaints and "genius" comments until something actually happens?


SoSH Member
Jul 8, 2003
I'm sure this came up in the gamethread, but how does Eduardo Rodriguez blatantly dog it last night on the Judge grounder?

That's bad enough for a game against Minnesota in May. How can you pull something like that it in the seventh inning of a 3-1, still very winnable playoff game against the Yankees? And then he lies to the media and says he "slipped" on the mound when he clearly didn't.

It's just inexcusable, and it led to the whole three-run inning. How do you do that?


Yankee Mod
SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2005
In The Quivering Forest
The Yankees achieved their goal of winning one of the two games in Fenway. And really they have had all the momentum since the sixth inning of Game 1, which felt like if there was one more inning in that game the Yankees were going to take the lead.

The Yankees are 7-0 at home this post season and last. They have to feel confident moving forward in this series.