Happy Yankees Elimination Day!


SoSH Member
May 31, 2007
Here come the Cashman tears…

Back in March of this year, Cashman fired a shot across the bow of the Astros with the following quote:

"The only thing that stopped (us) was something that was so illegal and horrific. So I get offended when I start hearing we haven't been to the World Series since '09. Because I'm like, 'Well, I think we actually did it the right way.' Pulled it down, brought it back up. Drafted well, traded well, developed well, signed well. The only thing that derailed us was a cheating circumstance that threw us off."

Sam Ray Not

SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
Wooot! Happy YED.

I wish I could say I empathize, but the last time the Sox were swept 4-0 in the playoffs was 32 years ago.