Katie Nolan: somebody should make a thread about her


SoSH Member
Sep 30, 2010
She was just on with SVP. The segment didn't really work -- their chemistry was off.


SoSH's Doug Neidermeyer
SoSH Member
Oct 25, 2007
Between here and everywhere.
Katie may not be long for ESPN.

This is posted not long after "The Miz" (why the fuck is he on ESPN?) calls her "Sweetheart" on air.

After the shade Katie threw at Barstool in regards to the Sam Ponder contract a couple weeks ago, to go over to ESPN and have this happen...it probably isn't sitting well with her.


SoSH Member
Dec 10, 2007
I thought she was mocking Eric Bledsoe from the Suns.


Mr. Brightside
SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
Harrisburg, Pa.
After watching 56 seconds of that video I wanted to shoot myself in the face. How anyone can watch these ESPN / sports shows that are just panels talking over one another blows my mind. It’s worse than CNN.

Katie IMO needs to be in her own show or with a lesser sidekick. That’s how she’d shine.


Costanza's Hero
SoSH Member
Feb 15, 2010
Katie may not be long for ESPN.

After the shade Katie threw at Barstool in regards to the Sam Ponder contract a couple weeks ago, to go over to ESPN and have this happen...it probably isn't sitting well with her.
Just to clarify, Sam Ponder was upset that the creator of barstool called her a slut three years ago. Katie Nolan was upset that barstool offered a contract to Elika Sadeghi that had certain language regarding her being offended at work. Nolan did not tweet about PMT at espn, and to my knowledge she didn't comment on it publicly.


New Member
Oct 13, 2011
I like Katie but acting surprised in 2017 that Barstool is a misogynist, bro culture cesspool because it happened to finally affect one of your friends is really weak.

Mr Mulliner

SoSH Member
Jan 16, 2001
I like Katie but acting surprised in 2017 that Barstool is a misogynist, bro culture cesspool because it happened to finally affect one of your friends is really weak.
It's way deeper than that. She worked for Michael Davies (Embassy Row / Men in Blazers) for a long time. Davo and Embassy Row are very associated with Barstool.


SoSH Member
Sep 30, 2010
I found her new podcast a difficult listen. A little too cutesy for my taste. But her co-host was apparently out sick this week, so maybe he can be a foil to get her back down to more solid ground.

I'm perplexed by ESPN giving her a podcast -- is the Ringer Podcast Network sufficiently successful that ESPN wants to try to get back into that game? Or are they struggling to figure out what to do w/ her as Fox did?


Hates Goose Island Beer; Loves Backdoor Play
SoSH Member
Dec 2, 2006
Tuukka's refugee camp
I agree with the review. I’m a big fan but this was just an unorganized mess.

The sick person was a producer that won’t have a speaking role, or at least a minimal one. Really hope it’s just getting the kinks out.


SoSH's Doug Neidermeyer
SoSH Member
Oct 25, 2007
Between here and everywhere.
I agree with the review. I’m a big fan but this was just an unorganized mess.

The sick person was a producer that won’t have a speaking role, or at least a minimal one. Really hope it’s just getting the kinks out.
Yup. I listened to it yesterday and it was all over the place. Katie has never really been great in the podcast format. She's been at her best when she sticks to one topic and riffs on it. I almost wonder if she's better as a 2nd seat to someone who can keep her more focused, because as a lead she doesn't seem to have the focus to lead a show.

Clears Cleaver

Lil' Bill
SoSH Member
Aug 1, 2001
Maybe she’s more Kenny mayne. Funny in very small segments or skits but not a lead. Although maybe did have a good run on SC. Her ESPN appearances have largely been cringe-worthy.

Her best spot might be on barstool?


SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2009
Her old podcast was fine with her in the lead role. I'm guessing that it will take a few episodes to find a rhythm with the new one, especially if she's got ESPN people looking over her shoulder.

I will agree that ESPN really isn't the best place for her overall, but I'm hoping she can overcome that.


SoSH Member
Oct 27, 2010
They really need to at least let her swear. The constant beeping out is annoying. Just let it be a free flowing conversation occasionally touching on mature subjects


SoSH Member
Dec 4, 2003
Needham, Mass
I thought her old podcast was pretty consistently good but the first few episodes at ESPN have not been as strong, despite following essentially the same format. Given that she was also making her tv show alongside the FS1 podcast, maybe that provided a little more structure to the process? On the most recent pod she essentially admits to doing very little prep for the opening segment, basically working through a random list of thoughts in real time, and it just goes all over the place. With some planning and editing it could be much better. Also, Ashley the producer/co-host does not seem to offer as much as her producer who came on-air (Dave?) at FS1. Finally, Shea Serrano, who I really like as a writer, didn't have much to say and was not particularly funny as a guest.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
I thought her old podcast was pretty consistently good but the first few episodes at ESPN have not been as strong, despite following essentially the same format. Given that she was also making her tv show alongside the FS1 podcast, maybe that provided a little more structure to the process? On the most recent pod she essentially admits to doing very little prep for the opening segment, basically working through a random list of thoughts in real time, and it just goes all over the place. With some planning and editing it could be much better. Also, Ashley the producer/co-host does not seem to offer as much as her producer who came on-air (Dave?) at FS1. Finally, Shea Serrano, who I really like as a writer, didn't have much to say and was not particularly funny as a guest.
Leading up to the Super Bowl should be pretty good for her, I think.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
The Tom Brady adulation isn’t going to win her many fans outside of the 495 corridor
It's not going to be a great two weeks for any Brady/Patriots haters. On the national shows it's going to be how great Brady and Belichick are. Maybe some exceptions but not that many.


SoSH Member
May 4, 2006
Crapchester, NY
Katie gave a great overview of her career and background on Sarah Spain's "That's What She Said" pod in mid-January. Not sure if it was mentioned upthread but I just came across it.

For that matter, Spain's pod posted earlier this week about the challenges female media figures face is also definitely worth a listen. Mina Kimes and Jemele Hill were involved, among others.


SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2009
ESPN doesn't seem to have the faintest idea of how to utilize her talent, but she understands what she needs to do to avoid disaster: they wanted her to be a part of or a fixture on Get Up! and she said no way...
Based on her podcast tales of staying up until 4am playing Fortnight on a regular basis, there's no way she could manage to do a morning show even if it was well done. An evening/late night show seems to be more her speed (and audience).

Speaking of the podcast, it has settled into a rhythm after a dozen+ episodes and is starting to feel a bit like her old one. Some interviews but a lot of banter between her and her two co-host/producers. They've also settled on allowing her to swear but editing them out (blanking not bleeping).


SoSH Member
ESPN morning TV features an assortment of mildly anti-semitic caricature hosts, which I don't believe is deliberate, they just fetched up here:

Greenie is the ultimate Long Island NY Phebe Jew (yes he actually grew up in the Village, but otherwise the sensibilities and loyalties are all LI): Daddy was a lawyer, Mets/Jets fan, squeemish metrosexual germaphobe and clueless about almost anything masculine except sports. Some of this is schtick developed to play off Golic the Jock, but after all these years we know he really can't identify which end of a screwdriver you grab.

When they finish you can switch to LeBatard and Stugotz who revels in being: loud, crass, cheap, amoral, chiseling at all hotels and other public accommodations, proudly explaining how he disputes all sorts of legitimate charges (like watching a movie in the room) or finding ways to use his very minor celebrity to get comped everywhere. The only thing missing from his personna is a Völkischer Beobachter cartoon mega hook nose.

Some of us find this all rather cringeworthy.
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John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
I was clear, concise and used simple English words, exactly what portion of my characterizations of these hosts do you want to dispute ?
No you didn't. If you would like to accuse someone or a media entity of being anti-semitic, you have to do better than what you wrote. MUCH better than a bunch of hackneyed cliches that you're projecting on to other people.

This is a warning to you to be better.


SoSH Member
No you didn't. If you would like to accuse someone or a media entity of being anti-semitic, you have to do better than what you wrote. MUCH better than a bunch of hackneyed cliches that you're projecting on to other people.

This is a warning to you to be better.
I in NO WAY accused either of these people, or anyone in particular, of being anti-semitic, hell they are both Jewish. I OBSERVED that they both have developed into on-air personnas that have an unfortunate set of characteristics that have, traditionally, been used to stereotype Jews. I also commenced my observation by specifically stating I don't believe any of this has been deliberate and just happened to turn out this way currently. I repeat: I DID NOT "accuse someone or a media entity of being anti-semitic", in fact I was VERY CAREFUL to make sure I did not do anything of the sort. Perhaps you should consider doing better at reading comprehension.


SoSH Member
So, Greenie and who are these anti-Semitic caricatures?
I mean you can hate the players or the shows on their own merits just fine, i don't understand the additional assertations.
Do you ever watch Lebatard from 10am - 1pm, now on ESPN2 (used to be on ESPNU which made it quite obscure unless your package includes all the ESPN channels) or listen to their show via radio ? I assume not since you seem unfamiliar with Stugotz. You can also see him now in a segment on Golic/Wingo most days in the 6-7am hour.

Lose Remerswaal

Experiencing Furry Panic
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Do you ever watch Lebatard from 10am - 1pm, now on ESPN2 (used to be on ESPNU which made it quite obscure unless your package includes all the ESPN channels) or listen to their show via radio ? I assume not since you seem unfamiliar with Stugotz. You can also see him now in a segment on Golic/Wingo most days in the 6-7am hour.
I see LeBatard's late afternoon show. I saw Stugotz once, for about 3 minutes and turned off. I got the impression that he was a jerk, not that he was a Semitic character


Dec 19, 2012
i do not watch ESPN anymore Ex for live events

i used to love around the horn but it seems their paunets like to soapbox esp S Spain
PTI they are just 2 old men who wants sports to go back to the 70'S
SportsNation worsen on the soapbox
First Take too much NY NBA NFL talk
SC all about the joke catchphrase


Dorito Dawg
SoSH Member
Dec 16, 2010
Nolan is getting a late-night digital show that will "air" on Twitter.


SoSH Member
Apr 5, 2007
Further proof they not only have no idea what to do with her, but they are scared shitless to have her anywhere near the ESPN 'brand'
I think lots of people want to be in the Katie Nolan business, but none of them seem to know what that business is. She's smart, attractive, funny, and knows her subject matter. Male or female, if you have 2 out of those 4 you can keep a regular gig in the media.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
I think that they (being the powers that be) need to let her do whatever she wants and stay out of her way.

However, they won't do that because that's not what happens. So they're going to keep jerking her around until people don't care and then they'll say, "Sorry, but we tried! You don't have an audience."

Honestly, I'd think about that morning show that one of the Mikes hosts and letting her go crazy. Or maybe do it at night like a Daily Show except for sports. Hire her a good staff and make sure that there's lots of social media stuff that the PR department can use and flood the hell out of FB, Instagram and Twitter. Shit, you have a late night show hosted by a woman and you can ride that good pub for like a year until she gets her feet under her.


SoSH Member
Apr 25, 2010
I've worked with her a little. Not a ton but enough to offer an alternate theory: she doesn't know very much and she doesn't work hard. If she did she'd be on TV every day.


Dorito Dawg
SoSH Member
Dec 16, 2010
Further proof they not only have no idea what to do with her, but they are scared shitless to have her anywhere near the ESPN 'brand'
Well, they are launching 5 internet shows--don't think they're hiding her as much as trying to find where she fits.


Mr. Brightside
SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
Harrisburg, Pa.
Katie has a new show, Always Late with Katie Nolan, that premieres Wednesday at 9 p.m. on ESPN+.

I hope it’s a hit. I still really enjoy her.
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Malt Liquor Picker
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Asheville, NC
She was pretty good on Drunk History this week about Teddy Roosevelt.
I'm generally on the fence about Drunk History, but if you're a baseball fan this week's episode—with Katie—about the Black Sox, Moses “Fleetwood” Walker, and the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League (A League of their Own) is pretty good.