Mickey Pena has been suspended 100 games for a third positive drug test


Mai Tais for everyone!
SoSH Member
Aug 21, 2006
Third times a charm.  See you Mickey.  Get help.  Life is short and you are young.


SoSH Member
Dec 23, 2003
Andrew said:
Depends on what he was suspended for exactly. Plenty of smart people have battled addiction. If it's just weed, though, yeah he's an idiot. 
If it's just weed wouldn't it be more accurate to say that our society has a majority of idiots setting the rules and that Mickey Pena is being punished for simply not being one of them?
Anyhow, he's only 23 but his K rate has fallen dramatically with the move to AA competition.  Not much of a prospect at this point, though he'll likely get a shot somewhere else.  Doubt it will be with the Sox though.


Ask me about total zone...or paint
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 23, 2003
Falmouth, MA
He's still just 23. Not much of a ceiling, but even marginally productive lefties can carve out decent sustained careers in the big leagues.
What a shame to throw it away like this.


SoSH Member
Apr 7, 2006
Drek717 said:
If it's just weed wouldn't it be more accurate to say that our society has a majority of idiots setting the rules and that Mickey Pena is being punished for simply not being one of them?
Anyhow, he's only 23 but his K rate has fallen dramatically with the move to AA competition.  Not much of a prospect at this point, though he'll likely get a shot somewhere else.  Doubt it will be with the Sox though.
What? You are saying that everyone is an idiot except the guy that doesn't know how to follow simple rules? If you want to be a Minor League Baseball player, you are not allowed to smoke weed. If you continue to do it and continue to get caught, you are an idiot.

Merkle's Boner

SoSH Member
Apr 24, 2011
Andrew said:
Depends on what he was suspended for exactly. Plenty of smart people have battled addiction. If it's just weed, though, yeah he's an idiot.
Agreed. I'm assuming its weed but I suppose it's only a matter of time before an athlete gets hooked on heroin. It seems to be happening in every other part of society.


SoSH Member
Sep 9, 2006
SS Botany Bay
Drek717 said:
If it's just weed wouldn't it be more accurate to say that our society has a majority of idiots setting the rules and that Mickey Pena is being punished for simply not being one of them?
Anyhow, he's only 23 but his K rate has fallen dramatically with the move to AA competition.  Not much of a prospect at this point, though he'll likely get a shot somewhere else.  Doubt it will be with the Sox though.
maybe it was the weed that caused his K rate to fall from his previous high


SoSH Member
Dec 23, 2003

findguapo said:
What? You are saying that everyone is an idiot except the guy that doesn't know how to follow simple rules? If you want to be a Minor League Baseball player, you are not allowed to smoke weed. If you continue to do it and continue to get caught, you are an idiot.
No, I'm saying anyone who thinks marijuana belongs on a list of illicit/illegal/banned substances is an idiot.  mLB only regulates it because it is illegal, it's only illegal because a bunch of idiots somehow think it's more harmful than cigarettes or alcohol when multiple studies in fact show that it lands somewhere between those and caffeine (well, that and good old fashioned racism and voter disenfranchisement leading to scare tactics the white middle class has to date still unable to shake because they are, when viewed as a large group, idiots).

The_Powa_of_Seiji_Ozawa said:
maybe it was the weed that caused his K rate to fall from his previous high
Or maybe he used to get high before every start and that helped him find his groove.  Trying to quit he's not found the same success and therefore he's regressed trying to get his touch back.
Or maybe Mickey Pena is the fringe prospect we all knew him to be and as he's failed to convert his project-able frame and left handedness into something deliverable so he's failing to match up against the increase in quality seen at AA.

Fred not Lynn

Dick Button Jr.
SoSH Member
Jul 13, 2005
MLB doesn't HAVE to have its own rules against pot just because it is illegal. They simply choose to. Conversely, MLB can ban any substance they like, even if it is legal.

That said, whether the rule is silly or not, it is the rule, and this player is the idiot for not following it.


SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
Merkle's Boner said:
Agreed. I'm assuming its weed but I suppose it's only a matter of time before an athlete gets hooked on heroin. It seems to be happening in every other part of society.
Jeff Allison and a bunch of others already have. Allison pissed away 7 figures in ~2 years or so, and watching it up close was surreal. Kid had a ridiculous arm/frame/mentality, but he was a junkie when he got drafted, and the money made it worse. There's a ton of athletes who get hooked on heroin though. Most of them just die or flame out before you hear their names.


Ask me about total zone...or paint
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 23, 2003
Falmouth, MA
Merkle's Boner said:
it's only a matter of time before an athlete gets hooked on heroin.
In addition to the examples cited (Allison & Hamilton), Chris Herren says hi.

Merkle's Boner

SoSH Member
Apr 24, 2011
mabrowndog said:
In addition to the examples cited (Allison & Hamilton), Chris Herren says hi.
All true, and obviously it was phrased poorly. I was referring more to the recent surge in heroin use that you hear about everywhere. Now I'm sure there are athletes using it today as well, but we have not, to the best of my knowledge, heard too many incidents over the past five years, of athletes testing positive for heroin.