Most Hated Patriots & Opponent Player


SoSH Member
May 31, 2007
Inspired by the "greatest play" thread, the purpose of this thread is simple:

Name your most hated (obviously, relative term) Patriot of all-time and most hated Patriots opponent player. Each should be accompanied with a reason and those reasons need not be rational. Examples can be poor performance, poor attitude, not getting it done in a SB, off the field issues, etc.

I'm curious to see if there's any consensus to such an open ended question.


don't Judge me
SoSH Member
Jul 22, 2005
Opponent: Bernard Pollard and it's not fucking close. He was the key defensive player in plays that fucked us out of championship contention (or outright winning) in 3 separate seasons. Granted, he was only standing there for Welker, but still. Fuck that guy.

Patriot: Aaron Hernandez. Should need no further explanation.

Edit: Some have noted that Hernandez wasn't theirs because he was good on the field. Which is EXACTLY why his dumb ass shouldn't have been out shooting people. Taking the human cost (3 murders and a suicide) out of it, he remained a cap hit and substantially weakened the offense. I mean, we were still the 3rd best offense in the NFL the year after, but he could have put us over the top in a year we lost the AFCCG. Asshole.
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Ale Xander

SoSH Member
Oct 31, 2013
Michael Bennett - scrum at the end of the Butler Bowl as a Seahawk
Assaulting the elderly.

Can I fit him in both categories?

Seriously though, it's either Jack Tatum (Stingley hit) or Bernard Pollard (Brady hit)

Pretty sure consensus for Pats players will be Adalius Thomas, but not from me.


queer eye for the next pats guy
SoSH Member
Jul 20, 2009
Opponents: Bernard Pollard. Suggs is another one.

Patriots: This is a tough one. Cassius Marsh didn't stick around long enough but he's up there for me. Jordan Richards makes me mad just thinking about him. His play sucked. His ability sucked. His being a 2nd round pick sucked. I still see him fuck-up the Clement play in the SB.

Ale Xander

SoSH Member
Oct 31, 2013
For Pats player, I'll say Rashad Baker. The worst DB'er who ever lived, for his poor performance in the Colts game (2006 season AFC CG)


SoSH Member
Dec 18, 2003
Herndon, VA
Most hated: Bernard Pollard / Eli Manning. Pollard for the cheapshots, Eli because of the horseshoe stuck up his ass.

Worst Patriot: Albert Haynesworth. Didn't like him before he was a Patriot, and boy, he still stunk.

Rico Guapo

New Member
Apr 24, 2009
New England's Rising Star
Opponent: Bernard Pollard.

Patriot: Hernandez off the field. On the field, *edit* Duane Starks (got my shitty corners mixed up earlier)..honorable mention to Laurence Maroney.
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SoSH Member
May 31, 2007
Looks like we’re reaching consensus on Pollard. The Manning’s are a little underrepresented though.


SoSH Member
May 25, 2008
Boston, MA
Most hated opponent: Joey Porter. I hate the Steelers and their fans.

Most hated Patriot: Adalius Thomas. Locker room cancer and part of the easily hateable ‘09 Team.


SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2007
Hated opponent: I hated Tatum because of Stingley. IIRC, he was kind of an ass about it afterwards.

Hated Patriot: I will go with Adalius Thomas. Honorable mentions to Duane Starks and Jim Plunkett.

Phil Plantier

SoSH Member
Mar 7, 2002
Most hated Patriot is Zeke Mowatt. Asshole.

Most hated opponent should be Jack Tatum, but emotionally it's Shannon Sharpe.



SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Portland, ME
Has to be Adalius Thomas. Never seemed to get it or buy in.

And being irrational is OK? Fine, I'll go with Marshall Faulk. Simply for his inability to just shut up and stop believing that he was somehow cheated out of a super bowl 18 years ago.

In the same vein, a more logical choice is probably Joey Porter.


Skrub's sympathy case
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
Boston, NY
Adalius Thomas is tough to argue with. The Eric Rowe/Jordan Richards suck in the Eagles SB makes me want to hate them, but that’s not really fair since they were trying.

Chuck Fairbanks isn’t a player but his quitting on the eve of the playoffs makes me hate him a lot. I feel the same way about Parcells and his Jets nonsense prior to the Packers SB but Big Bill set things in motion for Little Bill, so it’s hard to maintain that.

As to opposing players, for me it has to be Tatum. But don’t sleep on LaDanian Tomlinson. His “disrespect” thing after the playoff game out there was all kinds of stupid.

Eli Manning is also high on my list. That Manning Lite beat the Pats twice is galling and the though of his opey ass in that position makes me want to hurl.


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Jun 27, 2012
Needham, MA
Adalius was good in 2007. The end was obviously bad though and I can’t fault anyone from picking him. Laurence Maroney was also pretty good in 2007.

Mine are:

Opponent: Jack Tatum: cheap shot artist and all-around dickhead. Honorable mention: Peyton and Eli, Marshall Faulk, Ben Roethlisberger, Bart Scott

Pats Player: Hernandez to me doesn’t count because I never hated him when he was actually a member of the team. Some of the others mentioned resonate but I’ll add in Irving Fryar. Tremendous potential who always seemed to be fucking up when he was on the Pats and then left and went on to have a very solid career once he was gone.


SoSH Member
Jul 20, 2005
Hines Ward by a mile. Whiny cheapshot artist shithead. LdT is probably #2. I really don't like whiny guys.

Player for the Pats? His tenure was short lived but holy shit I didn't like Joey Galloway.


PN23's replacement
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Hingham, MA
Most hated is Eli. God fuck that guy and the horseshoes up his ass. I may have to bomb the HoF if he is inducted. It makes me want to vomit.

Most hated Patriot is a tough one. Jordan Richards is a pretty good call. I really dislike Cassius Marsh as well in lieu of all is comments. I also hate hate hate hated Tavon Wilson from the moment he was drafted, and he was here longer than Richards. Ihedigbo sucked too. Man they have had some shitty safeties until DMC and Chung solidified things.


Urological Expert
SoSH Member
Nov 4, 2007
Suggs because he’s so ugly and has that nasty domestic violence history and I loathed that Ravens defense so much.

Bademosi. Make that tackle!


SoSH Member
Jul 26, 2001
The Isle of Lucy
I remember really hating Chris Canty. They wasted a 1st round pick on this no talent clown who strutted like Deion Sanders after tackling a guy who just beat him for a 20 yard catch.

Eli is way up there for opponents.


Blinded by Borges
SoSH Member
Oct 7, 2004
Hated opponent...Tomlinson...he really started lots of the nonsense with cheating and foul play.

Hated Patriot...Eason...soft QB who was lauded, but all he did was take sacks.

Mugsy's Jock

Eli apologist
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 28, 2000
So hard to come up with names not mentioned yet.

Opponent: Suggs is my obvious choice for his disrespect to TB12, but in search of a new name I'll go with Marino... in large part just because of his proximity to Shula.

Patriot: I've often mentioned my contempt for Cassius Marsh here as he was 99.9% eye black and .01% talent, but @timsforwins beat me to it. Hernandez is super obvious. Maroney is another excellent candidate, for entirely different reasons. Lawrence Maroney was the Dice-K of running backs.

Is it cheating if I say Reggie Wayne?
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SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2007
I remember really hating Chris Canty. They wasted a 1st round pick on this no talent clown who strutted like Deion Sanders after tackling a guy who just beat him for a 20 yard catch.

Eli is way up there for opponents.
My favorite Chris Canty moment had to be in a game against Tampa when the Pats were being utterly blown out and looked lifeless from the opening kick. He made a routine tackle, and, as usual, turned around and celebrated. Well, while he was busy dancing, he missed the fact that he had knocked the ball loose and an easy fumble pickup was sitting behind his heels. Tampa recovered the fumble.


SoSH Member
Nov 15, 2006
306, row 14
Ray Lewis anyone?

I’m probably on the Adalius Thomas train too. He was the first name that I thought of.


Certain Class of Poster
SoSH Member
Nov 28, 2005
Least Favorite Opponent: LaDanian Tomlinson. Such a whiny sore loser. Despised him when they played.

Least Favorite Patriot: (excluding the Hernandez/Meggett off-field killer/rapist reasoning) Drew Bledsoe. I hated him. Hated watchig him pat-the-damn-ball until the strip sack. Hated watching him throw horrible picks. He could have been so good, yet he almost (AFCCG!) always disappointed.


SoSH Member
Aug 12, 2009
TJ Ward is a cheap shot artist who I always thought was actively trying to injury players. Suh as well, I’m always terrified playing against him, not because he’s an unstoppable force on defense but because of his after the whistle shenanigans.

On the flip side, Brandon Meriweather was like that when he played for the Pats, a real head hunter, both a dangerous and stupid way to play.


New Member
Jul 15, 2005
Joey Porter is a good one, but I always had a visceral reaction to Ryan Clark. Career cheapshot artist deliberately concussing Welker, coupled with that fanbase at that time was infuriating.

I still hold Reche Caldwell personally responsible for '06.

Scott Cooper's Grand Slam

SoSH Member
Jul 12, 2008
New England
Opponent: David Tyree, he of 54 career receptions.

Patriot: Reche Caldwell. Those bug eyes. I hate to mock someone for their appearance, but he’s the physical embodiment of “I’m overmatched.”


SoSH Member
Mar 5, 2004
Map Ref. 41°N 93°W
There aren't many people who have roamed this earth whose death brought a smile, even a slight smile, to my face. But when Jack Tatum died, I smiled. Fuck that guy.


SoSH Member
Aug 22, 2006
Brighton, MA
I remember really hating Chris Canty. They wasted a 1st round pick on this no talent clown who strutted like Deion Sanders after tackling a guy who just beat him for a 20 yard catch.
Holy shit, I was just about to make almost the same exact post. That crap actually turned me off watching football for a while.


New Member
Apr 4, 2010
Duane Starks. Inconsequential in the long run, but I've never viscerally hated a Patriot the way I hated him.

On the other side? Shannon Sharpe. Doesn't have the rep and isn't deserving of the same rational hate as Ward or Pollard, but I will never forget or forgive him picking up that phone and yelling "call the National Guard, because we're killing the Patriots!"

canvass ali

New Member
Jul 17, 2005
Attleboro MA
For the Patriots, Tony Eason, a walking, talking white flag in SB XX. Maybe it's wrong to hate a guy for being a sacrificial lamb but there you go.

For opponents, Tatum by a long shot. Pollard ended Brady's season but Tatum damn near killed Darrell Stingley, left him paralyzed and then crowed about it in his shitty book.


Skrub's sympathy case
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
Boston, NY
Of course it’s Eason. I totally forgot about him, mercifully.

My now 32 year old niece still reflexively boos when she hears his name after having had that response drilled in her head by yours truly back in the day.


SoSH Member
Sep 4, 2005
Sims and Eason would be at the top of my Pats list.

On the other side, Tatum, and it's not particularly close. There are others who I could (and did) build up a dislike for (Pollard of course, but also Suggs and Marvin Harrison, Don Shula and LdT, PeyPay and Eli) - but what Tatum did was in another league


SoSH Member
Nov 10, 2015
Bow, NH
Most hated opponent, man that is a long list for me. But Peyton Manning is at the top, with Ray Lewis nipping at his heals.

Most hated Patriot is a much shorter list. And I am embarrassed to say that I can’t even think of the guys name. There was a cornerback 10 or so years ago who was just terrible, yet somehow he was a starter. Might have been Randall Gay, but I am not sure that is it. Oh well. Whoever you are, I hate you.

Older school, Jack Tatum, and Tony Eason. Eason had such promise, at least to me as a younger fan. Clearly that promise never translated to anything worth mentioning on the field.


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SoSH Member
Jun 27, 2012
Needham, MA
This made me look back at Eason’s numbers because I think he’s one of those guys who wasn’t as bad as people remember and he takes an unfair amount of blame for what happened in Super Bowl XX. His 1984 and 1986 seasons were not bad, particularly for the era, but in looking back I noticed he got sacked 59 times in 1984. That’s a lot of sacks.

EL Jeffe

SoSH Member
Aug 30, 2006
The first name that popped into my head for most hated Patriot was Myron Guyton. He was only here for two years, but he single handedly ruined games. Myron Guyton is what would have happened if Jordan Richards was the starting safety for two years (instead of a guy who was only awful in cameo appearances).

For non-Patriots, there's been plenty of good names mentioned. Lane Johnson is another guy who can stfu.


SoSH Member
Aug 22, 2006
Brighton, MA
Most hated Patriot is a much shorter list. And I am embarrassed to say that I can’t even think of the guys name. There was a cornerback 10 or so years ago who was just terrible, yet somehow he was a starter. Might have been Randall Gay, but I am not sure that is it. Oh well. Whoever you are, I hate you.
Not sure who you are thinking of, but IMO Jonathan Wilhite was the absolute worst out of the parade of shitty defensive backs during those years.

Rico Guapo

New Member
Apr 24, 2009
New England's Rising Star
Most hated Patriot is a much shorter list. And I am embarrassed to say that I can’t even think of the guys name. There was a cornerback 10 or so years ago who was just terrible, yet somehow he was a starter. Might have been Randall Gay, but I am not sure that is it. Oh well. Whoever you are, I hate you.
Shawn Springs? Jonathan Wilhite?


SoSH Member
Jul 28, 2010
Zeke Mowatt and Terry Glenn deserve to be mentioned on the least liked Patriot list.


SoSH Member
Dec 21, 2003
Stevensville, MD
Least favorite Patriot for me is easy: Reche Caldwell. Thanks to his two drops, the dude almost single-handedly cost us a win in the 2006 AFCCG. And, you'll never convince me that we wouldn't have destroyed the Bears in the Super Bowl that year.

Least favorite non-Pats player: Gonna go with Derrick Mason. For me, he typifies all opposing players who talk smack to the Pats and can't back anything up.

Super Nomario

SoSH Member
Nov 5, 2000
Mansfield MA
Not my most hated, but I can't believe Sergio Brown didn't get mentioned. He has a case in either category; he blew them the Giants regular season game in 2011 (which didn't matter for the Pats, but New York doesn't make the playoffs without that W and thus can't beat NE in the Super Bowl), and he was the one who broke Gronk's arm on the extra point a year later.