Nook Color: sneaky Android tablet


isn't shy about blowing his wad early
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Dec 3, 2010
Boston, MA
Ebay Daily Deal: Barnes & Noble Nook Color Wi-Fi eReader $199 + Free Shipping

Apply Coupon = CBARNESDD$50-Coupon/290535929095?afepn=5335869999&campid=5335869999&PID=1225267&_trksid=p1468660.m2000036#ht_2016wt_1139


SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
Ann Arbor
Foulkey (or anyone),

Is there any hope of getting working on this anytime soon?

I'd jump all over the $200 eBay deal if the answer was "yes."

LATE EDIT: Screw it, I went in for one. Looks like MLB is hinting at some form of streaming functionality for various Android devices on Opening Day.

Even if I hate it, it'll give me something to do for a few weeks before I end up taking like a $50 hit on eBay or something (worst case, that is-- up until today people were rooting and turning a small profit).

I now will be running XP, 7, OS X, iOS, Ubuntu and Android across 5 different machines (although that's kind of cheating since my PC triple boots). This should be fun.


SoSH Member
Jul 13, 2005
Western NY
I really want to like this thing but the one I have has given me nothing but trouble. I have wiped it three times and started from scratch but I still have problems with Gmail and the market. Market won't download any apps at all now and Gmail is useless on it (won't sync). At one point the thing reset itself on it's own for some reason. Web surfing is good (Dolphin browser) and the e-reader is okay as well but I may spring for something more stable in the near future.


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Jan 15, 2007
The Epicenter
Have we confirmed that this thing can be rooted successfully with Honeycomb? And if, I'm rooting this thing, I might as well buy a 32GB SD card to root it because I can then erase it afterward and use it for memory, correct?

Bucknahs Bum Ankle

SoSH Member
Oct 31, 2003
Ebay Daily Deal: Barnes & Noble Nook Color Wi-Fi eReader $199 + Free Shipping

Apply Coupon = CBARNESDD$50-Coupon/290535929095?afepn=5335869999&campid=5335869999&PID=1225267&_trksid=p1468660.m2000036#ht_2016wt_1139
FYI - Looks like this deal is good until March 3 at 8AM PT. I'm on the verge of making the leap. Some of the recent complaints about not being able to download apps from the market have me a little leery though.

Foulkey Reese

SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2006
Central CT
I really want to like this thing but the one I have has given me nothing but trouble. I have wiped it three times and started from scratch but I still have problems with Gmail and the market. Market won't download any apps at all now and Gmail is useless on it (won't sync). At one point the thing reset itself on it's own for some reason. Web surfing is good (Dolphin browser) and the e-reader is okay as well but I may spring for something more stable in the near future.
When you say it won't download apps, what does it do?


Well-Known Member
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Jan 15, 2007
The Epicenter
Can some one give a solid Honeycomb root link for the Nook Color? One for dummies? I need to prove something to my biz partners and want to buy this thing and stuff it up their asses.


New Member
Mar 5, 2010
Can some one give a solid Honeycomb root link for the Nook Color? One for dummies? I need to prove something to my biz partners and want to buy this thing and stuff it up their asses.
Do you just want to show off Honeycomb on the Nook? I loaded Honeycomb on an uSD card (at least 4 gb... I used 8gb as I saw some people having a bit of problem fitting it all on the card). It was a very easy process getting the nook to run it from the sd card.

Here's the thread on XDA with the zipped image:

Here's a decent tutorial on burning the SD card with the img file:

I used win32diskimager, even though the tutorial said it wouldn't work with such a large file. I also didn't do the adb stuff to install the market and gapps (the latest honeycomb version (v4) had the market on it already, although the available apps were extremely limited). I plan to give it a shot, as this weekend I finally got ADB up and running with the nook.

It's a pieced together version of honeycomb as the source code hasn't been released.

If you're specifically asking about a rooted honeycomb, the forum of the second link has a thread on rooting honeycomb, but it's a lot of adb'ing. Not exactly one for dummies.


is not associated in any way with GHoff
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
My friend took advantage of the ebay deal. I told her I would root it for her. Any advice on the quickest way?


oppresses WARmongers
SoSH Member
Mar 11, 2008
Roanoke, VA
I was playing around with the Motorola Xoom yesterday at Best Buy and it seems like (from a cursory glance) the only real advantages the Xoom has over the rooted version of this are the hardware specs and the ability to connect to your 3g network through verizon. Am I missing something big, here? The difference in price is more than enough to make up for the hardware difference, IMO, and I have no intention of paying 30 bucks a month so I can connect to the internet through my 3g network in the rare instances where I'm not in range of a wireless network anyway.

I'd mostly be web browsing, reading books and watching video with it. I might look into tying it into a slingbox so I can watch Sox games on the go, but if I can't do that it's not a big deal as it would be rare for me to not be near a tv for a game anyway. Is there a terribly compelling reason for me to spend the extra money on a Xoom?

Bucknahs Bum Ankle

SoSH Member
Oct 31, 2003
OK, I made the plunge. If nothing else, this looks like an awesome reader and I had been thinking about buying anyway. Whatever browsing/apps I can get on it after rooting will just be a plus. Any recommendations as to a case/cover? I'm thinking about this one.

Any need for a screen protector? Is an 8GB micro SD card going to be big enough, or should I splurge for more?


New Member
Mar 5, 2010
[quote name='Snodgrass'Muff' timestamp='1299070273' post='3383103']
Is there a terribly compelling reason for me to spend the extra money on a Xoom?

The Nook is a hacked device used in a way it was not intended, so there are some glitches with using it as a tablet. Right now, the cyanogen team is developing an aosp rom based on gingerbread... and when the source code for honeycomb gets released, then I assume there will be a push to get that up and running (right now the only honeycomb rom is based on a preview image and bits and parts from other roms). The Xoom is made to be a tablet first... it should just work right out to the box as such (although I believe they rushed an unfinished honeycomb to beat the ipad2 to market...).

Personally, I see no reason to get a xoom right now. I prefer the smaller nook over a 10" screen, I'll never use 3g and if I did find myself in the situation where I'd like my nook to hook up to the web, I can just tether with my phone.

The best part about getting a nook for me is that I was curious if I could find a tablet useful. There's a lot of people who have owned ipads who just don't think they work for them. before shelling out $500+, the nook is a good test device to see if a tablet is functional.

Foulkey Reese

SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2006
Central CT
The best part about getting a nook for me is that I was curious if I could find a tablet useful. There's a lot of people who have owned ipads who just don't think they work for them. before shelling out $500+, the nook is a good test device to see if a tablet is functional.
This is exactly how I feel. I had interest in a tab, but wasn't sure how often I would use it and had no desire to shell out $500 to find out.

For $250 this is a great entry level tablet for somebody who is comfortable tinkering around with Android. I figure I'll use this for a year or so and then see what dual core Android tablets come out in 2012.

I don't use a screen protector, but I don't think they are ever really a bad idea. I just haven't gotten around to it yet.

My friend took advantage of the ebay deal. I told her I would root it for her. Any advice on the quickest way?
Just follow the steps in the original post. There are also some helpful Youtube videos out there.


Robespierre in a Cape
SoSH Member
Jul 24, 2007
Have we confirmed that this thing can be rooted successfully with Honeycomb? And if, I'm rooting this thing, I might as well buy a 32GB SD card to root it because I can then erase it afterward and use it for memory, correct?
I have 3.0 running on it now. It's not particularly good, but it's no worse than and probably a bit better than Froyo or Gingerbread or Buttfuck or whatever the fuck they're cutesy-naming their versions. Few crashes, the UI looks at least somewhat less terrible than earlier versions, etc.

32GB is way overkill, but if you want it, go for it. Make very sure to get a class 10 microSD card, the difference is noticeable.


SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
Ann Arbor
32GB is way overkill, but if you want it, go for it. Make very sure to get a class 10 microSD card, the difference is noticeable.
If people are talking 32 GB, I assume no one has had trouble with the SDHC standard?

I'll have to pick one up on Amazon Prime today-- I thought I had a 4 GB microSD kicking around, but I can't find it.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Any advice on the quickest way?
I still think the easiest way with the most stability is to root it from B&N version 1.01, then upgrade to 1.1 via the xda thread. Very easy, very stable. I haven't had a crash and all apps (and the market) run from the get-go. I think I had to add YouTube after the fact, but that may even be fixed now (and whatever I needed was explained in the 1.1 thread at XDA).

No flash since its pre froyo, but if you don't have something specific you need it to do, you don't miss a thing.

I'll put on Gingerbread after a full release comes out, which I am hopeful will be in the next month, and after other people who like to be the first to do things beta test it. If this is for someone else (and they need to do it b/c they don't feel comfortable doing it themselves), I go for stability over flashiness.


is not associated in any way with GHoff
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Right, I want stability. Basically she wants to be able to read B&N and Amazon stuff. Anything else is a bonus.


New Member
Aug 4, 2010
maybe a stupid question. Does the Facebook app allow you to switch users? or is it like my phone app where I am always logged in? Just picked up an 8G microSD card for 14 bucks from new egg. waiting on the nook to show up after buying it on Monday on ebay... debating whether or not I want to root it immediately or have some four play with the original OS that comes with it. Android is foreign to me...


Robespierre in a Cape
SoSH Member
Jul 24, 2007
I still think the easiest way with the most stability is to root it from B&N version 1.01, then upgrade to 1.1 via the xda thread. Very easy, very stable. I haven't had a crash and all apps (and the market) run from the get-go. I think I had to add YouTube after the fact, but that may even be fixed now (and whatever I needed was explained in the 1.1 thread at XDA).
Upgrading to 1.1 before rooting took about ten minutes and was no less stable or more difficult than using the 1.1 package from XDA. Easier, too, as the sideload was picked up pretty much right away.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Upgrading to 1.1 before rooting took about ten minutes and was no less stable or more difficult than using the 1.1 package from XDA. Easier, too, as the sideload was picked up pretty much right away.
Previously, autonooter 3.0 (or whatever the # was) was a little quirky and did something to cwr. I don't know if that is still the case as I think its been upgraded a few times since then, but as of a few weeks ago, it was more stable to root then upgrade than to upgrade then root.


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Upgrading to 1.1 before rooting took about ten minutes and was no less stable or more difficult than using the 1.1 package from XDA. Easier, too, as the sideload was picked up pretty much right away.
This has been my experience, too. The rooting instructions in the xda thread worked flawlessly.

Have any developers here had any luck using the Nook as a debugging device with the Android add-on for Eclipse?


Robespierre in a Cape
SoSH Member
Jul 24, 2007
This has been my experience, too. The rooting instructions in the xda thread worked flawlessly.

Have any developers here had any luck using the Nook as a debugging device with the Android add-on for Eclipse?
Marginally. It's not a great device for QAing anything because it doesn't match up accurately with anything else out there, and targeting 2.1 sucks anyway.

I bought one for basically this reason, and it's just reminded me that half-assing isn't worth it. Going to get a Xoom for development and an iPad 2 for me.


indian sweet
SoSH Member
Oct 11, 2005
Astoria, NY
Marginally. It's not a great device for QAing anything because it doesn't match up accurately with anything else out there, and targeting 2.1 sucks anyway.

I bought one for basically this reason, and it's just reminded me that half-assing isn't worth it. Going to get a Xoom for development and an iPad 2 for me.
With that budget of yours, can you throw a Galaxy Tab my way? I'll even pay for USPS priority ("if it fits, it ships").


Robespierre in a Cape
SoSH Member
Jul 24, 2007
If you worked for me on Android stuff, I would. :buddy: Seriously, it's very much a cost-of-doing-business thing. You don't make XBLA games by targeting Windows and hoping it works on the 360--even if it works, it'll suck to do. I might get a Galaxy Tab instead of a Xoom to save a couple bucks, but for development purposes, a real machine is going to be overwhelmingly better than the hack-job that is any flavor of NC root/ROM-flash. Nice toy--not a nice dev tool.

And owning this thing has driven home that I value user experience a lot more than Android is capable of providing (Graffiti 2 keyboard aside), so the iPad 2's where I'll probably go in a few months.


indian sweet
SoSH Member
Oct 11, 2005
Astoria, NY
And owning this thing has driven home that I value user experience a lot more than Android is capable of providing (Graffiti 2 keyboard aside), so the iPad 2's where I'll probably go in a few months.
A certain type of UE, you should say. There are somethings that (I think) Android does better (which I've said here and elsewhere). Obviously, if you're a developer, it's much easier to develop for basically 2 iOS devices than for the myriad hardware and software specs that Android comes with.


is not associated in any way with GHoff
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
OK, it came in already had version 1.1 on it. I did the root process, but I can't seem to install anything through the Android market. Am I missing something? The apps just spin forever downloading.


is not associated in any way with GHoff
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
OK, it came in already had version 1.1 on it. I did the root process, but I can't seem to install anything through the Android market. Am I missing something? The apps just spin forever downloading.
Starting over... *sigh*


is not associated in any way with GHoff
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Yes...and it didn't work. I think the fact that it came with 1.1 already on it is making this more difficult than it should be.


New Member
Mar 5, 2010
Mine came with 1.0.1, and I upgrade to 1.1 before rooting, so I don't think it would be that... Did you follow the directions exactly through the order of signing into youtube them gmail, them the other stuff?

once you root you have to do those steps exactly to get the market to function.

If all else fails...there is a coherent rooting method on xda, called something like monster root.

In addition, you could downgrade to 1.0.1 and then root with the auto nooter 2.something. if I didn't get so distracted so easily, I would go this rot with mine because an3.0 is an unofficial way, and there might be some problems later that you'll need to work around.


New Member
Aug 4, 2010
Yes...and it didn't work. I think the fact that it came with 1.1 already on it is making this more difficult than it should be.
my buddy just did his (which came with 1.1.0) without any problems and I will be doing mine assumig my mSD card is waiting for me at home. did you follow the huskermania video on youtube?


is not associated in any way with GHoff
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Mine came with 1.0.1, and I upgrade to 1.1 before rooting, so I don't think it would be that... Did you follow the directions exactly through the order of signing into youtube them gmail, them the other stuff?

once you root you have to do those steps exactly to get the market to function.

If all else fails...there is a coherent rooting method on xda, called something like monster root.

In addition, you could downgrade to 1.0.1 and then root with the auto nooter 2.something. if I didn't get so distracted so easily, I would go this rot with mine because an3.0 is an unofficial way, and there might be some problems later that you'll need to work around.
Yes, I followed the instructions twice. Maybe the huskermania video will help.


is not associated in any way with GHoff
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
my buddy just did his (which came with 1.1.0) without any problems and I will be doing mine assumig my mSD card is waiting for me at home. did you follow the huskermania video on youtube?
I didn't watch the video, I just followed the instructions. I will watch the video. Maybe watching the video it will be painfully obvious what I did wrong.


is not associated in any way with GHoff
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
gmail does not....tried 5 or 6 apps...none download so I am assuming that none will


New Member
Aug 4, 2010
OK, it came in already had version 1.1 on it. I did the root process, but I can't seem to install anything through the Android market. Am I missing something? The apps just spin forever downloading.
Same thing is happening to me..


is not associated in any way with GHoff
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
good...i mean too bad...but let me know when you figure it out. haha


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SoSH Member
My gf tried out my Nook, liked it and decided to order one too.

Hers came with 1.0.1. She did the 1.1 upgrade and it rooted wit no problem, once she set up a gmail account and a Youtube account linked to that gmail account.

So far, the market works (she installed Zeam and Advanced Task Killer), and mail works. She hasn't tried Youtube yet.


SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
Ann Arbor
So I bought a NC last week during the $199 eBay promo. What I didn't realize was how steeply the iPad prices would plummet after the 2 announcement (mainly thanks to Apple completely liquidating their old 1 stock as low as $350 refurb). I managed to snag a used iPad1 on CL for $250 and am looking to ditch my (still wrapped, in fact it's actually double-wrapped around a piece of cardboard for shipping) NC. While it would be a nice toy, I just don't have the dough to play around with 2 tablets/ereaders. Sending it back seems stupid since I'll lose like $20 in return costs + it's kind of giving back that $50 since the promo is over.

So if anyone missed last week's deal, I can sell my NC for what I paid (~$215 after tax) + whatever the USPS Priority shipping/insurance comes to. I also picked up a 4 GB microSD card and Kingston card reader for ~$25 on Amazon if you want the whole "rooting kit" at cost (~$240 + ship). PM me if you are interested.

Otherwise I can probably spin everything for a small profit on eBay after fees, but figured this might be easier and help out someone here who missed the deal (looks like it's back to $250 on


Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jan 15, 2007
The Epicenter
So I bought a NC last week during the $199 eBay promo. What I didn't realize was how steeply the iPad prices would plummet after the 2 announcement (mainly thanks to Apple completely liquidating their old 1 stock as low as $350 refurb). I managed to snag a used iPad1 on CL for $250 and am looking to ditch my (still wrapped, in fact it's actually double-wrapped around a piece of cardboard for shipping) NC. While it would be a nice toy, I just don't have the dough to play around with 2 tablets/ereaders. Sending it back seems stupid since I'll lose like $20 in return costs + it's kind of giving back that $50 since the promo is over.

So if anyone missed last week's deal, I can sell my NC for what I paid (~$215 after tax) + whatever the USPS Priority shipping/insurance comes to. I also picked up a 4 GB microSD card and Kingston card reader for ~$25 on Amazon if you want the whole "rooting kit" at cost (~$240 + ship). PM me if you are interested.

Otherwise I can probably spin everything for a small profit on eBay after fees, but figured this might be easier and help out someone here who missed the deal (looks like it's back to $250 on
I bid $150.


New Member
Aug 4, 2010
good...i mean too bad...but let me know when you figure it out. haha
I put it down to finish some work up and picked it up about an hour later retried and everything started downloading immediately. No idea why or how but its working.. how do i get launcher pro to be the default home screen?


is not associated in any way with GHoff
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Really? Had you rebooted it yet (I assume yes). Was it connected to WIFI while it was sitting? What have you installed for Market apps?


New Member
Mar 5, 2010
how do i get launcher pro to be the default home screen?
Download an app called Home Switcher. You can set you default launcher with it. There are some issues with being able to change the dock icons with launcher pro... I am using Zeam instead (and I love launcher pro on my phone). But get them both and try them out.. With Home Switcher you can bounce back and forth.


indian sweet
SoSH Member
Oct 11, 2005
Astoria, NY
Got this using Shoot Me.
Wife got me NC for me birthday, fully expecting me to root it (which I did within first hour)... So she definitely understands me. Questions:

1) At some point, can you list all the apps you have installed? That clock/weather thing on your lockscreen is pretty.
2) I rooted from 1.0.1. Is there any appreciable benefit to 1.1? If so, should I go back to stock, upgrade, and then root; or should I do the hacked 1.1 update from XDA? If it's all the same, I'd prefer to go back to stock, upgrade, then root.
3) Is there a consensus ROM preference here, or should I stick with stock ROM?


EDIT: Also, I'm also having the Market issue where it only lists 11 results. Not sure why that is.


New Member
Aug 4, 2010
Really? Had you rebooted it yet (I assume yes). Was it connected to WIFI while it was sitting? What have you installed for Market apps?
I did reboot it and was still having problems and it was connected to wifi, I actually have two access points and tried both but had no success. I am not computer illiterate, far from it as I test it for a living but I literally put this down thinking I was going to have un-root it and either start over or give up and about an hour later I decided to try again and it immediately started working. So far I have installed launcher pro, angry birds, angry birds seasons, a battery widget, facebook and some other stuff. I have not had a repeat of the issue since. it is weird though.