RealFantasy - Any Interested New Owners?

Morgan's Magic Snowplow

SoSH Member
Jul 2, 2006
If people don't make the deadline for their drops/keepers I want to move on pretty quickly in redistributing those teams, especially if its somebody who we know isn't engaged.  We're still waiting on five people.  Three I know will get it done and/or am confident will want to stay in the league (Merlin, Myt, Dollar). But SPDougie hasn't been on the site for two months and ilol@u seems to only lurk on the site intermittently and hasn't posted for over a month.  I've sent those guys a couple PMs and my feeling is that if they don't make the deadline I don't want to wait around for them to see if they reappear.
So is there anybody out there interested in potentially taking over one of these teams if the owner's don't show by Friday?
Edit: Actually, can SSF or some other mod move this to the regular BBTL forum?  I think we'd get more eyeballs from potential new owners there.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Morgan's Magic Snowplow said:
Awesome. Glad to have you (likely) on board.
Chances seem decent that we'll need two new owners so anybody else out there should still feel free to jump in.
Which teams might be coming open?
Gonna start some scouting while I'm in limbo


SoSH Member
Jan 17, 2006
Rosters can be found here.
ilol@u - New York Giants (Finished last in their division)
SPDougie - San Deigo Chargers (Middle of the road team, missed playoffs)


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
If I get a choice on teams I would prefer the Giants to the Charges at this point


wild card bitches
SoSH Member
Jan 1, 2009
Carmine's closet
So Wibi gets the Giants?
Wibi if you need any help of have questions feel free to PM me. We also need 12 players on your roster you want to protect and 4 you want to release.


SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2011
I'm planning on having crazy college kid adventures this summer like working a shitty retail job and not getting laid so I would definitely be open to a co-owner since I probably won't always be able to devote my full attention to this thing. Applicants must be willing to go along with any and all forms of banter/sf121 antagonizing, but as with the real Jags no actual football knowledge is required.


SoSH Member
Nov 11, 2006
Leeds, ME
Looks like he changed his mind?  Don't know.  Going to make a new thread in the main forum rather than wait for this one to get moved.